
Fortune Cookie

[Chae Rin’s POV]


“Ouch!” I whimpered when someone bumped me.  I wasn’t looking where I was walking because I was talking to Minji, and she’s behind me.


The guy that I bumped into whined as well because of our impact.


“I’m sorry!  I wasn’t looking!”


“Omo, mianhe!  I wasn’t looking!”


We apologized and bowed at the same time… and we bumped our heads.


“Aaaaaaw~” I moaned while massaging my hurt forehead.


The guy is also massaging his head.


“Unnie!  Are you okay?  Does it hurt a lot?”  Minji attended to me and touched my forehead.  I jerked a bit when I felt pain.


“Maknae, are you alright?”  I heard another guy with a spiky hair asking the guy that I bumped into and he patted his shoulders.


“Yeah, I’m fine,” we answered.


He then turned to me.  He looked at me, straight into my eyes.  He keeps on staring at me, as if memorizing my face. And I felt a little awkward.  I averted my gaze.


“Eherm…” the girls and his friends cleared their throats.


The guy blinked twice and scratched his nape before saying, “Uhm, miss, are you alright?  I’m really sorry for causing you trouble. I wasn’t looking where I was going…” with a boyish smile in his face.


Wow he’s cute – I mean… *sigh* I got nothing.  He’s cute. CUTE I TELL YOU! CUUUTE~!!!


OMO!  What is this feeling? My heart is fluttering.  I’m feeling Colbie Caliat’s lyrics, it starts from my toes and it makes me crinkle my nose.  I haven’t felt this before.  It’s all new to me.  Is this what they call the “giddy” feeling?  I always hear that word when Bom-unnie is spazzing about cute boys in the campus.


I felt my cheeks blush upon this realization.  I bowed again to hide my flushed cheeks.  Even though it’s already 8 PM, the lights from the street lamps and stores aren’t helping me to cover up.


“Aaah…  Yeah, I’m good.  I wasn’t looking either, so I am at fault, too.  Mianhe,” I answered.


“Chae Rin-ah, let’s go,” Dara-unnie tugged my hand.


“Yeah, so… we’ll be going now.  Sorry again and take care, bye,” I bowed once more, waved at him with a smile and walked out.





[Seungri’s POV]


“Yeah, so… we’ll be going now.  Sorry again and take care, bye,” she bowed and waved at me with a smile on her face and she walked out with her friends.  They entered the Chinese restaurant where we ate earlier.


“Bye,” I whispered.


“Yah,” Ji Yong-hyung draped his arm over my shoulders and led me to walk with him.   The others followed us.


“You are totally staring at that girl’s face, huh?” he teased.


“No, I wasn’t,” I denied.


“Yes, you were,” Seung Hyun-hyung whispered at my ear.


“No, I wasn’t,” I repeated.


“You wouldn’t stop staring at her if we didn’t get your attention,” Daesung-hyung joined in teasing me.


“She’s cute, isn’t she?  Even her friends are cute,” Youngbae-hyung said with a grin.


I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets.


“Okay fine!  You got me.  I was staring at her.  Happy now?” I’m trying my best to suppress my smile.


She is the cutest girl I have ever seen.  Her brown hair compliments her white skin and her eyes are small.  But her smile, I think I died when I saw her smile.  She has a smile that can make a man stop at his tracks and look at her again.


My goal to hold back my smile failed because I am now smiling from ear to ear.


“Omo!” Ji Yong-hyung released me and looked at me while chuckling. “Why are you smiling all of a sudden?”


“None of your business, hyung,” I said, still smiling like an idiot.


“I bet she’s still on your mind,” Youngbae-hyung emphasized on the word.


“I think she is,” Daesung-hyung said.


I think I am, I thought.


“Don’t voice out your thoughts, maknae,” Seung Hyun-hyung whispered at my ear.


I looked at him with obvious shock.


“In case you didn’t notice, you just said, ‘I think I am’,” he answered while grinning.





[Chae Rin’s POV]


“How will I know if I’m feeling giddy?” I asked the girls suddenly while we were waiting for our orders.


“HOW WILL YOU KNOW?!” Bom-unnie yelled at me.


“Is it because of the cute guy that you bumped into?” Dara-unnie teased while wiggling her eyebrows up and down.


I immediately felt my cheeks burn.  I touched my cheeks and it was warm.


“Kyaaaaaaah~!!!  Chae Rin-ah, you’re blushing!!! Omo, so cute!!!” Dara-unnie said.


“What? I’m… blushing?”


“Chae Rin-ah, you want to know the symptoms of giddiness?” Bom-unnie asked me.


I can still feel that my cheeks are still flushed as I nodded at her.  She smiled at me.


“You feel your heart beats faster than normal.  You also feel this tingling sensation in your body, most of the time it comes from your toes then up to your head.  Sometimes, you scream, or rather, squeal, in your head.  Blushing is also a sign of giddiness,” she explained then poked my cheeks at her last sentence.




First, heart beats faster.  Check.


Second, tingling sensation. Check.


Third, squealing in my head.  I think I’ve experienced that earlier.


Fourth, blushing.  Check.


Oh gawd.  No.  That’s four out of four signs!  I’m… I…


“Aaaaaaaah~!!!” I squealed when I realized what this all means.




“Yah!  Why did you squeal all of a sudden?” Minji slapped my arm.


I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.  “Four out of four!”


“What are you talking about?  Stop shaking me!  I’m getting dizzy!!!”


“Unnie!  I’m… I… I felt those earlier… When he… When he stared at me…” I bowed.


“Kyaa--- Eherm…” me and Minji chuckled when our unnies’ giddy screams were cut because our food has arrived.


But when the waiter’s gone…


“Kyaaaaah~!!!” they continued while holding each other’s hands.


“This is so freakin’ cute!” Dara-unnie said.


“I know right!” Bom-unnie replied.


“Stop that, unnies. Aigoo~ you’re becoming the center of attraction in this restaurant,” Minji informed.


“Omo!  Mianhe.  Ke ke ke~ let’s eat now,” Bom-unnie said while preparing her chopsticks.


“Oh look!  They have fortune cookies here!” Minji said while picking up a fortune cookie from the plate.


“Let’s open our fortune cookies first!” Dara-unnie said excitedly.


We picked our fortune cookie.  On the count of three, we cracked it up.


“Eight, eighteen, eighty-eight,” Dara-unnie read what’s written in the paper. “Just a bunch of numbers for me.”


“Me, too,” Bom-unnie and Minji said.


But mine isn’t just a bunch of numbers.


“Get ready.  Destiny will play its game.  Right now,” Minji read my fortune.


“Destiny will play its game?” my unnies asked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“I… have no idea…” I said honestly, still staring at the paper.


“Let’s just eat, I’m getting hungry,” I invited them.


We started eating.  We chatted and laughed at each other’s stories.  But I can’t help myself to think about my fortune.  I really don’t believe in them.  I’m not a fan of horoscopes and stars and whatever related to these things.  But this particular fortune is something.


Something I can’t explain.





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Soyana #1
Chapter 4: Hi authornim. I'm a new reader of your story and I love it so much will you update it again please?
kkh_8314 #2
dear author, dont you want to update this anymore?? :(
lovelyqueen #3
Chapter 4: More please
Chapter 3: ahahah why they always looks cute <3
ririn -ah u killed me kkkk~
ahh author nim great update :)
Chapter 2: Aah this fic is really nice
Chapter 2: whoa.. the FICs has a very promising story, khu khu khu khu.. n now i'm feeling giddy, khu khu khu khu.. can't wait for another update^^~