
The Undomestic Nanny

Chapter 27

Mr. Shin scoffed. “Bang Yongguk?” he spat out as he shifted his attention over to the young man. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”


Yongguk ignored him and turned to Annie. “Are you okay?” Annie nodded. “Did he hurt you in any way?” he asked immediately, concerned for her well-being.


I'm fine, Bang,” she said softly. “He didn't hurt me.”


That's right, Bang, I didn't hurt her,” Mr. Shin said in a taunting tone. “So you can go on and mind your own business.”


Well, sir,” Yongguk said stepping forward towards the older guy. “I say it is my business when you're harassing a woman in an open hallway. That'll win you the Man of the Year award, don't you think?” He said with a mocking smirk.


My question is: Why are you so concerned about her anyways?” he pointed out glancing at Annie. “She's just a nanny. There's nothing special about her. Girls like her should be used up and thrown away like Kleenex.”


Of course, the insults towards Annie riled him up as he was about to charge towards the older guy but was stopped by a pleading Annie. “Bang...” Their eyes met. “Please don't.” Yongguk relaxed finally.


In turn, Mr. Shin's bodyguard stood as a barrier between them. The older man straightened up his expensive suit.


He just insulted you, Annie,” he said through gritted teeth. “That's unacceptable.”


It's okay,” she said trying to keep her shaking voice steady. “Don't worry about it.”


Annie...” he bellowed incredulously.


It's fine,” she said reassuringly.


Yeah, Bang,” Mr. Shin mockingly said. “Listen to the girl. She means well.”


Next time this happens, Annie, I won't let this go,” he glared at Mr. Shin fiercely.


Let's just go,” she finally said leading him to the elevator.


After much hesitation, Yongguk finally gave in with a nod then turned over to the smug older man. “This isn't over, Shin,” he finally said before following Annie.


He chuckled darkly. “Please, it's just getting started, Bang.” he said before walking off with his cohort in tow.


I always knew that man was a sick bastard,” Yongguk muttered once the elevator doors closed. When she stepped inside, her legs started to give out and she nearly tumbled over but Yongguk caught her in time. “Whoa...” his deep voice gave off a tone of concern. “Are you okay?”


She was still shaken up about what could have happened in the hallway with Mr. Shin if Yongguk hadn't arrived in time. “I'm okay,” she finally uttered, her voice unsteady. “I'm just a little shaken up. that's all.” Breathing heavily, she closed her eyes.


A little?” he repeated. “Sure, it's 'a little' since you're tripping and falling all over the place. You're not okay, Annie. Look at you, you're turning pale.”


I am?” she opened her eyes and started to feel dizzy.


Just take a deep breath, Annie,” he took her hand in his and squeezed it, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. He looked up at the floor location and turned back to her. “We're heading to my place. Don't worry, we're almost there.” he assured her. His deep voice unwavering. “I'm here for you.”


Annie nodded, her eyes still sealed shut. Then she felt a flood of relief when the elevator door opened. When she stepped out, her legs started to give out once again but Yongguk caught her in time. “You're okay,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. “Look at me, you're okay. You made it. We're on my floor now.” His lips gave off his signature gummy smile.


I'm fine,” she said regaining her composure, then returned with a smile of her own. “I'm okay.”


Good job,” he lightly chuckled, then with her hand in his, he led her down the hall to his penthouse. “My place is this way.” he pointed ahead.


Once inside, Annie found herself admiring the interior. The place was just as similar as Miranda's but it gave off more of a bachelor vibe with a lot of modern touches. There were a lot of sound equipment, which made sense since Yongguk was a music producer after all. No bachelor pad was complete without his flat screen TV and leather couches along with a game room with a pool table located at the center. She was sure there were other games too but couldn't remember at the top of her head. “This is your place?” she asked finally turning to him.


Yep,” he answered. “Home, sweet, home.”


Annie chuckled. “It's a nice place,” she complimented.


Thanks,” he said. “You could go sit down in the living room.”


Okay,” she nodded finally as he disappeared into the kitchen.


Annie soon made her way to the living room and settled down on the leather couch, glancing around the living area to get a feel of the atmosphere. She wondered if he lived alone but then decided not to ask him since it was probably none of her business anyways. She had no business trying to pry into his life since her job advised against it now that her friendship with Himchan was discovered. She made a mental note to check up on him later on. He left pretty abruptly and it worried her.


Here you go,” he said handing her a glass of water.


Thanks,” she accepted it with a smile. He then proceeded to settle beside her. She took a huge swig of water then set the glass down on the wooden coffee table. “About what happened back there... I wanna thank you for, you know, helping me out...”


Don't worry about it,” he said. “Good thing I came at the right time. Otherwise, I wouldn't know what I'd do if he'd taken advantage of you right then and there. But are you okay? You seemed a bit shaken up back there.”


I'm fine,” she assured him.


Did you get in trouble by Miranda?” he couldn't help but ask.


I did but not for the reason you think,” she answered cautiously.


