Chapter 19: The Real First Date

Look Me In The Eye

Jaejoong POV

"hmm...okay...why are we closing? it's only 3pm! Aren't we supposed to close at 6 like usual?" Jessica asked when Yunho turned the 'CLOSE' sign on the door while I started to arrange the chairs. "Hello? say something? earth to Jaejoong! earth to Yunho!" she called us.

I looked at her. "huh? you didn't know that we are going to close early today? didn't the boss informed us yesterday?"

She folded her arms while looking confused. "No..he didn't say anything. He didn't do any short meeting yesterday, right?"

"No, actually he did. Maybe you went to the toilet or something." Yunho said while helping me arranging the chairs and wiping the tables.

She became agitated. "MWOH?! how can he do that to me?? I am the ONLY waitress here!" she stormed towards a nearby chair and sat on it. "I am not talking to him until he apologized to me."

I snickered. "Do you think he cares? He's the owner of this place. He can look for better waitress than you out there."

She turned her head towards my direction and stuck out her tongue. "shut up! you better stop talking or I'll end up not talking to you as well."

"oooh..feisty. Is it the time of the month?" Yunho said sarcastically.

She rose up from her chair and chased Yunho all over the place. "YOU SAID WHAT?? YAAAH!! COME HERE YOU!" 

But of course, Yunho was faster than her. "I am sorry! I didn't mean it!"

I laughed looking at them. It's actually a good thing that Jessica had started to open up to other people besides me. She was no longer shy in front of Yunho. I guess when she felt comfortable with that person, she won't feel scared anymore. 

Suddenly, the boss walked out of his room. "okay, boys and girl! I am off! just do your thing!" 

"Boss, Jessica is mad at you for not telling her about the meeting that we had yesterday." Yunho said it to the boss.

He smiled. "I guess it was TOP SECRET! goodbye people!" he said before he went out through the front door.

Jessica tilted her head to the side. "huh? wae TOP SECRET?" she ran to my side and started to pull my sleeve. "oppa! wae is it top secret? tell me! please!"

I shook my head. "I don't know why."

"oppa?" she asked Yunho.

Yunho smiled. "yah! I am off too! be nice to each other." Yunho took his bag and walked out of the restaurant.

Jessica grunted in frustration. "everyone is making me confused! I hate it when I am lost!"

Suddenly, the lights went off. "oppa! where are you! why is it dark all of the sudden? oppa?" 

I had planned this long time ago. 

I went out from the locker room with a cake in my hands and lighted with candles. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Jung Jessica, happy birthday to you!!!"  

With only the light from the candles, I could see her shock and happy face. She was shocked at first but gradually, her lips curl to a smile.

"! how did you know my birthday?? I never told you before!" she said as the cake was in front of her face.

"I'll tell you after this. Blow the candles first and make a a wish." I said

But something was holding her back. She had her hands on her chest and tears could be seen swelling in her eyes. 

"wae? don't cry, baby. It's your happy day." I said as I stood beside her with one hand hoding the cake while the other one caressing her arm.

She wiped her tears and looked at me. "No, I am sorry. It's just that.....I never celebrated birthday before. It's totally new for me." She said while tears kept on streaming down her face. "I am sorry Jae, I am just being too overwhelmed. I'll try to calm down." She tried but nothing could stop it from running down her pretty face. 

I held her hand. "It's okay, Jess. Take it slow."

"okay, here goes nothing!" she said as she took a time to think of a wish before blowing off the candles completely. 

"yay! see! you did it! happy birthday, Jess!' I said as I placed the cake on the table and hugged her. "Don't cry. I don't like to see my cute princess crying." I said as I wiped her tears away.

"Do you know what I wished for?" She asked.

"hmm? isn't it supposed to be a secret?" 

She shook her head. "No. I want you to know because you are the first person to celebrate my birthday!" She caressed my face. "Jae, my wish is very simple. I just want us to stay together forever even when there's something in our way. We will never be seperated from each other."

I sighed. "I am sure that will come true. You are so special to me now. Nothing can get in our way." I hugged her back.

"Jae, so, this was your plan with the boss? and how did you know my birthday?" she asked with annoyed expression.

I let go of her body. "Before that, let's get you seated and enjoy this party!" I pulled out a chair for her to sit like a gentleman. "Take a seat, my lady." 

She happily sat on it. "Thanks my hero."

I took out all the food which were prepared earlier from the kitchen and arranged it nicely on the table. When everything was arranged, I took a seat opposite of her. "bon apetit!" 

She smiled. "okay, care to explain all of these suprises?"

I took a sip from my lemonade. "okay, so yeah, we planned it with the boss. Yunho and I. I wanted to make it special. Just me celebrating your birthday. Yunho was kind of pissed at first because he wanted to join but then he agreed to it." I held her right hand on the table. "Jess, remember I told you that I wanted to take you on a proper first date? I decided to do it on your birthday. Sorry that it took me a week to take you out on a date."

She scrunched up her nose. "This is the real first date? in the restaurant that we work in? why would you make it here?"

