Are They Cute?

The Undomestic Nanny

Chapter 2


Snapping out of her daze, she cleared . “I'm Annie,” she finally finished her sentence extending her hand to him. “So you're the new guy?” She smirked in amusement. What a small world.


He nodded immediately like an obedient schoolboy. “J-junhong,” he stuttered as he shook her hand sheepishly. “But I would prefer it if you call me Zelo.”


Alright Zelo, get changed and meet out here ASAP,” she said firmly crossing her arms over her chest. Clapping her hands loudly which in turn startled him, “Come on. Chop, chop!” He nodded and immediately ran to the backroom as instructed.


Lucy turned to Annie and eyed her suspiciously. “Do you know the kid?” she asked inquisitively.


Of course not! I just met him,” Annie said averting her eyes from her best friend.


Really, because it seems like you already know him by the way you were looking at him just now,” Lucy said crossing her arms over her chest. “And I know you're lying, Annie. I've known you since we were 12, you tend to avert your eyes when you're lying.”


She finally caved. Leave it to Lucy, to see right through her. “Okay fine! He's the kid on the skateboard,” Annie finally said.


Lucy's eyes widened. “Really?” she uttered. “Well, take it easy on him. He looked like he was about to pee in his pants when you snapped at him just now. He's still a kid, Annie.”


I know that! I just find it kind of amusing to scare him a little,” she smiled mischievously.


Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head at her best friend. “Well, chill out,” she said. “I don't want him to screw up. If he blows it, it's gonna be our heads on the chopping block.” She warned Annie one last time before joining Jongup for his own training session.


Aye, aye captain!” Annie mock saluted her best friend. Zelo finally emerged from the backroom adjusting his uniform. She took note of how short the pants looked with his long legs. “We are gonna have to order you some longer pants, buddy! But that's not important right now. Anyways, are you ready for today?” She gave him a cheerful smile.


He smiled shyly and nodded. Annie frowned. “Look, Zelo, when you're working here, we need you to smile a lot more and speak up! Don't be shy!” she commanded. “Can you do that for me?” he only nodded like an obedient child. “Alright, here's what I need you to do. I need you to ring in orders and call them out to me. I'll be in charge of back-up so let me know if you need help. Okay, here's what you have to do...” She continued to instruct him of the rules and procedures.


Surprisingly, Zelo was a fast learner which made Annie's job easier than she expected. Usually she lost her patience when she worked with newbies which was why Lucy ended up training Jongup instead. “Okay then,” she finally said as they took a short break. “How do you like it so far?”


I think I got the hang of it,” he beamed proudly.


Yeah? It'll take some getting used to,” she nodded. “The other key thing to working here is to be aware of what needs to be done. Got that?” He nodded. “Okay, I'm gonna take a short break so let me know if you have any questions or you can ask Lucy. If not, then I expect you and Jongup to get some work done while we both take our breaks.”


As soon as she was gone and out of earshot along with Lucy, Zelo and Jongup were finally left alone. They both breathed a sigh of relief. “Annie's pretty scary,” Zelo remarked thus breaking the silence.


Tell me about it,” Jongup muttered as he was cleaning a mug. Both boys sneakily took a glance at the two girls as they settled in a booth by the window. “She must be exhausted,” he frowned glancing back at her. Annie was leaning back into a chair wearily with an arm over her forehead.


I think I'm partly to blame,” Zelo frowned looking down at the ground.


Why? What makes you say that?” Jongup asked curiously. His eyes widened. “Wait, are you that 'kid on the skateboard' she was talking about?” Zelo nodded in response.


I feel you, sister,” Lucy said as she joined her settling on the adjacent chair beside her. “If you knew you were gonna be late, you could have tagged along with me, you know. I'm here for you.”


Annie removed her arm and glanced at her best friend. “I know. But you've already done enough for me. Thanks, Luce,” she said sighing.


It's nothing, really,” Lucy shrugged. “I just hate seeing you like this.”


