
Valentines Surprise

Seohyun's POV:

I woke up to the sunlight bursting through the slight cracks in space between the curtains. I was warm and contented but just a little bit empty. My bed felt empty.

'I wish I woke up to Yoona' I thought to myself as I pushed the covers off my legs and stood up.

I stretched and let out a wide yawn before heading over to the bathroom to get a shower. I walked past my photo wall and casually checked the calendar. I wasn't expecting to have any plans that day, but I always checked the calendar every morning, just to make sure.

'Crap' I thought. It was Valentines Day, and I hadn't even remembered to get my girlfriend a present.

Just then I noticed a small pink post it note on the wall next to the calendar. "Morning Hyunnie :3" it read. 'Yoona?!' I thought in confusion. 'When did she leave this?' I thought for a moment and realised, she did have keys to my apartment so maybe she did it while I was out yesterday. I thought about my cute girlfriend for a moment before going into the bathroom and getting into the shower. I took off my pyjamas and opened the shower door gently before getting in and turning on the water. I grabbed the shampoo and began singing to myself, "neumo banjjak banjjak nuni busyeo, no no no no no." Spotting the shampoo, I grabbed and squirted some onto my hand. The warm water ran down my body and relaxed my muscles as I scrubbed the shampoo into my long hair gently. I opened my eyes and saw something tiny and pink in front of me on the other side of the shower. I stepped out from under the flowing water and dried my hands on the towel which was hanging over the top of the shower before pulling the pink thing off of the wall.

"Are you having a nice shower Seobaby? :)" it read.

'Yoona again?! She went into my shower!' I chuckled as I thought dearly about my Im Choding. I washed the shampoo out of my hair and got out of the shower. I didn't have anything to do today, but I always like to be clean and take a shower. The towel was soft on my skin as I dried myself and I laid on my bed in the sun for a minute to warm my body once again. I pulled some clothes on and left my bedroom, grabbing the post it notes as I left, and putting them in my pockets. 'At least I'll have a little part of Yoona with me today, even if I don't get to see her' I thought with a smile.

I got to the top of the stairs and looked down at my living room and kitchen.

Something was wrong.

There was something big and green on the sofa, something that wasn't usually there at all. I ran down the stairs and skipped down the last one, rushing to see what this green blob was. I stopped in my tracks and beamed as I picked up another pink post it note from on the sofa beside it. "Happy Valentines Day wifey, love from Yoona AND Keroro~" it read. I flopped onto the sofa next to the large Keroro plushie and squeezed my eyes tight with joy. 'Why was my seobang so cute?' I thought as I Keroro's head. "Want some breakfast?" I laughed as I asked the inanimate Keroro the question. I moved its head in a nod and got up to walk to the fridge.

Even from the sofa I could see another post it note, and so I ran to see what this one said.

"Hungry? Just look inside! ^.^" it read.

I held my breath excitedly and pulled open the fridge door. Inside, there was a plate with a silver bowl covering the top, just like they had in restaurants. There was another post it note which read "Hey cutie, your favourite!" I remembered my favourite food and wondered if Yoona had picked the right one. I didn't really mind if she didn't, whatever she made me I would be grateful of, but I was just interested to see how well she really knew me.

I don't know what I expected, but of course she knew me well because there on the platter was my favourite sweet potatoes, cooked to perfection. My tummy growled and my mouth was close to watering. "Thank you honey!" I shouted into my fridge as if Yoona would hear me. I took the plate out of the fridge, collected the post it notes and walked with them to the microwave.

Another pink note.

I was becoming more alert now, this probably wasn't a one time thing. This was Im Yoona, and there was probably a million of these things, strategically placed, for me to find. I read the note, "be careful not to burn yourself on the hot food baby. I'm not there to kiss it better! :c"

I blew a silly kiss into the air and rubbed my tummy to get rid of the butterflies. 'Ahhh! Yoona! Why do you do this to me?!' I thought with a smile stretching across my face. Once the food was cooked I followed my Seobang's instructions and made sure I didn't burn myself, but when I began to eat I once again appreciated my gorgeous girlfriend entirely. I sat down on the sofa next to Keroro and grabbed the tv remote. I clicked the power button. The tv wouldn't turn on. I tried again, but still nothing.

