

“Hyuk… let’s break up.” The taller said coldly.

“Kyu… you’re joking right?” the smaller asked, tears already brimmed on his jewel eyes.

The taller just sighed. He hoped to end this without giving to much hurt to the smaller, but guessed he was wrong. The smaller already sobbing once he said the words.

“I don’t love you anymore, Hyuk. I was tired of you.” He scoffed at the sobbing one. “Really tired of this relationship.” His frowned more when the smaller now crying endlessly. He had to pulled him to more shady area, because people has started whispering.

“Why…” he asked between his sobs. “What did I do wrong, Kyuhyun?” He asked wiped away the tears from his eyes, though it was useless because his tears keep coming.

The taller wiped away his tears with his thumbs, caressing the other cheek so lovely. “I am sorry, Hyuk. You didn’t do wrong. It was me. It was me who had fallen to other.”

Hyukjae was confused of the other’s action. Why he still caressing him so lovely? Heck… he swore he can feel that Kyuhyun was still in love with him.

Kyuhyun kissed Hyukjae’s forehead for the last time. “I am sorry, Hyuk. I am sorry for being such a jerk for you. But we have to end this relationship. I don’t want to hurt you more.” He said and took his leave, leaving the smaller all alone, crying at the bench because the one that had his heart had finally slipped away from him. The one that he called as lover, has pushed him away because of third person.

“I wish you happiness, Kyu. Be happy with him, because I can’t make you happy.”

He whispered to air, letting his face being hit by the cold wind. Hyukjae know he couldn’t move on. Hell no he could. But still, he wished for Kyuhyun’s happiness. Because if he was happy, then he would be happy too.


“You’re so stupid, Hyukjae.” Heechul scolded him. “How could you let him down you just like that?” He practically shouted at the smaller that was lying on his couch, still couldn’t move on even though it has been two weeks since their break up.

Hyukjae was devastated. He was hurt. He couldn’t move on as he wished. Kyuhyun’s present still lingered on every single thing he did. He kept asking himself, why he couldn’t be a good lover for Kyuhyun, till he had to look for Donghae. What was Donghae’s have that he didn’t that make Kyuhyun fall to him?

Hyukjae had spying on Donghae for a week. He wanted to know more about his rival. He wanted to know more about the one that stole Kyuhyun away from him. He was until he was caught red handed by his boyfriend. Nah… his ex – boyfriend. Kyuhyun had warned him to stay away from Donghae, pushing him till he falls flat on his .

It was Hyukjae the one was hurt, but why Donghae acted like Hyukjae had hurt him? And why Kyuhyun’s arms all around Donghae’s waist, ignoring that Hyukjae still sat on the floor. But when Donghae called Kyuhyun in such lovely tone, its strike Hyukjae.

Kyuhyun was no longer his.

Kyuhyun was Donghae’s.

And he is the one who become the unwanted third party right now.

Hyukjae was just about to give up on Kyuhyun; because he knew that he was no longer his, when he caught Kyuhyun stared at him with so much concern when Donghae pulled him away from the scene.

Hyukjae was sure that Kyuhyun still loved him, and he determined to snatch him from Donghae back.


Hyukjae gasped at the scene in front of him. Donghae was kissing with another man. No, the man wasn’t his man. This man is taller, manlier than his boy… – ex boyfriend. But whatever it is, Hyukjae knew that his man was lovelier than this man. His man was way better than Donghae’s man. And his man wasn’t deserved to be treated like this.

Hyukjae confronted Donghae, asking him if he was two timing Kyuhyun. Donghae scoffed at him, looking lazily at him. But Hyukjae’s eyes were glaring at Donghae, showing his so much disapproval of what he seen the fish just done.  If only look could kill, he was sure there will be a stone engraving ‘R.I.P Lee Donghae” already at certain place.

“I’m bored with him. He’s no longer exciting like before.” That was all Donghae’s answers. Hyukjae was surely been send to prison if not because of Donghae’s new boyfriend; Siwon stopped him from killing Donghae. Right after Donghae had said that, when he tried to walk away, Hyukjae pulled Donghae’s hand and his own other hand quickly went to his neck, ready to choke him to death.

Hyukjae was lucky though, because Siwon just warned him and not going to lodge a police report, even though Donghae had whined and sulking because of Siwon’s kindness.

“Go and look for him. He surely devastated right now.” That was all Siwon said, leaving him alone.

And Hyukjae determined to take Kyuhyun back, or make Kyuhyun take him back, or whatever it is. Because Hyukjae wanted Kyuhyun back to him. He nodded in determination.


