We Can Learn to Love Again

We Can Learn to Love Again

"YAH! Why are you always coming home so late!? I know you have practice but how come you can't make time for me?!" I shouted with tears b my

brown eyes.


"Naomi-ah...... You know I'm trying." , Zelo said with a tired tone.


"I know your trying Zelo, but why can't you let it show?", I said inside my mind.


Before my tears dared to come out I went into our 2 year old kitchen, dark brown cabinents with black handles. I remember when we were first picking out

which ones we wanted.


~2 Years Ago~

"Zelo! ,Yongguk shouted across the aisle. These look niiiiiiiiiccceeee!!!!!! I think they're the best!"

As we were walking towards Yongguk , Himchan decided to run over there to take a first look.

"Ayeee... What kind of color is this.....?", he cautiously said around his leader.

We got up there, hand in hand,  as soon as Himchan finished getting hit by Yongguk.

"Omo! I love them!!!! Let's get them!!!", I exitedly said as I high fived Bang.

I looked over to Zelo. I could tell he didn't really favor them that much. Before we came to the store, he was  talking about getting a dark red one. But these

were dark brown with black handles.

"Oppa plllleeeaaasseee?", I my aegyo.

"Oppa plllleeeaaasseee?" Himchan mimicked me and tried to do a aegyo contest.

"Fine....Anything for my little girl." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Yah! What about me??" , Himchan said with a pout.

Knowing Zelo he won't say anything back to his senior. So it just turned really awkward with our silent atmosphere.

Deciding to loosen up the weird aura, Yongguk with his low voice said, "Buing Buing!!"

Cracking up, we filled the store with loud laughter.


I didn't realize how much I was into thinking until I smelled something burn.

"Oh Crap!", I took the hot pan off the stove and threw it into the sink, forgetting to put on gloves.

My hand burned like crazy with welts starting to show on my light skin.

"I'll be fine.......", I thought putting my hand behind my back as Zelo peeked in the kitchen to make sure everything was okay.


We sat at the dinner table eating Shrimp with Lobster sauce. Zelo's favorite. He didn't say anything and he didn't show any emotion that he liked it.

"Maybe we really can't love anymore", I thought.


The rest of the night was quiet. I was sitting in our bedroom getting dressed to go to sleep. Zelo was watching TV in the living room, already wearing his

pajamas. I guess he's going to sleep on the couch again... Am I really doing something that wrong? We don't even kiss, let alone, hold hands. I'm seriously

starting to doubt this relationship... I turned my nightlight off and decided to call it a night.


Waking up at 3 am was not my most favorite thing. Green tea always calms my system. Lately, I've been thinking too much about Zelo's relationship with

me. I passed Zelo sleeping on the couch.

Stopping, I heard Zelo murmur something in his sleep.


He didn't finish his statement.


I went outside on our back patio with my green tea.

So many things were going though my mind. He doesn't love what? Me? I love Zelo and I want to make this relationshinship work but I just can't seem to do

things right. Tears flowed down my cheekbones and down to the wooden floor. I need to fix this....Now.



~The next morning~


I woke up extra early to make a beautiful breakfast. Eggs. Bacon. Toast with strawberry jelly. Ham. All the things you can think of were there on our dinner

table.  I guess Zelo woke up because of my kitchen sounds or just the smell of food gets him going. He sat down without a word and already decided to eat

with out me. Aiyo I guess I have a long way to go.

"Junhong, Make sure you have nothing scheduled today. I have a suprise.", I said with a bright smile on my face. We haven't gone on a date in a while so I

want to make this one extra special.

"Arraso", was all he said, looking at me suspiciously.


~Another car ride later~


Finally, we arrived at DisneyWorld! The best place for a date!

He looked around in awe of all the different rides and food stands. It's not time to have fun first though. I have a little something up my sleeve.

"Zelo! I'm going to the bathroom reallllly quick so don't move okay??", I ran towards the dirrection of the bathroom but took a left while he wasn't looking.

Hiding behind a tree made me look reallly suspicious. I signaled the four-year-old kids with a thumbs up as the ran up to Zelo with 4 different colored

balloons. Each balloon has a phrase on it that I've really wanted to tell him the past couple months but haven't gotten the courage to.

"I'm Sorry"

"I love you lots!"

"Be mine forever?"

"Let's not fight anymore!^^"

From my hideout place, I jumped out and ran towards him.

"Naomi-ah...", he said in a hushed town.

"Yeah I know I'm embarrasing but read them and theres a special gift in one of them so you have to pop them!" , I sounded like a little girl


My cheeks were beet red as I could tell there were many stares on us.

"I haven't seen that color on your face in a while." He said with a smirk.

"Yah just hurry up and pop them!"

Watching him pop the balloons was priceless. He found a ring on the ground under all the rubber extras. His face, priceless. He looked at me with his

mouth wide open. I took out my necklace that had an identical ring and said, "Be mine again?"

"Always and forever" Choi Junhong said with a smile.

That day was the most enjoyful day we had in a while. Mostly because of the things we did that night ;)





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