count the seconds


~ Kim Sunggyu - 60 Seconds ~


“Let me alone!” I shouted angrily.

My parents looked at me shocked.

I never shouted at them before, but I couldn’t stand this much longer.

I swallowed hard, took my coat from the hall-stand and left our penthouse.

As I ran away, my parents not tried to keep me back or even that they shouted after me.

Angry and sad I kicked a stone out of the way.

They couldn’t mean it serious, right?! I always followed their instructions.

They enrolled me in a private girls school - although I wanted to go to a public school for acting.

They got me a private tutor – only because I written a average mark in a subject.

They uttered that I should try practice harder at my piano and guitar lessons – but these instruments aren’t even fun to play.

They also forbbiden me to hang out with my old friends from middle school anymore – they would be ill-mannerd.

I had never once contradicted.

I knew that my parents are worried about their only daughter, especially because we’re rich and later I’ll inherit the company of my family.

But… But I just couldn’t.

I’ll become 18 years in three months and they still treat me like a baby.

I sat down on a park bench, laid my head back and closed my eyes.

Today they have gone too far.

Before they had proclaimed me proud that I’m going to marry the son of a business partner.

I don’t know him, not even met him.

And the first time I’m going to see him will be before the altar.

I openend my eyes and tears already running down my cheeks.

I frantically wiped it away, but then it also began to rain.

“Fits great…“ I mumble, just simply sat there and let the rain enveloped me.

So somebody won’t see at the first view, that I’m howled.

“Maybe I can run away from it…” I said to myself.

I often thought about it in the past.

But never in a serious way, because I tried to understand my parents, but what was there to understand if parents want to force their daughter to marry a strange man?

“From the rain? Would be pointless you're already soaking wet.”

I frowned a bit.

A boy stands before me.

But I was only able to recognize it, because his black umbrella he had spanned over himself covered his face.

Nevertheless, I pulled myself together automatically and quickly wiped over my eyes and cheeks.

I still looked at him.

Slowly he lifted the umbrella and my heart began to beat faster.

He was really handsome and it seems like he was my age.

“That’s not the right time yet.” I told myself in my head and shook it lightly.

“No, I didn’t mean the rain.”

His eye brows lifted slightly and he laid his head oblique.

And then, without asking me, he sat down beside me close and held the umbrella in the middle of both of us.

The boys, that I knew (mainly only rich poodles) would be something like that never comes to mind.

“What do you mean then?” came the question from him and he looked at me penetrable.

Omo… His eyes… As you would look into a deep, dark lake…

“Hey, I asked you something, pabo.” the voice tore me out from my daydreams.

“My parents and home.” I answered hesitantly and ignored the fact, that he called me pabo.

My opponent looked at me thoughtfully “Waeyo?”

“Why do you want to know it actually?” I asked back.

“I like to spy over girls, which sits crying on a park bench and talking to themselves.” he replied and looked at me completely seriously.

Immediately, I moved away and hold up my hands a bit, though I felt the rain covered my back and shoulders again.

“You’re really a pabo. That wasn’t meant seriously. I’m just interested in you.” said the boy and his lips formed a short smile.

However it was enough for me that I felt how I blushed.

“Aish, now come here you’re going to be wet again.”

He took me on my wrist and pulled me to him easily.

“So… Tell me now.” came a postulation and again a look with this eyes.

To my great happiness came along to the redness, intense palpitations added.

Omona! Calm down, MinJi!

But should I really tell him everything?

I don’t know him at all and I’m sure I’ll never see him again in such a big city like Seoul.

Also I feel comfortable beside him, although I could do without these stupid palpitations. It’s absolutely annoying!

 “Arasso…” I began and started to tell him.

Meanwhile, the rain stopped, but the boy didn’t take down the umbrella.

I poured the whole no real attention, but somewhere very far back in my head I thought that he made ​​it so that no one else saw my tears.

Yes, I started to cry again in front of such a great boy.

But he didn’t let it bother and continue to listened attentively.

 “And… And today just a few minutes ago my parents proclaimed that I’m going to marry a son of a company partner. I never seen him and the first time is going to be before the altar.”

My voice broke and I swallowed heavily.

My mother would scold me, if she would see me like this.

 “How embarrassing and childish.” would accuse me her high and stern voice.

For the first time I looked in the boy’s face, since I started to telling him my story.

Between his eyebrows a crease was formed, as he now looked at me pensive.

I sobbed and wanted to wipe my tears away again from my cheeks, but his voice made me stop “Wait… What’s your name?”

“Lee MinJi.” was my upset answer.

I hadn’t really excepted this.

After all, I just told him all about my parents and my life and he asked me only for my name.

“Okay, MinJi…” he started.

My heart began to bounce like crazy again.

How beautiful my name sounded from his mouth, especially with this melodious voice.

He raised his hands and the remaining tears from my cheeks with his thumb.

The blush immediately shot into myface and I looked at him in surprise.

But he ignored it and said “Listen to me MinJi. Your life looks now in your eyes wrong and horrible, but it gets better. And you should be there to meet this guy. I’m sure that he’s nice, respects you and looks really good. Trust me, arasso? It will get better.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I just stared at him.

My opponent broke our eye contact and stood up, while he closed his umbrella.

It was immediately brighter.

The sun shone again, and the sky was cloudless.

I saw this as a sign that the boy was right. It will be always better.

I turned back to him.

He looked at me curiously.

With a slight smile on my lips I nodded: "Arasso, I trust you."

Something stirred briefly in the boy's face, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

So fast it showed up just as quickly it disappeared.

“Then please close your eyes and no matter what happened, only open them when you had count 60 seconds.”

Amazed I looked at him, but nodded.

The boy's mouth curved into a wide smile.

I couldn’t help but smile back.

Omo! This smile was absolutely perfect and beautiful.

I had never seen someone smile like that.

“Start to count, pabo.”

I ignored the word ‚pabo‘ again and the minute began to run.

I heard him move, and a short time later how he put his hand on my cheek.

My eyes were closed but I cringed and my heart began to beat even harder.

What was he doing?

Did he want to me?

But I couldn’t focus long on my mind, because I felt his breath on my face and not a second later his lips on mine.

He really wasn’t like the whole rich poodles I knew.

I stiffened and was about to open my eyes, but I pressed them together and tried to calm me down.

But this kiss made me so upset and I forget how much I seconds I counted so far.

That's why I started counting again from zero…

Maybe it gives me more time with him.

Yah, MinJi stop to think about such things!

The boy pulled away from me and then whispered to my ear: "You'll be a beautiful bride. When you feel bad again, just remember my words and me. "

I heard him swallow and felt like he hesitated “… Goodbye, MinJi.”

Then I heard steps which went away.

My heart screamed that I should open my eyes and run after him.

But my brain didn’t allow it, so I sat there with my eyes closed until the number 60 rang in my head.

After that I opened my eyes.

“He’s really gone.” I murmured, my cheek and my lips.

Then I saw a black umbrella ajar on the park bench.

I took him smiling at me and went home.

"How much in a minute can happen..."



Hope you liked it and my grammar wasn't that bad :>

missyupina ♡

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huehuehue #1
Chapter 1: I hope her fiancee-to-be is him!!
cherLynmyung #2
Chapter 1: Ohh I hope that u will continue the story
Chapter 1: I like it!!!!!
Riaurika #4
Chapter 1: Ahhh I really liked it ;)!
changeit #5
Chapter 1: Wow klingt bis jetzt gut^_~
batonkun #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^