What makes you say that?” he eyed her curiously.


Well for one, she didn't find out about me taking Danny to your studio,” she said taking another sip of her drink.


That's quite a relief,” he said slowly starting to smile.


I got in trouble for hanging out with Himchan,” she finally said. “I guess he was only supposed to stick around for Daniel's piano lesson then leave but when she found him with me, she kind of flipped out. I feel kind of bad since Himchan left so abruptly without a word. I should check up on him,” she took out her phone.


I think he'll be fine,” Yongguk stopped her. “He doesn't let anything affect him so I don't think you have a lot to worry about. He'll be fine.”


Annie eyed him suspiciously. “But I feel like this is all my fault. Bang, this is the least I can do,” she said.


You're gonna have to trust me on this, Annie,” he said confidently. “He'll be fine.”


After considering it, Annie decided to let this matter go, for now. “Okay, if you say so,” she said nodding slowly.


New text message from Himchan: Bang, what are you up to? I'm at a bar. Did you wanna come out tonight?


Yongguk: When?


Himchan: Like right now...


Yongguk: I can't... I'm a little busy right now.


Himchan: Oh okay, I see. Another time then.


Yongguk: Sorry, man. The next round's on me. I promise.


Himchan: Yeah, yeah whatever. See you later.


Setting his phone down beside his glass, Himchan leaned back against the leather seating on the booth and shut his eyes momentarily. He suddenly felt like a jerk for leaving Annie alone with an angry Miranda. It was a cowardly thing to do for leaving Annie to deal with the condescending remarks made by Daniel's mother and he regretted not stepping in. But then if he stepped in to defend Annie, who knows what would have happened? He'd have to kiss those donations to his music programs goodbye since Miranda is in charge of the donations for the department. And she was paying him extra just to teach her son the piano for his upcoming recital.


It's like she was trying to prevent him from befriending the nanny. Annie did nothing wrong, he didn't see why she would get in trouble for associating herself with him. It's not fair to her, he thought. Either way, he shouldn't be prohibited from staying friends with her whether anyone liked it or not. Still worrying about her after his abrupt departure, he made a mental note to check up on her later when his mind was cleared.


Just then, his phone chimed to alert him of an incoming text message: Are you willing to meet me? Same place, same time. Don't be late if you decide to come. Either way, I'll be waiting. He sighed then with one last swig of his drink, he left a few bills on the table then got up and headed out the door.

A/N: Hello again! I feel like this chapter was kind of dull. And for that I apologize!!! Sorry... :/

Anyways, I've been drained from working... As you all can see, I try to update as soon as I can but I've been working LONG shifts I tend to get really tired and won't get to working on the next update in time. I will, however, try to update soon again since I'm working shorter shifts these next few days. I start school next month so I'm trying to earn more money so I could pay for text books. Yes, like Annie, I'm a struggling 22 year old too... Sorry for the rant. Enjoy this update. I'll try to update again this week :D

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Chapter 7: "I wonder what happened-" of course you do asdfghjkl
On another note I'm back to read this again :')
bunnyxxx95 #2
Chapter 63: I just came to read this fic. And..... I dont know. I cant help myself.
I LOVE HIMCHAN SO MUCH BUT IN THIS FIC...... I dont know if I can continue. I cant see him this way. Noooo Omg my heart hurts.
sulminnie #3
Chapter 80: Omg!!! ends already...i love the whole story...please write another story...gomawo author-nim...☺
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 63: OH HELL NO. THIS BETTER NOT BE TRUE. OH LAWD. THIS BETTER JUST BE A TRICK OF THIS . i really wish its not himchans. If it really is, i wont be able to continue reading this without feel disgust and hatred towards him. Meh ><
sulminnie #5
Chapter 48: oh no, she totally likes yongguk..kinda thinking that himchan still had a chance..well, i love annie-yongguk cute... :)
sulminnie #6
Chapter 28: i can't believe it..himchan and miranda? oh come on, himchan... can't wait to read the other chapters.. interesting.. :))))
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 80: I love it so much!!!!

I cried when Danny and Annie parted from each other - their relationship is so special; I just broke down when Danny told Annie his birthday wish "I want you to be my mummy" I really felt so sad for him with his parents both screwing around (ya know what I mean? )

There was sure a lot of drama, and I like it (even though there was a bit too much drama ^^)

I really enjoyed the story... Great job authornim :D :D
sulminnie #8
Chapter 5: i love how you portray himchan's character...he really is gentleman..kekeke...i love himchan. so namja. :) i like the story so far. i'm gonna read this till the end. :)))
Chapter 28: I knew it! About Himchan! You indeed have been hinted at it and that's so good about this story. There is so much going on, but not in am over dramatic way, which is good. The Shin's are really something... I'll read further and let you know what I think about the story as a whole, but up until now I'm very much pleased :)
Chapter 80: it's been a long time, I read a story and this helped me a lot, because I laugh too much about daehyun and it help me go through my bad days, you deserved a thumbs up author. /big hugs!/