Like what? I'm fine,” she gave her best friend a reassuring smile.


Seriously Annie?” she asked incredulously.


I came across a cute guy this morning,” Annie finally said avoiding the topic.


Shaking her head, Lucy knew Annie was being stubborn but decided to let it slide for now seeing that she was exhausted from running and injuring herself earlier. “Alright, tell me more,” Lucy leaned closer to her.


He was tall,” Annie beamed as she thought about him. “He had this deep and husky voice. It contrasted with his boyish face but he was still hot.”


Did you get his name? Number? Anything?” Lucy asked eagerly.


Annie looked down at her feet. “No,” she replied sheepishly.


What the hell's wrong with you?!” Lucy exclaimed loudly garnering the attention of the customers inside the cafe. Annie and Lucy looked around and chuckled nervously. “Sorry...”


Well, Lucy, seeing that I was running late this morning, flirting with a guy is the last thing on my mind,” she said through gritted teeth. “He saved me from getting killed,” she continued.


What happened? Are you okay?” Lucy asked suddenly becoming her usual concerned self.


I was about to cross the street when I was walking and he saved me from getting hit by an oncoming car,” Annie replied shrugging. “I'm fine, you know. I'd probably be dead if he wasn't there to save me.”


My poor best friend,” Lucy's lip quivered as she pulled Annie into a sudden hug. “Lord knows, I'd be a mess if you're gone.” She sniffled. Annie patted her back awkwardly.


Well, I'm fine now,” she assured her as she pulled away.


Wow, what did I miss? Something good?” a voice rang out interrupting the said moment. The girls turned to find their friend Daehyun standing nearby gaping at them in astonishment.


Of course, leave it to Daehyun to ruin the mood,” Lucy muttered as she wiped away her tears glaring at the handsome young man. “Alright, I'm getting back to work. See you in a bit, Annie.” She finally said then left the two friends alone.


Immediately, Annie stood up to hug Daehyun tightly. “Well hello to you too,” he chuckled as he returned the hug.


Pulling away from him slightly, Annie beamed. “Where the hell have you been? I've missed you, you idiot,” she said furrowing her eyebrows.


I'm sorry! I've just been busy at the studio with the other guys, and since they haven't eaten yet I just came by to pick up lunch for them,” he informed her. “And I decided to come and say hi to my two favorite girls. But it seems that only one of you is happy to see me,” he said sneering in Lucy's direction when she wasn't looking.


I was just telling her about my encounter with a guy today,” Annie told him.


Let me guess, is he cute?” he cocked an eyebrow.


Annie's eyes widened. “How'd you know?” she asked sarcastically.


Daehyun scoffed. “You don't think I know you too well by now? Please, Annie, we've been friends for as long as I can remember, you're as boy crazy as any crazy fangirl can get,” he with feigned arrogance which in turn earned a glare and a shove from Annie. “I'm sorry! Geez, one thing I don't miss is your feisty attitude. Anyways, what happened with the said cute guy this morning?”


OMG! It was the most magical moment ever! He saved me from getting killed,” Annie beamed as she thought of her rescuer.


In turn, Daehyun faked a gag and sneered at her. “You watch too many movies,” he remarked poking her forehead. She slapped his hand away.


This conversation is over,” Annie announced then left him standing alone in confusion to return to work. “Jongup, Zelo, please burn the hell out of his food. Thank you.”


Annie!” Daehyun whined.


During their brief intermission at the studio, Yongguk began skimming through the spiral hardcover notebook the girl had dropped from earlier. She had sloppy yet legible handwriting, he thought as he continued browsing hoping he could find some sort of information that could lead him to her. The journal had a bunch of notes and ideas along with highlights of the days. Nothing too intriguing aside from meaningful quotes. The girl had a lot to write about, he observed in astonishment. Soon, he read the bottom of the inside of the back cover: Annie's Journal: Keep Out. Touch it and Die! Yongguk found himself chuckling at the little threatening message she wrote.


