Can you remove those flowers



Baekhyun found himself stupidly walking around campus, a giant lump of nothing linked to his shoulder. He had already started sweating, as summer days were heavy against his blue blazer. “Shouldn’t we be wearing the damned summer uniforms?” He cried, trying his best not to drop the heavy weight.

Chanyeol was unresponsive, as if something inside of him stopped working. Baekhyun cursed at the fact that he hadn’t brought carry-nator. “Chanyeol, are you okay?” He tried to shake the boy senseless, but only felt defeat.

They reach the hallways, slowly trudging into the long expanse with heavy steps. Baekhyun tries his best to remember the small orientation he had this morning with one of the maids, on-the-spot telling him about everything he had to know about this school.

“Infirmary… Last door… on the… 5th floor?” He bit back his tongue, a bit regretful of not listening earlier. He only listened when he wanted to, and this new information didn’t seem important to linger in the several records of his brain.

He comes to stop when he is met with a sliding door, immediately pulling it open. He feels relief at the sight of the beds, and accidentally slams the sliding door shut. He panics, throwing Chanyeol unto one of the beds and back to the door, pulling at it in hope.

“What the hell?” He groans, remembering how he left his unlocking invention back at home. “Totally not my day.” He says with a sigh, silently walking up to Chanyeol.

The younger had his eyes shut, hair gracefully spiking down his forehead. Baekhyun stared at him for a few minutes, suddenly annoyed about what he had to go through just to get him here. “You owe me your life, you er.”

Baekhyun sits at the side of the table, fumbling with his Rubik’s cube. The Rubik’s cube wasn’t the normal 6-blocked one, but a total of 18 different blocks on all 6 sides. He started turning them into a motion, the sound lingering in the air.



Chanyeol wakes up half an hour later, blinking away the blindness. He focuses his attention to the ceiling, admiring the circular light that stuck unto the cream paint. He stared at it for minutes gazing at the cream color as his eyes burned with an image.

Slowly, the light formed into a face, with the cream paint falling as hair over it. He imagined the eyes, the nose, the skin, oh god the pale, beautiful skin.

He immediately brought his hand up to his mouth, biting his tongue as he realizes whom he was imagining. He rams his palm into his forehead, trying to clear his mind of the picture of Baekhyun’s face. “Why am I thinking of him?”

He groans, twisting to his side in annoyance. His eyes dart to the pair of legs that were splayed from the chair, slender and small in their own stature. His eyes travel from the boy’s legs to his torso, the shirt slightly lifted up, exposing the hem of his underwear.

Chanyeol swallowed, as hi eyes stopped to look at the owner of the body. Baekhyun’s head hung slightly to the side, his lips shining with its own natural gloss. Chanyeol immediately shot up, heat rising to his chest along with his rapid breath.

Baekhyun woke up seconds later, blinking at Chanyeol’s shaking figure. “Hey, are you alright?” Baekhyun immediately sprung to his side, hands trying to pry Chanyeol’s from his face. “Don’t cover your face like that, germs will spread on your physiognomy—“

Baekhyun stopped when he finally managed to remove Chanyeol’s hands. There was an awkward silence, as Chanyeol gazed at Baekhyun with what Baekhyun made out as, longing.

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun awkwardly laughed, as he’s never been stared at for a long period of time. Chanyeol’s face goes blank, his hand traveling up to Baekhyun’s face.



Chanyeol stares into Baekhyun’s eyes, clearing his throat when he starts hallucinating. Are those… ing flower petals around his head? Chanyeol tries to blink away the flowers, hoping they meant nothing. He then sits upright, jerking his hand back away before he does anything stupid.

“Are you okay?” Baekhyun awkwardly asks, his hand lifting upwards in order to defend himself from anything that could happen. Chanyeol just nods, dragging his legs to the side of the bed.

“Yeah I’m fine, let’s go.” He trips under his feet while trying to get to the door. He composes himself as he gets up, ignoring the stubborn fact that Baekhyun saw everything.

