Chapter 63

Loving You (With Cnu)


I sat back down at my desk after running from one rehearsal to the next
I looked at my phone and saw I had a message from Cnu 
Where is one place you've always wanted to go? -Cnu 
Hmmm one place I've always wanted to go
There's so many great places to go but there's always one on my mind
I've always wanted to go even as a kid, its just so beautiful there
So I replied back to his text 
But why does he want to know?
I'd already planned to go during our 2 week break
All I needed to know was where she wanted to go
My phone vibrated, I picked it up and looked at the screen
That's perfect. I took out my laptop and started looking at places where we could stay, bought plane tickets and made reservations
After I finished that I fell back on my bed, thinking how perfect this trip would be.
I made my way into the elevator after coming back from lunch
The door was just about to close, but someone jumped in right before it shut all the way.
And of course this person had to be Donghae..
Donghae: hey what happened to you last night? The waiter told me you had an emergency to take care of.. What happened?
You: oh umm..
Donghae: "umm" what?
You: look Donghae, you're nice, you really are-
Donghae: but You don't like me..
You: no! It's not that I don't like you.. I just think its better if we're friends..
Donghae: oh... I understand, but can we still be friends?
You: of course. 
*door opens*
You: see you later *walking out of the elevator*
I sent (your name) another text
I'll tell her tonight over dinner, that I'm taking her to Venice
Just her and I. No one else.
My phone went off just as I got on the bus
I quickly say down and read the text
It was from Cnu, saying I need to be ready by 7, because he taking me somewhere tonight
I stepped off the bus and walked to my apartment 
I went in and unlocked the door, walked strait to my room and began getting ready
I put my makeup on, then walked over to my closet and picked out a cute outfit to wear 
I still had some time till Cnu would show up
So I the TV, it was one of those shows where they stalk famous people and get in their business, and of course this one had to be about me and Cnu
There' was pictures of us at the park, and the words underneath read "(your name) and Cnu, back together?"
This time I didn't really care that we were on TV and all over the country, I just being back with Cnu.
*knock on door*
I turned off the TV and grabbed my purse 
I walked over to the door and opened it
Cnu: hello beautiful 
You: *smiling* hello
{no ones POV}
He grabbed your hand and took you to his car 
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CharmBella0311 #1
This was the first fanfic I read on this site back before I joined. I just found this story again and wanted to comment letting you know I enjoyed it. It was so cute even with the drama. It's so hard to find CNU and you stories so thank you for a good one!!!
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 69: Oh oh they forgot to be safe hahaha
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 66: Hhaahaha cnu
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 65: Awwwww they are so cute arguing hahah
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 63: Yays tnx for the update really thank u so much
jennifer1801 #6
Pls update pls
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 62: Omg thanks for the update omg omg
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 61: Awwwww things are getting better then