


Chanyeol had an extra hard time coping with Baekhyun falling asleep on his shoulder. He would steal glances at his sleeping face, marveling at the rare sight. Yoo sat across of them, visibly fake puking whenever his brother stupidly smiled.

“Disgusting.” He spits, making Chanyeol turn his head towards the younger. He scowls, only to soften when Baekhyun squirms in his chair, hooking an arm around Chanyeol’s.

“He’s asleep, he doesn’t know he’s hooking arms with you. Don’t get your hopes up.” Yoo whistles, opening his laptop while furiously typing down stuff unto the keyboard.

Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun wouldn’t be this affectionate if he was awake, but decided to enjoy it anyway.


“Okay, Chanyeol, get to the hotel.” Yoo remarks after they exit the airport. Chanyeol’s face twists into an annoyed expression, slowly turning his head towards Yoo’s direction. “Can’t I come too—“

“—No, no dumb people allowed in smart people convention.” Yoo said in a mocking tone, making Chanyeol scowl even more.

Baekhyun watched as a lightning bolt flashed in between their eyes, glares transferring between their bodies. “Are you guys really brothers?” He laughs, making Chanyeol change is composure.

“Whatever, Chanyeol, just do what Yoo says. We’ll see you in 5 hours.” He says with a smile, taking Yoo by the hand towards the separate car. Chanyeol remains there, frozen as Baekhyun and Yoo started to distance.

“B-But… I wanted to go…” He grumbles as the car started to drive away. He sighs, walking towards the driveway.

“Huh? Where’s my car?” He gasps, looking at both sides of the road. “My bag… my bag was in that car! My wallet! My phone!”

He stands there in the empty driveway, jaw dropping as the sound of silence drowned out his breathing.

“Well, this is great.”


Baekhyun swallowed as the guards at the door opened the entrance for him, his newly polished leather shoes squeaking against the tiled floors. He was nervous, especially since the news of the night of introduction still hasn’t died down.

“It’s ok, I’m here. You can do this.” Yoo says in a whisper, making Baekhyun crack a smile. “What the hell, shouldn’t I be the one saying that? Who actually is the older one here?” He laughs, making Yoo loosen up a bit.

“Definitely not Chanyeol.” He says with a delicate smile, a smile Baekhyun had never seen before. They finally enter the main hall, all eyes plastered unto them. Baekhyun awkwardly takes a step forward, his fringe slightly covering his eyes.

Just delete their presence from the room, Baek. You’ve done that hundreds of times. He twitches when people started to move. He could tell the movements, the footsteps and the whispers, their names and faces imprinted into his mind.

, Yixing’s here. He bites his lip, hearing the nimble squeak of a footstep around 10 feet away. He continues walking, Yoo quickly following behind him. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

Baekhyun doesn’t reply, only stopping when he’s in quite a distance away from the familiar man. “I’m sorry, I just needed to get away.” He chuckles, taking the glass with blue liquid from the tray of one of the servers.

Yoo raises an eyebrow, ultimately stepping aside to walk over to familiar looking people.

Baekhyun stands there, alone with a glass of a blue drink he had no idea was. “This is pretty lame.” He says as he kicks at the ground, taking a sip of the drink. His brain fizzes, the urge to gulp down the entire drink overpowering him.

He searches for another, and spots another server, taking the similar looking liquid into his hands and downing it in a flash.

He hiccups, loosing his footing as a bunch of short, old inventors passed him, chins higher than the empire state building. He almost falls to the ground until a pair of arms lunges to catch him.

“Hey, are you okay?” The voice asks him, the liquid interfering with his deduction skills. His eyesight grows blurry, constant blinking to make out he boy’s face. “Oh—I’m fine.” He says with a goofy smile, laughing as the man tries to steady him.


He freezes, shaking his head so as to snap back to reality. “Yixing?” He says in defeat, face to face with the man he had tried his best to distance himself from. “Oh… Hi.”

Yixing smiles, wrapping an arm around Baekhyun’s shoulders. “Hey, what’s up? How much did you drink?” He chuckles as Baekhyun’s cheeks painted dark red. He shakes his head in defense, “I haven’t… drunken a lot.”

He hiccups, making Yixing laugh with every sound. “Yeah, right. You still can’t handle your alcohol, huh?”

“Y-yeah, I’m still bad at it.” He says with a weak smile, allowing Yixing to unconsciously take him deeper into the hotel’s corridors.

“Where… are you taking me?” He asks after moments of walking, Yixing never failing to drop his smile. “Oh, I just wanted to have a chat. I haven’t seen you in ages. And… we haven’t finished that talk we had before you left.”

Baekhyun swallows, his throat still dry as the inch closer to one of the hotel doors. Yixing opens it, letting Baekhyun stumble inside, ultimately falling unto the bed.

Yixing sits on one of the sofa chairs, watching Baekhyun closely. “So… What’d you want to say to me before?”

Baekhyun staggers, trying his best to compose coherent sentences. “I—“ He stops, remembering Chanyeol’s face in his mind. “I… uh, wanted to show you my new… invention before I left. Kris was shouting for me so I had leave right away, I… hope you understand.”

Yixing’s face twists from a smile to an unsatisfied expression. “Really? Is that what you wanted to tell me?” He says as he gets off the chair walking towards Baekhyun until he was completely in front of him on the bed.

“Yeah… That was it.” He mumbles, leaning backwards as Yixing leaned forwards. Yixing throws his left knee to Baekhyun’s side, his right palm pressing unto the bed. “Is that… really… what you wanted to tell me?”

Baekhyun takes a deep breath. “Yeah—“

Yixing bends forward, pinning Baekhyun down to the bed with one hand. “Baek, don’t lie to me.”

