Chapter 71

Loving You (With Cnu)


(A couple of weeks later)
{your pov}
I packed my bags and headed to the airport, I figured I'd live with my parents until I landed on my feet, over there.
I just like to think is for the best, I don't want to ruin his career or piss off his fans
{Cnus pov}
I went over to (your name)s house in the morning.
I expected to find (your name) but instead I found Kate, who was packing things into boxes.
Cnu: Kate? 
Kate: *looking up* oh Cnu! What are you doing here?
Cnu: I came to check on (your name) the way where is she?
Kate: *silent*
Cnu: Kate, where is (your name)?
Kate: .. Cnu she went to the airport. She's flying back to the states.
Cnu: what?! Why?!
Kate: she says she doesn't want to ruin your career, so she's leaving..
Cnu: she never listens to me! *running out the door*
{Cnus pov}
I sped the whole way here.
I ran into the airport and to the ticket desk and asked them if they had seen her..
Luckily they knew who I was talking about, but they told me her plane was already boarding.
I didn't waste anymore time talking, I took of sprinting through the airport trying to find her gate
{your pov}
I stood in line waiting to board my plane, that would take me far away from here..
I was trying to hold back my tears, I kept thinking about Cnu.. It was almost as if I could hear him calling my name..but then I realized he was calling my name..
Cnu: (YOUR NAME)! 
You: *turning around* Cnu? Why are you here?
Cnu: *trying to catch his breath* don't
You: but I can't do that I'll-
Cnu: I don't care (your name)! Now lets go! *grabbing your hand*
{your pov}
He drove me drove me to the same park, he took me to that night he interrupted my date with Donghae.
We sat down on the same bench.. It was quiet at first.
Cnu: I talked to my manager..
You: and what did he say?
Cnu: at first they weren't to happy about it, but then they understood..
You: what do they want me to do? Leave?
Cnu: no! They said as long as it doesn't interfere that much with B1A4 it'll be fine..and plus we're (B1A4) taking a break for awhile, before we make another comeback.
You: ok.. *tears start falling from your face*
Cnu: why are you crying *wiping the tears away*
You: *looks him in the eyes* I'm scared out of my mind Cnu! I don't know what I'm going to do.. *crying harder*
Cnu: (your name) look at me.
You: *looks back at him* what?
Cnu: I'm scared just as much as you are, but I know that if you stay with me, things will get better. (Your name) well be alright, I promise you. *hugging you*
You: ok.
Cnu: promise me you won't leave me.
You: I promise.
Cnu: there one more thing I need to ask you..
You: ok..
{Your pov}
He let go of me and got off the bench, he pulled a box out of his pocket, and got down on one knee in front of me.
Cnu: (your name) will you marry me? 
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CharmBella0311 #1
This was the first fanfic I read on this site back before I joined. I just found this story again and wanted to comment letting you know I enjoyed it. It was so cute even with the drama. It's so hard to find CNU and you stories so thank you for a good one!!!
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 69: Oh oh they forgot to be safe hahaha
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 66: Hhaahaha cnu
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 65: Awwwww they are so cute arguing hahah
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 63: Yays tnx for the update really thank u so much
jennifer1801 #6
Pls update pls
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 62: Omg thanks for the update omg omg
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 61: Awwwww things are getting better then