'What the?' I thought as I flipped the remote over to check the batteries. There weren't any, there was just a small post it note folded up. "Your batteries were about to die so I bought you some more, they're outside!" it read. 'Outside?' I thought with furrowing eyebrows. I looked through the window to check it wasn't raining; it wasn't. 'Well okay then' I thought as I got up to get to the door.

I opened it and stepped outside, shocked at what was before me. It wasn't batteries at all, it was a bouquet of roses in a pot of water. I squealed and saw the post it note before picking it up. "Hope you like them sweetie :3 now, go check the downstairs bathroom!"

I grabbed the roses and clutched them to my chest so that one of them was positioned right for me to smell it. "Mmmmmmmm" I said sensually as I shut the door and placed the flowers on the side. I was even more excited now as I ran to the bathroom. I pushed open the door. I gasped, for on top of the toilet lid there was a small box that read "pregnancy test". I saw the post it note too and read it: "take the test, and if it's positive, call me. If it's negative, don't worry, we'll try again soon baby."

I bit my lip.

'Should I?'

I slowly took the test out of the box and pulled down my jeans. I sat down on the toilet and did my business onto the test before closing my eyes and pulling it up to eye view. I didn't dare to open them.

'What if it's negative?' I worried as I bit my lip again.

I knew how much Yoona wanted kids, and I knew how much I wanted them too. She always said we'd make great parents. I opened one eye and shook the test before opening the other eye and laying my sight on the little symbol on the top.

"+" it read.

I screamed and grabbed my tummy. 'Finally! I'm gonna be a mom!' I thought with a tear forming in the corner of my eye. 'I need to call Yoona' I thought, trying to battle my excitement. I ran out of the bathroom, so hyped that I forgot to pull my jeans back up and tripped over onto the sofa. I exploded with laughter at my stupidity.

"Babo!" I sighed through my chuckles and grabbed my phone.

My hands were shaking as I searched for Yoona on my contact list. 'Gotcha' I thought as I clicked her name. 'It's ringing'.

I heard the ringing tone in one ear but I heard something extremely odd in the other. It was a ringtone. I squeezed my eyebrows together in confusion as I got up to follow the strange sound. I listened to where it was coming from and immediately discovered it was the utility closet.

'Did Yoona leave her phone in the utility closet?' I asked myself, puzzled. 'Why would she if she had planned on me calling her?' I thought as I got closer to the closet door. Another note!

"Open up" it read, and so I did.

There, down on the floor of my utility closet was Im Yoona's phone. I furrowed my eyebrows again. 'Why?' I asked myself. But there was another pink post it note. I ended the call on my phone and grabbed her phone to read the note: "turn around, Seohyun."

My heart beat at the speed of light as I my heel.

A pair of lips squished against mine and I recognised the familiar taste. 'Yoona' I thought as I looked up at my doe-eyed girlfriend. She squeezed me tightly in a hug and began to kiss me all over my face. "Happy Valentines Day, my beautiful wifey!" she said sweetly. I just grabbed her as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Why?" I asked through my tears.

"Why what?" she asked with a concerned tone as she swept away my tears with her soft hand.

"Why was I blessed with such a phenomenal and perfect girlfriend?" Yoona looked at me and pulled me closer with one hand behind my head.

"I love you Seohyun," she said sincerely.

"I love you too Yoona," I replied lovingly.

"Oh and Hyunnie?" she asked with a small smirk on her lips.

"What?" I asked her with a smile.

"You're going to make a great mom."

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Chapter 1: It's a cute one shot :)
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww:-*
doctorpea #3
Chapter 1: Aigoo~~ So cuuute :)) My YoonHyun feels :3
Chapter 1: This is so sweeetttt!