Baekhyun swallows, eyes wide as Yixing hovered above him. “I… That’s what I really wanted to say—“

They are interrupted when the sound of Baekhyun’s phone rings in his pocket, Yixing scowling before backing off. “Answer it.” He cusses, retreating back to the sofa chair to fiddle with his phone. Baekhyun takes a look at his phone screen, a bit undecided.

“Unknown number… I-It’s nothing.” He breathes out, causing Yixing to look back up at him. “Yixing, I was actually… going to tell you that I liked you—“

Yixing abruptly stands up, loosening his tie and throwing it unto the ground. He makes for Baekhyun, pinning him back down to the bed, eyes filled with lust. “Knew it.” He says with a smile, bending down to meet Baekhyun’s lips.

Baekhyun had longed for his touch ever since he was 15, and now that he had, he felt like he was in heaven. He wrestled tongues hungry hands fumbling with his shirt. “Yixing… Your shirt…”

Yixing groans, ripping the shirt off in a flash and throwing it unto the ground. Baekhyun gasps, the feel of his white icy skin piercing through Baekhyun’s hands. Yixing carries Baekhyun towards the middle of the bed, discarding Baekhyun’s shirt the same way he did to his.

“What did you want to tell me again?” Yixing says into Baekhyun’s neck, his breath hot against Baekhyun’s skin. Baekhyun moans, hands traveling up Yixing’s torso. “I said… I—love you.”

Yixing triumphantly smiles; marveling at what he thought was now his. “You finally said it.”

They drowned into the bed, Baekhyun slowly losing himself into the flood of Yixing’s touches and kisses. He discarded reality, the convention and the sound of his phone with the unanswered call.


Chanyeol sighs as the last attempt of his call didn’t make it. He politely returns the phone to the kind old woman who lent it to him, bowing in respect as he continued to walk through the road.

“Damn it, why isn’t he answering his phone?” He says with a shiver, regretting the choice of wearing just a sweater and skinny jeans. He feels his feet growing numb through his boots, annoyed at how he was easily discarded by his brother and his—

Chanyeol pauses, thinking in his mind. So… are me and Baekhyun… Lovers now? He slowly corks a smile, a goofy smile that he had never pulled in his entire life. Baekhyun, me, lovers. He’s mine, all mine… all mine.


Baekhyun wakes up the next day, the feeling of cotton sheets and cold temperature brushing against his skin. He opens his eyes and feels the warmth of a strong build wrapping his arms around him. He smiles, the feeling of safety making him want to sleep again.

Chanyeol smells so good. He smiles, nuzzling himself into the crook of other body’s neck. He opens his mouth, ready to say his name with a greeting, until another voice beat him to it.

“Good Morning, Baek.” He abruptly opens his eyes, only to be met face to face with Yixing. His jaw drops, squirming out of the man’s grip. He grabs the covers, wrapping it around his body in horror. “Oh—Oh my god.” He says in horror, shaking as he tries to absorb the situation.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Yixing says as he lifts himself up on the bed using his elbows. Baekhyun flinches, pain coursing in his lower half. “Oh my god, did we… did we do it?”

Yixing triumphantly smiles, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, you screamed so much, I was so —“

Baekhyun falls to the ground, his hands cupping his face in terror. “Oh my god, it wasn’t supposed to end up this way.” He says in disbelief, scrambling for his clothes. He ignores the pain, determined to find his stuff and get the hell out of here.

“What’s wrong? Why are you panicking? Was I bad? You moaned a lot—“

“Yixing, not now. This was a mistake, a big mistake.”

Yixing is taken back, genuinely hurt by shorter’s words. “What? What do you mean by mistake? You ing confessed to me last night! You should be on ing cloud nine right now!” He hissed, piercing through Baekhyun like blades.

“I… I was drunk.” He defends, slipping on his underwear and pants in a swift movement. “I didn’t mean anything I said. I read in Social Behavior and drinking that ‘a man says things he will regret whenever he’s drunk’, Yixing, I didn’t mean what I said—“

Yixing jumps off the bed, taking Baekhyun by the wrist. “What the hell are you saying right now?” He spits, making Baekhyun turn his head away. “I… I like someone else, not you.”

Yixing’s face falls into despair, dropping Baekhyun’s wrist. “What do you mean… You like someone else? Aren’t you… happy? That I finally reciprocated your feelings? Weren’t you ing in love with me?” He demands, annoyed at how Baekhyun refused to look at him.

“I… People change. I’m sorry.” He says as he passes Yixing, making his way for the door. 


Forgive me lol

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Chapter 19: where's the rest are u trying to kill me I need to know what tf happened
Just discovered this!!! I'm only on the second chapter and I'm so in love lol
Chapter 19: Damn boi
I don't like how soo's acting in this haha
This is really good! I hope you'll continue this story...
Chapter 19: no way! not kyungsoo! asdfghjkl xD
AdriannaAS #5
Chapter 19: Asdfghjklteuwoqoxbbjkl... I need to know what happens next xD
Chapter 18: wtf kyungsoo wtf??!!!!!!! YAAA!! you better update the next one fast!!! Im burning up here
sapphire0taku #7
Chapter 18: \\like wtf kyungsoo!!!\\aaaaiiiiiiisssssssshhhh\\---_________________---
Chapter 18: noooo kyung you have jongin ! (Oh where is he?)
Chapter 18: :----) the is this. KYUNGSOO NO.
corporalbaek #10
Chapter 18: Oh wtfff kyungsoo!?????? Weeeeh? (I love this story!!!! Update soooooon!!!!!)