The Voice Box



Chanyeol heaved a heavy sigh when he finally planted himself unto the familiar bed, letting himself drown in the sheets as the smaller boy followed. Baekhyun wriggled in the space beside Chanyeol, positioning himself deeper into the mattress.

“Aw , we’re finally home.” Baekhyun mumbles into the covers, the muffled sound of his voice audible enough for Chanyeol to hear. Chanyeol turns his body to face Baekhyun, who still had his up in the air and his face planted into the puffy sheets.

“So, what now?” Chanyeol asks breathily, making Baekhyun tense up. He quickly discards the sheets from his body, sitting upward with his legs in front of his chest. “What do you mean, ‘what now’”? Baekhyun repeats, eyes still glued unto Chanyeol.

Chanyeol scoffs, using his right hand to lift himself off the bed. “You know what I meant.” Chanyeol replies, his face only inches away from Baekhyun. Baekhyun slowly pulls back, averting his eyes so as to not look at Chanyeol directly.

“I don’t understand—“

“You ing do understand, Baek! We ed, and I’m in love with you, and—“

“AHHH!!!” Chanyeol didn’t understand but a high-pitched, feminine voice spurted out of Baekhyun’s mouth, causing him to flip off to the other side of the bed. He lifts his head to see Baekhyun smiling, back into the original position he was in. “What the was that?”

“I just wanted to test out the voice box.” The feminine voice flowed out of Baekhyun’s mouth, making Chanyeol’s eye twitch. “What? Where’s Baekhyun—“

“Baekhyun’s right here.” Baekhyun replies, twisting a knob on a remote he had conjured from his pocket. “Your brother is here too.” He says with another turn, making his voice shift to a puberty-infected, high-pitched voice. Chanyeol’s eye twitches again, watching as Baekhyun made away with the remote.

“I also have my friends. Kris is here too! And so is your dad. I thought it’d help when we have —or if we have again if that doesn’t bother you. I think hearing Kris’ voice will turn you on. Kris’ voice turns me on, it’s really sensual and deep—“

Chanyeol lunged for the remote, taking it from Baekhyun’s unknowing hands. He lifts it up in the air, making sure Baekhyun cant reach it.

“Chanyeol—stop! You’ll break it!”

“I don’t care! Just don’t use it—how the do you work this thing?”

Chanyeol fiddled with the device, turning it into different directions until with one last turn, the whole thing short-circuited. With a small poof! the small contraption fell apart, making Baekhyun watch as his genius dropped to the ground in pieces.

“Really, Baek. If you’re going to keep making stuff like this, it’s—“

“—You broke it!”

Chanyeol flinches as he watched Baekhyun run to the other side, the high-pitched, feminine voice echoing through the room. Chanyeol hoped he heard wrong, but it went on.

“How am I going to fix this? Your dad gave me the best parts the world has to offer! You cant find a replacement for these parts, it’s not possible!” Baekhyun sputtered, the female voice slightly matching the movement of his as he arched down to take the pieces to his hands.

Chanyeol bit his lip, as even if the image of Baekhyun bouncing on his was the most glorious sight the world had to offer, he still couldn’t hide the fact that Baekhyun screaming with a female voice while bouncing on his would make him last for at least 30 seconds.

“Baek, your voice—“

“—What am I going to do? The board told me to pass in the invention by next week! I’m never going to find the parts and create a new one in time! Chanyeol, you !”

Baekhyun went on, and with every movement Baekhyun made, Chanyeol’s sweat dripped. Baekhyun stood up, arching his body one more time to grab the remaining parts before dumping them unto the bed. Chanyeol watched the scene unfold before him, the way the sweat trickled down Baekhyun’s neck.

“Ah, this isn’t going to work.” The female voice stated, making Chanyeol squirm. “Baek, I think you should stop talking—“

“—Shut up! You’re telling me to shut up! After you destroy my invention! Hah! You’re very funny.” Baekhyun shouts, his hands rummaging through the parts before realizing what Chanyeol was implying.

He brings his hand to his throat, making his eyes widen. “Oh my god.” He says, trying to hear himself. “Is this me?”

Chanyeol slightly nods, his eyes still glued to the smaller boy. Baekhyun finally turns his attention to Chanyeol, who was left to tangle himself in the sheets in the confusion of Baekhyun’s sudden voice change.

“What’s wrong?” He raises an eyebrow, eyeing Chanyeol. Chanyeol swallows, making Baekhyun quirk his lips.

“Oh, I see. You’re not completely on that side yet.” Baekhyun smirks, finally pushing off the parts to the ground, hopping unto the bed with a slight thump. He crawls towards Chanyeol, hovering above the helpless grown man’s body.

“Hm, we should really do something about this. I don’t want you turning back to that side. I still have tests to run, you are under my love potion after all.”

Chanyeol swallows as he basks in Baekhyun’s beauty, the sound of the rhythmic voice like angelic choirs with the slight rays of the sun bouncing off of Baekhyun’s back like a halo.

Chanyeol couldn’t restrain himself, quickly lifting his hands to bring Baekhyun down by the hips. When Chanyeol was only a few inches close, Baekhyun backed up and got out of the bed.

“Nope, not today. I have to fix this contraption. But I think I’m going to be keeping this voice for a little while. It’ll really help with the observance of if the love potion really does attract the man to anyone, and will falter upon the encounter of a female.”

Baekhyun perks his before moving out, making Chanyeol scowl.

“This week is going to be difficult.”





and so i updated! Sorry it took like... 2 months or something around that to update I got writer's block and I didn't know what to do haha! So yeah I'll probably update again tomorrow if I have the time xoxo 

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Chapter 19: where's the rest are u trying to kill me I need to know what tf happened
Just discovered this!!! I'm only on the second chapter and I'm so in love lol
Chapter 19: Damn boi
I don't like how soo's acting in this haha
This is really good! I hope you'll continue this story...
Chapter 19: no way! not kyungsoo! asdfghjkl xD
AdriannaAS #5
Chapter 19: Asdfghjklteuwoqoxbbjkl... I need to know what happens next xD
Chapter 18: wtf kyungsoo wtf??!!!!!!! YAAA!! you better update the next one fast!!! Im burning up here
sapphire0taku #7
Chapter 18: \\like wtf kyungsoo!!!\\aaaaiiiiiiisssssssshhhh\\---_________________---
Chapter 18: noooo kyung you have jongin ! (Oh where is he?)
Chapter 18: :----) the is this. KYUNGSOO NO.
corporalbaek #10
Chapter 18: Oh wtfff kyungsoo!?????? Weeeeh? (I love this story!!!! Update soooooon!!!!!)