Stage 2

Forgotten Tale

Stage 2

Forgotten Tale


"Can you get up?" the princess gave her hand to a boy, it just a servant in the palace. 

"But..i'm just a servant.." he said.

"It's okay, come on. Get up, i know you're hurt.." she smiled.

"How do you know i'm hurt?" he asked.

"I looked at you from afar, you was repairing the candelier. You have to rest too..bye" she walked away.

Isodle walked through the hallway of the palace, she knew, a guard was guarding her because of her escaped two days ago.

My grandma always told me, there a path to go to the world of Forgotten Tale, Loha..the forsaken town was the connection to go to the Forgotten Tale. I don't believe that. Grandma said, It reacts to the Cryreal magical power, Loha was the town of Cryreal, the town where the fortune teller, Drereal lives.


Su Min was walking along the street. Opposite of the road she was walking, Luhan was walking at the road beside her.

"Hey! You!" Luhan called Su Min. *Ignored him..ignore him..* she thought. "Cold eyes!!! Look at me!!" Luhan shouted.

*Whatever..just ignore him, ignore him..* Su Min continued walking like she heard nothing. Then, a tennis ball fly to her, making her to stumble and fall and to be added with that, her forehead was hurt.

"It hurts! You idiot!" she shouted. Lucky that there was no neighbourhood or the people in the neighbourhood will chase them like chasing a street dog. And, she will thank Luhan for making her run like a crazy marathon runner.

"Whatever!" Luhan pursed his lips.

"Do you want to take a fight with me?!" Su Min asked with a fierce expression on her face, annoyed of course.

"Yes..if you want!" Luhan shouted.

"You really want to die fast, doesn't you?" she glared at him.

"Do you think of you make that kind of eyes i will scare at you? Hell no!!" Luhan stucked his tongue, smirking. "And making that kind of face make you look old and ugly like an old woman you know?!"

Su Min blush. Her face was red like tomato. "W...what?!", she looked at Luhan. "I...i don't..look like an old woman yet!!" she shouted.

Luhan laughed. "That kind of face is cute, when you're angry and look like a girl.." Luhan smiled. Su Min flinched.

"Do i look like a boy?! I'm a girl, that's what was writtem on my identity card!! Take a look!!" she showed her identity card to Luhan. Luhan smirked.

"Oh yes? I think you're a boy because of your attitude..or that is a fake identity card?" he asked.]

"What?!! You..." she ran to Luhan and pushed him to the bushes.

"Hey!!!" Luhan shouted when they fall.

" your faults you idiot!" Su Min said, trying to get up. Luhan pat his head. He turned his face and stand up, walking to Su Min.

"Who's faults? Isn't it you fault for pushing me in the bushes, thanks to you my head hurts like crazy!" Luhan said, angrily.

"Oh yeah? Isn't it you? For doing those stupid jokes and made me push you?" Su Min asked.

"I hope you don't live in this world!" Luhan said.

"I hope you too!!!" Su Min shouted.

Suddenly, the necklace rings that Luhan was wearing shine. The lights were red and black in colour. Making them to dissapear from the place.


"Who is that girl, Hence?" Sheath asked his most trusted men, Hence in the ball at the Kingdom of Ace. Sheath was ponting his finger to a girl that was walking alone without talking to the other princess, prince or nobles. She was alone.

"Hmm..seeing her..she doesn't have tiara on her head..sire, but the mark on the crave she wear, is the mark of Blackleave Kingdom...Blackleave Kingdom is our enemy, sire.." Hence told.

"She so pretty.." Sheath said. "Look at her ballgown.." he pointed at Isodle gown.


  _ph_lacie__by_moniavik-d5kmtub.jpg    ps: just imagine she wear this

"That suit her the most.." Sheath said. "Hmm..that ring," Sheath pointed his finger to the ring that Isodle wear. "It same with the ring i was wearing and that girl wear...are she..." Sheath ran to follow Isodle.

"Sire!" Hence shouted.


"What are that...dream?" Su Min pat her head. *It hurts*..she thought.

"Are you awake?" Luhan asked. Su Min was so surprised, she yelled.

"Shut up!" Luhan said. "So noisy.."

"Where are we?" Su Min asked, realized that she's not at the place before.

"I was wondering the same thing as you..where are we?" Luhan asked.

"So, if you don't know, why do you ask me, i don't know too!" Su Min snapped.

"Ah! Whatever!!" Luhan stand up.

"Hello..." a voice surprised Luhan and Su Min. "Welcome to the Forgotten Tale..." a boy was standing in front of Luhan and Su Min. He wore a black cloak.

"Who are you?" Luhan and Su Min asked simultaneously.

"I'm Key...the guardian of the gate.." he said.

"Guardian of the gate?" Luhan rustled his hair.

"What gate?" Su Min asked.

"The gate to the  world of Forgotten Tale, the name of the gate is Loha.." he told them.

"Forgotten Tale? Isn't that just a fairytale?" Su Min asked.

"'s not..nor a dream neither a's a reality..." he said.

"What?!" Luhan asked.

"It's reality, there's no turning back now. Because the two of you had opened the path of the gate itself...walk forward and you will eneter the world of Forgotten Tale. You will reach to the Kingdom of Fire first. So, good luck and you.." he pointed his finger at Luhan.

"Yes?" Luhan raised his eyebrows.

"Take one of your ring from the necklace, and give it to her. If she lost, you can found her using that ring..and if you want to take one of your ring to wear at your finger too it's okay. But, let that girl wear one of the may go..." he dissappeared and a door appeared in front of Luhan and Su Min.

Before they enter the door, Luhan gave Su Min his ring and made Su Min wear the ring.

"I can't take it off.." Su Min said. She gave up from removing the ring.

"Mee too. I can't remove this necklace..but why? At our world..i can remove it.." Luhan too. In pain after trying to removing the necklace after they enter the door.


This is the world of the Forgotten Tale, everything will start here once again...because that is the MALEDICTION..








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Chapter 2: where did you get these ideas from!!? so cool . please update more
Noonanomuyeopo #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^