Hyukjae frowned when he was welcomed by the messy look of his boy…ex-boyfriend. Wine bottles were scattered everywhere. And he could tell that Kyuhyun was a little bit drunk right now.

“Hyuk…” Kyuhyun smiled, but still he couldn’t hide his bloody eyes from Hyukjae’s eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“Hyukjae frowned deeper when he tips toes a little, just to found Kyuhyun’s kitchen full of snacks and empty dishes. Nobody was taking care of his boy…ex – boyfriend.

Kyuhyun quickly closed the door when he saw the frowned look on his boy…ex-boyfriend. He continued their conversations outside.

“How’s your doing?” Kyuhyun asked, rubbing his neck, didn’t know whether he was nervous, or was shy to be caught like this by Hyukjae.

“How are YOU doing?” Hyukjae asked, emphasizing more on the ‘YOU’ words.

Kyuhyun sighed. “I am okay.” He said lowered his head. “I am fine.”

Hyukjae frowned. “Kyuhyun, if you’re fine….”

Hyukjae sentences were cut because Kyuhyun’s index finger on his lips.

“Don’t say words, Hyuk.” He said. “I deserved this. I deserved this after I broke your heart, throwing away your loves for third person. So, please… don’t say anything about this.” He begged. Hyukjae could traced the sadness and regret from Kyuhyun’s voice.

Hyukjae tried to reach for Kyuhyun’s hand, assuring him that he was there for him, when Kyuhyun slightly pushed him away by his shoulder.

“Go, Hyukjae. Do not concern over me anymore. Like I said, it was my payback for hurting you.” Kyuhyun said wearingly.  “You deserved someone better, and that someone better wasn’t me.” He said smiling a little, but Hyukjae could see that Kyuhyun was trying hard to suppress his tears.

“If you asked me, I do, Hyuk. I do regret breaking up with you. I thought that I could be happy with Donghae, which I forgot to see that you’re going to get hurt at the end. I sacrificed you, for foolishly being with Donghae. But at the end, I’m the only one to treat back my wound.” He chuckled bitterly.

“I thought you’re going to be happy.” Hyukjae said slowly.

“I thought the same too.” Kyuhyun chuckled. “But sadly, it wasn’t. It was karma for me, because I hurt you, the one that couldn’t even hurt a fly.” He said and looking at Hyukjae’s eyes. “It’s okay, Hyuk. Don’t feel bad. It was my fault even from the start. I will be fine.”

“Take me back, Kyuhyun. Take me back as your lover, and everything will be okay back.” Hyukjae said, asking with big hope.

Kyuhyun chuckled at Hyukjae’s kindness. “I wish I could, Hyuk.” He said, caressing the latter’s face lovely. Oh how much he missed his Hyukjae. “But I shouldn’t, Hyuk. It wasn’t fair for you.” He said sighing. “You had gone three weeks in so much difficulty; I couldn’t selfishly take you back. Not after what I had done with you.”


“Hankyung and Heechul came. Heechul was shouting and cursing me, while Hankyung left me bruised after he punched me on my face.” Hyukjae gasped at the revealness . He didn’t know of that.

“Don’t worry, I deserved that.” Kyuhyun smiled. “And I deserved what Donghae had done to me.” he said and ruffled Hyukjae’s hair. “Go back, Hyukjae. It’s getting late. And be careful.” Kyuhyun said and went inside his apartment. Hyukjae could hear something slumped after the door closed, and a small sobbing.

“You will be fine, Kyuhyun. You will get over this break up soon. It may take weeks, but it will over soon. Trust me, Kyu. I know better.” Hyukjae said, finally leaving Kyuhyun alone.

On the separated wall, Kyuhyun sat on the floor, cupping his mouth with his hands, trying to lower his cried noise. “I know, Hyuk.” He nodded. “I know I will get over Donghae soon, but I know I couldn’t get over you.”


“He took me because of the similarities.” Donghae said. “I resembled you.” He said sipping his drink. He and Hyukjae were in Yesung’s café, place where Hyukjae was working.

“He didn’t told me, but I know. We both loved dancing, our body was a bit smaller, doesn’t suit our age at all, and most importantly, we both loved him.” Donghae said turned to the view outside.

“He was nice, and everything. But there’s no spark between me and him. We were dull. He tried hard though. But I know he was still thinking of you all the times, even when we were together. Gah…. It’s really stressful to even remembered that.” he said, making Hyukjae tilted his head in confusion.

“He freak out when we was about to do it.” Hyukjae gasped. “He said he wasn’t ready, but I know it wasn’t because of that.” Donghae said looking back at Hyukjae. “He was craving for you, and he sort of feel guilty when he wanted to do it with someone else, rather than you. Trust me, I had to throw him out from the bedroom because he couldn’t stop muttering sorry.” Donghae smiled bitterly. “Sadly, that sorry wasn’t for me. It was for you.” He said and stood up, left the money on the table.

