Melt the Snow (Spin-Off of Our Twisted Love Story)

Your/Hye Ri's POV

I stared out the window as the small flakes began drifting from the sky and sticking to the ground, leaving the promise of lasting snow.

...It's snowing

My eyes glazed over as I lost myself to my inner thoughts, the past memories replaying over and over again in my head as if they were put on a loop.

...I skipped along observing the scenery around me blanketed in a layer of white due to the recent snowfall...

...I had already reached the pathway leading up to Sumi's house...

...I sped walk up to the door only to come to an abrupt halt, eyes widened in disbelief...

...The shades to the front window of her house was open...

...I saw Sumi...

...His back was to me, but I could recognize him anywhere. That build, that hair, that style, that everything screamed L...

I looked away, wanting to forget. I got up, moving to the couch to pass time, allowing the snow to build up before I could get rid of it all in one shot.

I bundled up in layers, reluctantly trudging outside, weapon in hand.

I hate snow.

I aggressively plunged my shovel into the snow, throwing what I shoveled over my shoulder into a pile. Sure, snow is beautiful when it's still pure, but it doesn't take long to become soiled. The white blanket is simply a golden covering over the filth that lies underneath it. It's a facade. A fake. The beauty can't last forever.

The same way perfection can't last forever.

...the scenery around me blanketed in a layer of white due to the recent snowfall...

...I saw Sumi...

...His back was to me, but I could recognize him anywhere. That build, that hair, that style, that everything screamed L...

My grip on the shovel tightened until it felt as if my hands were going numb.

Damn it. No matter how hard I try to forget...

Angry tears burned the corners of my eyes, the frustration building up inside me, fueling my raging emotions.

Stupid. Why couldn't you have done it sometime else? Why not in the hail, or maybe the blistering heat. Either one is more suitable for a heartbreak. At least then, the precious snow would be spared from my hatred. Then again, why would you even care? Hah. I guess I'm stupid as well to think that you'd be considerate enough to do even that.

Once again, I resumed my angry hacking at the snow, wanting to get the task done quickly so I'd be able to go back inside. I slammed the shovel down once again in front of me, barely grazing a pair of boots that appeared before me. My head snapped up to be caught in the gaze of a face I'd never seen before. His eyes stood out, a mesmerizing pair of orbs that lost only to his unique hair. He sported a normal tousled style, only it was a soft pink, resembling cotton candy. It was so tempting just to reach out and...

"Hey... that's a lot of snow for one person to shovel." He commented casually, hands tucked into the safety of his pockets. Immediately, I built my walls up. I was wary. I wasn't exactly in the position to be getting close to anyone again, especially not a boy who exuded an aura like the one that stood in front of me. How do I explain it... he seemed so... self confident. Like one of those boys who could easily get attention without working hard to receive it. The ones that exuded a certain charm through each and every subtle action. He was someone you couldn't help but notice and some part of him knew that, whether he'd admit it or not. I bet girls were practically falling at his feet, yet he probably wouldn't even bat an eye at most of them. Why? Who knows. He just seemed like one of those people.

Just like him. 

Which is why his presence is making me wary. Why did he approach me? What's his motive? I'm not stupid. I've learned from my mistakes. I'm not a girl that will stand for being tossed around as a play thing. If he's here to try to pull something stupid, well, he's got something else coming for him. I didn't speak, silently examining his every move, interpreting them.

"...So..." He trailed off, looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to speak. I made no move to do such a thing, so he slowly continued speaking. "Well I though you looked cold so I brought this out for you..." He pulled his hand out of his pocket, producing a small thermos. I said nothing, continuing my silent treatment, messaging to him with my eyes to leave me alone, yet he either didn't get the picture or simply ignored it. "Take it. It's hot chocolate..." He held out the thermos, and another lapse of silence ensued. "If you need someone to help you shovel, you can always ask me, you know. Ah. I'm your new neighbor by the way. I'm Byunghun. Lee Byunghun, or you can call me L.Joe if you want. Whichever you prefer. And I can call you...?" He stood there, hand still stretched to give me the thermos, waiting for me to introduce myself. I bit my lip, averting my gaze. I made the mistake of looking up, of getting lost in his piercing chocolate brown orbs.

"...Hye Ri." I exhaled my name quietly. "Lee Hye Ri."

"Well, Lee Hye Ri, it seems that we share the same surname. That's one thing we have in common. I hope we'll find more similarities we have next time. See ya." He lightly patted me on the head, pressing the thermos into my hand before walking away with a wave of his hand. I watched his retreating figure until he disappeared into the house across from my own.

I looked down at the thermos I held in my hand. Even through the layers of gloves I wore to protect myself from the cold, I could feel the heat radiating from it, warming my numb fingers.

What makes you think there will be a next time... Byunghun-sshi? Lee Byunghun-sshi?

Against my own will, the corners of my lips twitched, forming an involuntary smile.

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syerakimmy #1
Hi... Are you gonna continue this ? I'm a huge Hyeri-Ljoe shipper .. hahahha .. Please let us know if your gonna update or put a discontinue should you not :) :)
Chapter 1: And....what's going to happen? Please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Of course, you will meet him again ;)
-esque #6
SKJFKLSJDFKLSJDFKLSLDJK excited for this (so excited that i almost forgot how to spell 'excited') even though it's just a spin-off. >.<

....yeah. :3