Chapter 34

Loving You (With Cnu)


(In the bathroom)
Cnu: (your name), wh-what happened?
You: nothing, I just ran into something..
Cnu: stop lying to me. What really happened?
You: I was in forever 21, then that same group of fans, that Taemin saved me from the first time, were there and one them..hit me.. *still crying*
Cnu: why didn't you tell Gongchan?
You: because i didnt want anyone to know..
Cnu: not even me?
You: no, because I didn't want you get all stressed..
Cnu: no don't think that! You can tell me anything! That's what girlfriends do, they tell their boyfriends things, then the boyfriend makes it all better *smiling*
You: ok *smiling*
Cnu: please don't keep things from me anymore, ok?
You: ok.
Cnu: now c'mon dinners ready!
{no ones pov}
He took your hand and led you out of the bathroom
Everyone ate dinner then went t watch TV 
Everything was going great until..
She still seems tense..
I wander if she already told Cnu
Maybe I should ask Cnu..
I'm not ok
Their fans hate me and I can't do anything about it
I can't keep pretending to act like it doesn't hurt, because it does
A lot.
But the guys, they wouldn't understand.
I got up to go to the bathroom, when Cnu grabbed my shoulder
The wrong shoulder
Cnu: wh- oh no
It's too late I already started to cry
Not just because of the shoulder, but because of everything.
Gongchan: Cnu! what did you do?! (Your name) what's wrong?
Cnu: (your name) I'm so sorry, I forgot..
Jinyoung: forgot about what? 
Baro: What's going on?!
I just stood there 
I didn't say anything 
I just let the tears fall
How am I supposed to explain this too them
How their fans hate me and probably wish I was dead
Sandeul: *sits you down* (your name) please talk to us! Tell what's wrong
You: *pulls down your sleeve to show shoulder* 
Jinyoung: wh-who did that?
You: your fan *saying quietly*
Baro: what?
Gongchan: did this happen when I left you alone?
You: ..yes
Gongchan: why didn't you call me? Why didn't you tell me in the car?
You: because
Sandeul: because why
You: you love your fans, and I don't want you to stop
Jinyoung: yea but they can't just go around hurting you, just cuz your dating Cnu
Cnu: I'm sorry
You: do-
Sandeul: wait! I know what to do! Cnu go on twitter and say something about this
You: do you really think that will change anything?
Sandeul: it might! Just do it Cnu!
Baro: is your shoulder alright?
You: not really...
Cnu: I'm sorry, I forgot *sitting down next to you*
Gongchan: next time I'm not leaving your side! A beautiful girl like you doesn't deserve to be hurt like this!
Baro: he's right!
Jinyoung: as long as you don't run into them again you should be alright! 
Sandeul: we'll protect you!
You: *smiling* ok
Jinyoung: ok well I'm going to bed, its late. Goodnight *carefully hugs you and leaves*
Sandeul & Baro: goodnight *both kiss your cheeks and leave*
Gongchan: *holds your hands* next time, tell me. Don't keep it from me! Your my best friend and best friends don't keep secrets! Goodnight *leaves*
Cnu: you look tired
You: well its been a long day...
Cnu: I wish I was there with you, so this wouldn't have happened 
You: it's fine, I'm still alive
Cnu: its not "fine"! They hurt you and they're hurting me to! When ever your hurt, I'm hurt, and I don't want you to be hurt anymore, I want you to be happy. I don't want you to leave me, I want you to be with me. Just promise that whatever happens, you'll stay with me. 
You: I promise.
Cnu: good, now lets go to bed..
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CharmBella0311 #1
This was the first fanfic I read on this site back before I joined. I just found this story again and wanted to comment letting you know I enjoyed it. It was so cute even with the drama. It's so hard to find CNU and you stories so thank you for a good one!!!
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 69: Oh oh they forgot to be safe hahaha
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 66: Hhaahaha cnu
jennifer1801 #4
Chapter 65: Awwwww they are so cute arguing hahah
jennifer1801 #5
Chapter 63: Yays tnx for the update really thank u so much
jennifer1801 #6
Pls update pls
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 62: Omg thanks for the update omg omg
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 61: Awwwww things are getting better then