What's up with you?” a voice asked entering the room which soon interrupting his thoughts.


He turned to see his best friend Himchan settling beside him. “Nothing,” Yongguk replied immediately hiding the journal.


Yongguk, it's me,” Himchan cocked an eyebrow. “Something's been bothering you this whole time, you may as well just spill it since I'm already here.” His lips formed into a smirk as a thought came to mind. “Who is it? Is she cute?” It was already obvious.


What?!” Yongguk exclaimed suddenly feeling flustered at Himchan's interrogation. “It's really nothing!”


So it is someone! Is she cute?” Himchan asked with interest.


Is that the first thing that comes to your mind when it comes to girls?” he retorted back finally. He wasn't surprised by the question knowing how much of charmer Himchan is with the ladies.


Himchan shrugged. “I couldn't have asked a more legit question. So was she cute or not?”


Before he could answer, Daehyun suddenly entered followed by Youngjae. “Food's here!” he announced which gave Yongguk the opportunity to actually avoid Himchan's interrogation.


Sensing the tension in the room, Youngjae eyed the two older guys suspiciously. “I sense something's up.”


Daehyun looked at his best friend in confusion. “What are you talking about?” he asked turning to Yongguk and Himchan.


Oh nothing much,” Himchan mused giving Yongguk a mocking smile. “But I think Yongguk here has finally met someone.”


Daehyun's eyes widened. “No way, is she cute?” he asked as soon as he took a seat next to him.


Yongguk groaned. “Are we seriously having this discussion right now? Can't a man eat his lunch in peace?!” he exclaimed. The other three soon found themselves snickering soon after knowing that Yongguk would have to fess up about it sooner or later.

A/N: Sorry for the slow development as this story progresses, the idea is still very fresh in my head lol >.< As you guys should know, my writing style requires me to write very long chapters. I hope you enjoy! ^^

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Chapter 7: "I wonder what happened-" of course you do asdfghjkl
On another note I'm back to read this again :')
bunnyxxx95 #2
Chapter 63: I just came to read this fic. And..... I dont know. I cant help myself.
I LOVE HIMCHAN SO MUCH BUT IN THIS FIC...... I dont know if I can continue. I cant see him this way. Noooo Omg my heart hurts.
sulminnie #3
Chapter 80: Omg!!! ends already...i love the whole story...please write another story...gomawo author-nim...☺
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 63: OH HELL NO. THIS BETTER NOT BE TRUE. OH LAWD. THIS BETTER JUST BE A TRICK OF THIS . i really wish its not himchans. If it really is, i wont be able to continue reading this without feel disgust and hatred towards him. Meh ><
sulminnie #5
Chapter 48: oh no, she totally likes yongguk..kinda thinking that himchan still had a chance..well, i love annie-yongguk cute... :)
sulminnie #6
Chapter 28: i can't believe it..himchan and miranda? oh come on, himchan... can't wait to read the other chapters.. interesting.. :))))
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 80: I love it so much!!!!

I cried when Danny and Annie parted from each other - their relationship is so special; I just broke down when Danny told Annie his birthday wish "I want you to be my mummy" I really felt so sad for him with his parents both screwing around (ya know what I mean? )

There was sure a lot of drama, and I like it (even though there was a bit too much drama ^^)

I really enjoyed the story... Great job authornim :D :D
sulminnie #8
Chapter 5: i love how you portray himchan's character...he really is gentleman..kekeke...i love himchan. so namja. :) i like the story so far. i'm gonna read this till the end. :)))
Chapter 28: I knew it! About Himchan! You indeed have been hinted at it and that's so good about this story. There is so much going on, but not in am over dramatic way, which is good. The Shin's are really something... I'll read further and let you know what I think about the story as a whole, but up until now I'm very much pleased :)
Chapter 80: it's been a long time, I read a story and this helped me a lot, because I laugh too much about daehyun and it help me go through my bad days, you deserved a thumbs up author. /big hugs!/