Sleeping on the bench:

Miniscenarios - You and Sandeul (random)

You ‘re at the studios at B1A4’s dance practice room. Sandeul surprisingly came here first and you are just visiting them, anticipating their new dancemoves. You enter the room and you see sandeul lying on a bench, on his stomach, his chin on the arm-thingies of it, his arms at the sides of his body. Ok. This is just. So. Silly. Omg.

You come closer and you see his eyes are closed and his mouth is open, his face completely relaxed. You kneel down in front of his face and you can’t but give him a light kiss, I mean wow his lips are like little rosebuds, ducky-rosebuds! You his cheeks and eyebrows and eyelids, hoping it wouldn’t wake him up… he makes a humming noise and opens up his eyes a bit and you quickly let go. “uhn, noooooo….” He suddenly whines and starts making his legs and arms flutter (what…) “Why do you stop? Continue…” You blush up and slowly and insecurely place your fingers onto his cheeks. He forms a duck face and closes his eyes “kissu. Kissu!”  What issue? Oh wait, he says kiss… OH MY GOD WHAT?? You aren’t quite sure how to react.. (just give him the kiss already, gosh) you kiss him. He smiles and responds lightly as he pulls out his arms and reaches over you, one hand at your neck, another at your face and lifts his body. Now that he has gotten up, he leans stronger into you, you feel your knees getting weak, sdfjkajsdh what’s with this intense kiss??

SNAP, BOOM, THE DOOR FLIES OPEN AND THE OTHER MEMBERS ARE COMING IN SEEING YOU EMBRACING EACH OTHER “wuooooohhhh!!! Look at that sandeul-ah, why are you already so busy in the morning! How indecent!” Jinyoung says and Sandeul releases you laughing. “ahh, you are just jealoush!” He pouts at jinyoung. He rubs your back with his one hand and then gives you a kiss on your cheek, which makes you laugh as well. Before he finally stands up he whispers into your ear “As if he knew how indecent I would like to be! Heh” Leaving you breathless he steps up to the others and as your eyes meet he laughs out loud because your face is turning tomato-red, you bury your face into your palms releasing a little “wwwwwaaahhh” as the music finally starts playing…


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