I giggled. "Just as I expected. You would find it weird to do it here. It's just that this is one of the places that we first met. Of course the bridge is the first but this place is also considered memorable as we started to know each other as colleague."

"Oh my God. I feel so touched. I never thought that you are this kind of person. Sweet to the core! I am melting by just listening to your story." She held my hand tighter. "You are right. This place brought thousands of memories. I appreaciated every single thing that you do. Thanks Jae."


We talked for hours. We laughed and shared a lot of bitter and happy memories.


She brighten up my day with her laughter and thoughts.


"Jae, thanks so much for this sweet first date! I love it!" she said while I was closing the restaurant. It's already 7pm.

"okay! I am done! let's go!" I said as I held her hands and walked back together. 

She leaned her head on my shoulder while we were walking. 

"Jess, the first date is not over yet." I said.

She stopped her pace and looked at me. "huh? what are you talking about? aren't we going back right now?"

"Nope. we are going to that building." I pointed out to a familiar building.

She was shocked. "WHAT? SEOUL FM? why??"

"well, isn't that building is one of our first meeting places?" I asked. "when you were........what's the word? drunk?"

She glared at me. "yaaah!! paboya! stop reminding me of that moment!" she hit my chest again.

I laughed. "okay, come on! let's go there!" I dragged her body along with me when I walked towards the building.

"Jae, can we like do it somewhere else? I am kind of, embarrassed." she kept on pulling me sleeve. Trying to stop me from taking her to the place where she embarrassed herself in front of me.

"why? I don't find it embarrassing. It was cute and adorable." I said sarcastically.

She glared at me but I avoided her eyes. "Fine! Do what ever you want! I won't smile or even look at you while we're there."

I smiled. "Really? are you sure that you won't smile? you should take your words back or you'll regret later. Trust me. You will be smiling the whole time."

She still not looking at me. "We'll see about that."

So, we headed straight to the building with our hands clasped together. We took the lift to the floor of my office. Once the lift opened, she froze. "Oppa, are sure we can do this? I am not a staff here. I don't want to disturb other people here."

I looked around. "It's fine. No one's around. I am all alone tonight. Come on." I held out my hand.

Slowly, she stepped out of the lift and looked around. "Where is everyone? did you bribed them as well?"

"hmm...kind of." I laughed.

She hit my arm. "Bad oppa! people are working and you asked them to stop because of me."

"yah! isn't that sweet? It's not like they did it for free. I paid them."

She rolled her eyes. "Not sweet. Not going to smile."

"okay, stubborn huh? we'll see who's going to be smiling and laughing after this." I said.

I opened the door to the studio and the lights. "okay, so you sit over there." I asked her to sit on a chair which is special for the guest who came to the studio.

She looked at me in disbelief. "are you freaking serious? here? isn't it for the guest? am I a guest right now?"

I took a seat on my usual chair. "just sit for the love of god!"

She quickly sat on it while frowning.

She was so cute when she frowned like that.

I all the system and I started my shift. "Hello everyone and good evening to all of my fans out there! It's Jaejoong! The almighty Kim Jaejoong!" I added a clapping sound effect. "So, how was your day? was it dreadful? happy? sad? It's okay because I am here to cheer all of you up!"

I glanced at Jess and she was looking at me but looked sideways when I caught her looking at me. Still not smiling. Fine. Just wait for it.

"Tonight, I am going to do something different." I smiled at her. "To be honest, I am so happy today because it's someone's birthday."

She turned her head towards my direction and widened her eyes.

"I wanted to do something for her because she's mad at me for teasing her. Is it okay with you guys? If I sing for her? just tonight?" I glanced at her.

She looked speechless. I only smiled.

"So, the song that I am going to sing for her is, Heaven." I took out my guitar and started to adjust it.

She said something in low voice. " can sing? and even play guitar?"

I shushed her up and started to play the song.


Whatever you do don’t go there again
I’ll take your place and go for you
Whatever can you mean, don’t say that
I want you to answer “okay”

It’s good, heaven, but don’t go, heaven
It’s not there in your memory
Actually, I’m scared
That you don’t know me even when you’re looking at me

We will turn back our love
Ask for each other’s names with racing hearts
We need to have our first loves again
In heaven where there is no light

Remember, heaven, it’s frustrating, heaven
Even you grow fainter
Actually, I’m scared
That I can’t know you even when I’m looking at you

We will turn back our love
Ask for each other’s names with racing hearts
We need to have our first loves again
In heaven where there is no light

Even if something tries to split us
Even if the world tries to split us
Our love will split the darkness
When we find the memories that God gave us
In heaven where there is no light
Heaven that cannot be forgotten


As soon as I finished singing the song, I shifted my sight towards her.

and I think I have won. 

She was covering while tears streaming down her face. I could clearly see her eyes gleaming due to the tears which were swelling inside her beautiful eyes.

She quickly jumped on me and hugged me so tight. I hugged her back and kissed her lips.

"okay, you won.. this is just too sweet for me. I am going to be a diabetic patient if you don't stop." she said it in low tone. Making sure that listeners won't hear us.