“Donghae…” Hyukjae called makes the latter looked at him. “Thanks. Thanks for saying the truth.” Hyukjae smiled at him.

“Whatever.” He mumbled in shyness, ready to leave when he stopped his track. “Next time, when you two have reconciled, spend times a bit with him. He just lonely.” He said clearing his throat and walked away.

“Yesung shi… “ Hyukjae said and went to the said one. “I’m sorry. But I think I have to quit.” He said. The latter just looked at him. “This… how am I going to say this.” He rubbed his hands, nervous. “I… because I had been too busy with your café, I forgot that I have boyfriend that really loved to be pampered. So, I wanted to spend my whole times with him, every day.” he said.

Yesung nodded in understand. “I thought you wouldn’t ask for it. I was waiting these whole times. I’m sorry though because what you both had been through.” Hyukjae shook his head, hugging the smaller one than him and mouthing him ‘thank you’.

Hyukjae need to clean all the mess on Kyuhyun’s house, cooking him good decent meal because he was more than sure that his boyfriend… yes boyfriend… haven’t have one after their break up. Well, according to Siwon, Donghae was terrible cooker, even though he cooked the food with all loves.

Kyuhyun shocked when he went back from work, damn he was tired, only to find his house finally look likes a house, and there’s delicious smell lingering inside from his kitchen. He found Hyukjae with apron, putting last effort on the meal.

Hyukjae smiled upon seeing Kyuhyun. He went to the latter, giving him a brief hug and a small peck on his lips, even though the taller was still stood stiffly, not moving even an inch due to shock. He removed Kyuhyun’s coat and ties, taking away Kyuhyun’s briefcase and put it nicely under the stand lamp. He then guided the still shocked to the table, placing the spoon on his right hand, and fork on his left hand.

“Dig in.” he said, watching Kyuhyun.

“Hyuk… I….”

“A’ah. Don’t say words. Just eat first.” Hyukjae said and scooped one for his own. “Its delicious.” He said and signaling Kyuhyun to eat.

Kyuhyun ate a spoon, and more because he had been missing Hyukjae’s cook all this while. Hell, he had missed Hyukjae all this while.

They were lying on the bed, with Hyukjae on Kyuhyun’s arms, secured.

“The week for grieving over Donghae was over. And now you should just look at me.” Hyukjae said, looking at Kyuhyun with his big eyes. “Only me.”

Kyuhyun nodded and tighten the hug. “Only you, Hyuk. Only you.”

Hyukjae chuckled in satisfaction. “You threw me away before, Kyu. So it wasn’t you who taking me back, but it was me taking you back. And I don’t want any other taking you away from me anymore.” He said nuzzled to his boyfriend’s neck.

“No, Hyuk. I will only love you. Only you. Thanks for taking me back, Hyuk. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Hyukjae said and move on top of Kyuhyun. “Now it’s time for me to claim my token of appreciation.” He said his lips.

Kyuhyun smirked. “Of course you deserved it.”




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emma13 #1
Chapter 1: Angel hyuk..kyu just so lucky. And they'r so very sweet being together after all. Sequel pleeaasseeee ^.^
Chapter 1: is it me or the reason why Kyu broke up with Hyuk is because Hyuk stopped pampering him? ... anyways.. reading the 1st lines of the story makes my heart ache.. good thing they ended up together. thank Hyukjae for not stopping going after kyu.. kkk thank you so much Author-nim for the wonderful story ^^
Chapter 1: Aaaahhhh...I love the ending!!!!
It's true that you will realize what you have/love when they're gone from you...this story is so perfect in showing that....never take the one you love for granted..at the end of the day they'll be the one that's always there for you...
Just because I love Kyu and Hyuk was an angel... that's real love Hyukkie!!
Chapter 1: Kyu is a jerk at first..
Then, he got play by Hae.
Yeaah, KyuHyuk always ending ti be togther. Hey, they deserves it!
Chapter 1: lovely....~~
Chapter 1: loved it... <3
heyitstheduff #8
Chapter 1: Love the story!! :D
Ji-Hana #9
Chapter 1: Ahhh!! :)) At first I was sad that you didn't update for rain but this story is worth it!
Chapter 1: oh thats it???why u love to leave us cliffhanging ppfff...
at first i thought i wanna kill cho kyu for breaking up with hyukkie but at the end he regret it..lucky hyukkie did not giving up on him...well donghae is not bad guy..so glad kkk..thank kyu for writing this..