His hands travel to the sliding door, only to be stopped when the door refused to budge. “What the hell?” He curses, using all his power to pull the door away. Baekhyun just stands there, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. “We’re locked in. Don’t worry, I already tried opening it earlier. It’s stuck.”

Chanyeol takes deep breaths, trying to figure out a way to get away from Baekhyun. He didn’t like being around the boy, since ever since he sprayed that bottle…

Chanyeol immediately lifts his head up, searching his pockets for the bottle. It remained a lump in his pocket, making sigh heavily. He then looks to Baekhyun, who has a confused look smudged on his face.

“Do something about this, Mr. Inventor.” He hisses, walking over to the bed farthest away from Baekhyun. Baekhyun shrugs, fumbling through his pockets with whatever he could find. Chanyeol lies on the bed, his back facing the outside.

Baekhyun stood by the door, unknowing of what to do. “I could just break it down… But that would be ruining school property.” He placed a hand on his chin, tapping his feet to an invisible beat. “I don't have any gadgets with me, I left my bag with Sehun…” he racked his brain for any more ideas.

“Sorry, I’ve got nothing.” Baekhyun says as he spins on his heel, facing Chanyeol in defeat. Chanyeol groans, hopping off the bed to walk towards the door. “I can just break down this er—“

“No! That’s illegal! Don’t do that.” Baekhyun said with a scowl, taking both of Chanyeol’s hands into his. Chanyeol freezes at the sudden contact, swallowing the dryness in his throat.

He looks down at Baekhyun and curses. The ing flowers are there again. He blinks a few times, trying to rid of the illusion, but to no avail. “Can you remove those flowers around your head.” He blurted out, making Baekhyun his head to the side in confusion.

“What flowers?” He asks, putting Chanyeol’s hands down. He looks around his head, trying to see what Chanyeol was seeing. “There aren’t any flo—“

Once Baekhyun turned his head back to face Chanyeol, he immediately felt a pair of lips crashing against his. His entire body tenses up, frozen in its state as Chanyeol leaned down to his height, taking in Baekhyun with a fling of a tongue.

Chanyeol takes Baekhyun by the shoulders, pushing him towards the wall with a loud bang. He smothers Baekhyun, his tongue demanding entrance as his hand slammed against the wall. Baekhyun remained frozen, clinging unto Chanyeol’s shirt out of fear.

Chanyeol’s hands travel up Baekhyun’s shirt, his hands reaching Baekhyun’s buds. Baekhyun jerks his head back in surprise as Chanyeol modestly twiddles them with his fingers.

Baekhyun’s moan brings Chanyeol back to reality, breaking away from the kiss to back away from the trembling boy. “I-I…” he bites his tongue, running towards the door to slam a leg into it. The door immediately falls to the ground, causing the younger to sprint into the hallway.

Baekhyun falls to his knees, helplessly gasping for air. He stares down at his body, his polo slightly opened from the intense pulling. He feels a painful feeling in his crotch, and immediately slams his head into his knees.

“ing Bastard.” 

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Chapter 19: where's the rest are u trying to kill me I need to know what tf happened
Just discovered this!!! I'm only on the second chapter and I'm so in love lol
Chapter 19: Damn boi
I don't like how soo's acting in this haha
This is really good! I hope you'll continue this story...
Chapter 19: no way! not kyungsoo! asdfghjkl xD
AdriannaAS #5
Chapter 19: Asdfghjklteuwoqoxbbjkl... I need to know what happens next xD
Chapter 18: wtf kyungsoo wtf??!!!!!!! YAAA!! you better update the next one fast!!! Im burning up here
sapphire0taku #7
Chapter 18: \\like wtf kyungsoo!!!\\aaaaiiiiiiisssssssshhhh\\---_________________---
Chapter 18: noooo kyung you have jongin ! (Oh where is he?)
Chapter 18: :----) the is this. KYUNGSOO NO.
corporalbaek #10
Chapter 18: Oh wtfff kyungsoo!?????? Weeeeh? (I love this story!!!! Update soooooon!!!!!)