"what else should I do? I am head over heels for you." I said it in low voice as well. "alright. let me finish my shift and we can continue our first date adventure after that."

So, her mood was back to normal. I taught her a few guitar tricks in the studio.

and we had fun while we were in the studio. Making new memories.


"OMG, oppa.. you can sing and even play the guitar! you never said anything about it!" she said gleefully.

I tried to refrain myself from blushing after she praised me non-stop. "yaa..stop praising me..I don't want to tell you because I only played it in the studio."

"wae? why not showing it off to the world that you can play as good as the experts? you were sooo good just now!"

I smiled. "really? thanks but I prefer to remain anonymous. Popularity is not my aim when I first started learning it. It was because....." I stopped. Knowing that if I continued my sentence, both of us will get hurt. I started playing it because of 'her'.

She tapped my arm. "It's okay oppa. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." she smiled. 

I was so happy that she understood me so well. That's why I love her so much.

"oppa! we are finally here! at our final place! the bridge!" she said as she ran towards the bridge. "omg! we have full moon tonight! what a special day!"

I walked slowly towards the bridge. The view was unbelievable. Indeed. The feeling was different as well. It was somewhat romantic.

she pulled me towards her side. "oppa! palli! why are you soo slow!" she gave me a side hug and tilted her head on my shoulder. "oppa, thanks for everything. Today was the best day of my life. I never thought that I could be a happy woman like today. Thanks..." a tear escaped her eyes.

I turned her body towards me and I wiped the tear on her face. "you are one emotional woman, you know that. I know that you had been through hell. So now, I want you to erase all of that painful memories." I cupped her face. " as long as you are with me, nothing will go wrong. Trust me." I kissed her forehead.

She smiled a bit. "okay, oppa. I'll try to control my tears even when it's not going to be that easy." she looked up to my face. "anything for you."

We hugged each other. Trying to make ourself better. Healing each other's wound.

"oppa, it's late. We better get going." she said as she gave a peck on my cheek and walk off.

But that didn't happened as I pulled her hand. "where are you going?"

She looked puzzled. "huh? home? it's late."

I held both of her hands. "home? our adventure is not even over yet."

Her eyes widened. "oppa, the bridge is our final place. There's no other place. I am positive!"

"Really? why are you so sure? I am hurt that you forgot about it." I tried to fake a chest pain.

She hit my hand lightly. "yah! where is it! I don't remember any other places."

I remained calm. "remember that 'drunk night'? where else did you go? or you don't remember?"

She stayed quite for a while before she realised it. "I remember! I have to go there? Is it okay with you?"

"so you remember! where is it?" I asked for conformation.

She blushed. ""

I laughed. "you are blushing! what makes you soo shy all of the sudden? are you thinking something dirty?"

She glared at me. "yah!! shut up! it's not like that!"

Before she finished her sentence, I carried her on my back like a piggyback ride. "come on! let's go to the final place!" I screamed as I ran towards my apartment. 

with Jessica on my back.

The end of our first date.


I AM SUPER SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATES. again, I am too busy with assignments nowadays. Trying to find free time. Thanks to all of my subscribers + non-subcribers for waiting patiently for my updates. Don't worry. I will finish it! stay tune for more updates!


p.s. to the non-subcribers, please do subscribe. I appreciate it. thank you :D


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tazkia16 #1
Chapter 29: Omg.. Updateee soon thor I want to know what will happen......
Darlovejae #2
Chapter 28: Why Jae was kissing other girl?
smurfette #3
Chapter 26: Mr.Right? Jaejoong has to prove it. Waiting to see him fighting to be mr. Right.
faridpraderago #4
Chapter 26: yes,jessi is right! Jae is the one
smurfette #5
Chapter 25: Jessica and jaejoong are the same kind of love. They're stupid in love. Jaejoong always believe in promise. How to find the guy waiting for his girl for 11 years? Jessica just follows her heart. She acts follow her love. Sometimes, it makes her to stupid, but she still chooses to do it. Jaesica is good lovers, but why did they still hurt because of love? I hope jaejoong'll be nice to jessica, although i'm still mad at him to choose gyuri when guyri comeback.
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 24: ulalala,,now it's for Jaesica time! Yess!
smurfette #7
Chapter 24: Finally, jaejoong knows the truth. He can move on now, but does he still deserve to get jessica's love? Poor daehan, little boy shouldn't be in this moment which his mom told the marriage us mistake. It'll be a big scar in his heart.
sherryperry #8
Chapter 23: Damn...! Gyuri she's really a ...what the hell she want with jeajoong if she was married n have a child...! Pls...jeajoong make up ur mind if u really love Jessica...! Thankyou author for this awesome stories n pls update soon....!
lollipopXcandy #9
Chapter 23: lol daehan...reminds me of the song triplets.
smurfette #10
Chapter 23: Wow! Gyuri lies? She has a boy. Why did she come back to jaejoong? Although his love problem may be solved soon, i wonder about his love to Jessica. Does he really love her? It's hard to believe and trust now. I don't know.