Six years into the future

It All Started With a Kiss

Six Years Later

Min Jung’s POV

“Oh my god Yuri! Guess what!” I screamed through my phone; I could hear her whimper at the noise.

“What’s so good that you have to almost deafen me! How am I meant to ever listen to Khun’s sweet talk anymore?!” I giggled at her sarcasm. Yes after all these years, we’re still friends.

In fact, a lot happened during these six years. Ever since Xander passed away, Joon’s never left my side. Soohyun finally proposed to his girlfriend and sang to her!

G.O.. Well, he’s trying to love haha! He tried asking this girl out, but because of his erted ways, she ended up rejecting him. It’s so amusing to see him try and fail! Okay, I know what you’re thinking.. I’m being evil and mean right? But I’m not! You’d understand if you saw it all with your own eyes!

Anyway, enough about the others and more about me. So, we all graduated from school and with Joon’s help, I managed to get into Seoul University. Joon completely cut off from education, according to him:

“Gang leader’s don’t need further education. We just need to know how to fight~”

If he says so I guess? Right, I forgot I was even talking to Yuri.. Back to reality:

“You will never guess what happened tonight!”

“Well I won’t be able to guess if you don’t tell me right?” Yuri was getting good with her sarcasm and comebacks.. while I on the other hand, was getting stupider by the second!

“Joon, proposed to me! It was so romantic! We were eating dinner and then suddenly he took me to the amusement park we went to on our first date. We went on the same carriage and everything was silent but then..”



We sat in absolute silence; it was getting awkward. I just looked out the window, recalling memories. Suddenly the carriage shook, and I turned to see Joon on his knees.

“What are you doing? Get up! You’ll hurt your knees,” I told him quickly.

Without a thought he pulled out something from his pocket and opened it. Inside shone a beautiful diamond ring. I could feel my heart race faster and faster as my face started to burn. “J-joon?”

“Will Park Min Jung, agree to marry to this babo* Lee Joon?”

I looked at him in shock. We’ve been dating for seven years now, and within these years, we’ve had our ups and downs and our moments. But during most of it, he stuck with me and taught me how to love and how to truly cherish someone. Thinking about it, I don’t think I regret any of this. If I go back to the day, I would still walk into that alleyway and be frightened to death by an idiot.

“I won’t get up until you agree!”

“Isn’t that blackmailing?!”

“Not if it’s for love~” Joon gave me a smile I’d never seen before and blushed slightly.

“Yah, Lee Joon. What if you cheat on me? Or have an affair huh?! What if you suddenly want to divorce me?! What if we have children and –“

He quickly shut me up with a kiss; a very passionate one and unknowingly, slipped the ring on my finger. He pulled away and chuckled, “So, the ring’s on your finger now. I guess you’ve agreed!”

“Yah! You little cheat!” But I couldn’t help but smile at the full grown man sitting in front of me who still had his childish like personality.

“I’ll love you forever so don’t worry about those things okay?”

Flashback End

“So that’s how it went!” I could still feel myself blushing even though it’d already happened.

“Aw, when’s the wedding?”

“In a few months, so.. wanna’ be my Maid of Honour?”

“I’d absolutely love to!”

omg D: i'm so upset! this fanfic is finally going to come to an end! i think one more chapter and D: btw, it's going to have an 2 alternative endings! so be ready to pick the one you like the most :D one's gonna be cliche while the other has a twist! btw guys, i recently starting blogging :D so care to check it out?

love you all <3 subscribe and comment~

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Chapter 33: i cried when Xander died and read both endings. now the twisted ending is playing in my mind like always i over think things...anyway great fanfic
Chapter 33: really touching, especially the diary part :,)
This was really cute :D
Chapter 33: Finished this in one shoT ~~~ :))
Chapter 33: This was cute. :)
Kiertje #6
Chapter 33: This was a really great story, the chapter with the diary made me almost cry. But it was trully a great story :)
Chapter 33: I cried at during the dairy entries and cried even harder at the alternate ending!!!!!! :( But very good story!
Chapter 33: The diary entries made me cry!
OnewtheWalnut #9
<333 Good job!