Chapter 61

Loving You (With Cnu)


(At the restaurant)
I sat there and talked to Donghae, then we ordered our food 
Donghae: excuse me, I'm just going to go to the bathroom
You: ok *fake smiling*
{Still your POV}
I leaned back against my chair, Donghae is nice and all but he's not.. He's not Cnu.
Person: (YOUR NAME)!
I slowly looked up
Oh my god. 
There stood Cnu.. In his pajamas 
His hair was in a messy ponytail and his eyes were all red and puffy
He was a complete mess, but a cute mess..
I pulled the waiter over and told him to tell Donghae I had an emergency to take of
I then got up and apologized to everyone for the inconvenience.
I grabbed Cnus hand and pulled him outside 
He pulled me over to his car and we got in
He parked his car and we got out 
It was a park, and I went to sit on the bench and he sat next to me
All the feelings and memories starting flooding back to me, just by seeing his face.
You: are you hear to tell me that you've for got about me already and that your happy with Krystal or th-
Cnu: *kissing you* 
I won't lie.. I did miss his kisses 
I missed him, everything about him.
But I pulled away 
You: what are you doing Cnu? You're with Krys-
Cnu: not anymore. She's not like you, no one is. I came to find you because I'm going crazy. My heart hurts all the time since we broke things off... I can't sleep or eat, because I'm going crazy thinking about how stupid I was to let you go, (your name) you meant the world to me and you still do and I want you back, I'll really protect you this time. I won't let you go.
I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, they just started falling
He put his arm around me and pulled me closer
You: Cnu.
Cnu: yes?
You: don't ever do this to me again! 
Cnu: *smiles* I promise I won't *hugging you*
You: does this mean-
Cnu: yes, you're mine again... Now tell Donghae to back off!
You: *laughing* ok I will.
Finally, things are the way they should be
This time I won't screw up.
You: Cnu.
Cnu: *smiling* yea?
You: you're in your pjs.. I think we should-
Cnu: yea, we should go before..
You: yea *grabbing his hand and walking to the car*
I'm glad things happened like they did, otherwise I'd probably be with some guy that's not Cnu..
Cnu: I'm glad were back together, I missed you..a lot.  
You: me too *taking his hand*
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CharmBella0311 #1
This was the first fanfic I read on this site back before I joined. I just found this story again and wanted to comment letting you know I enjoyed it. It was so cute even with the drama. It's so hard to find CNU and you stories so thank you for a good one!!!
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 69: Oh oh they forgot to be safe hahaha
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 66: Hhaahaha cnu
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 65: Awwwww they are so cute arguing hahah
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 63: Yays tnx for the update really thank u so much
jennifer1801 #6
Pls update pls
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 62: Omg thanks for the update omg omg
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 61: Awwwww things are getting better then