Diary Entries

It All Started With a Kiss

No One’s POV

They all sat down in silence at their headquarters. Min Jung was still holding the diary, she held it tight like a child hugging a teddy bear. She knew it was a treasure. Suddenly, Joon took it from her hands, “Let’s all take turns to read an entry. That way we will all know how Xander feels..” Joon gently opened the diary to the first page and read:

July 5th, 2005

I’ve decided to write a diary as a memory for my friend’s when I leave. That way, they will understand the way I felt during these times. Dr. Kim told me I’d have about six years to live, I was too scared to tell Joon. I worried how he’d react; I didn’t want him worrying about me. I’ve decided to not confess to Min Jung. Today was meant to be the day I finally confessed to her. Park Min Jung, she was a girl in the same year as me and was extremely beautiful. We attend the same school, Dae Middle School. I’d fallen for her a while ago, but resisted to tell her since I was always unnoticed, like a ghost. But now, I guess fate really doesn’t want us together. I have liver cancer. I saw my parent’s cry today, I felt guilty. Extremely guilty. I am such a horrible son. I hate myself. I hate you Alexander Lee. Eusebio. I hate you dearly.

December 28th, 2008

Joon officially formed a gang today; he called it MBLAQ. He scouted his friends to join and told me that because I was his best friend, I could have a gang of my own. I called mine U-KISS, no reason why actually. I just liked the sound of it. He told me that MBLAQ and U-KISS would be allies and would help each other whenever in need.

February 15th, 2009

We came across 2PM today, Joon’s gotten very aggressive these days. I wonder if it’s because of what’s happened to him at home. I hope he’s okay but he seems to be playing with girls. Taecyeon from 2PM came to our headquarters today and said something about Joon his girl; that wasn’t true was it? I don’t believe it, because I believe in Joon. I guess it’s right to call 2PM our rivals now? Oh I forgot to mention, MBLAQ is one of the biggest gangs in Korea now! U-KISS isn’t really that big but we just help MBLAQ when they need it~

August 4th, 2009

I saw Min Jung today; she brought back so many memories. Joon’s still playing with girls; maybe I should pair them up? Actually, you know, that sounds excellent! Since I’ve liked Min Jung for a long time now, and aren’t allowed love her.. I’ll give her to Joon. I’ll make sure she’s safe and cared for by Joon, that way when I’m gone.. I won’t have to worry about her. Joon will also change, he’ll stop playing with girls.. and fall in love for the first time.

November 18th, 2009

Guess what? Today Joon called me and asked for Min Jung! I’m so happy~ I just hope he really falls for her instead of playing with her.. I really want to make sure she’s safe and cared for when I’m gone..

February 8th, 2011

Joon was kissing another girl today, I heard Min Jung gave him all of her last night. Joon’s not just trying to get her in bed is she? This can’t be.. Joon seemed to be so in love before.. Joon, you can’t leave her! If you leave her, who’s going to care and love her when I’m gone?


Unknown day Unknown month, Unknown year

I’m not sure when this day comes.. It will be a day that I won’t be here any longer. I wonder how everyone’s been?

 Joon, do you still love Min Jung? You promised me remember! Don’t ever leave her! She’s important to both of us!

Min Jung, how are you doing? Is Joon treating you right? If he isn’t, I’ll come bully him in his sleep! Don’t worry about me! I’m most likely to be doing good, watching over you stupid fools!

How are my U-KISS boys doing?

Kevin, still the same softie? You need to get tougher haha!

Eli, finally got a girl yet? I know you’ll treat her good cause you’re only bad on the outside~

Kiseop and Kibum! The Ki’s! How are you guys getting along? Your fighting has improved right? I’m so proud of you guys!

Soohyun, have you sung for your girlfriend yet? We all know you have a beautiful voice! Propose to her already! We know you love her lots.

Last but not least, Dongho! The youngest but forever the best! I remember doubting you when you first joined, but look now! You’re all grown up and manly!

Now the MBLAQ members! Didn’t think I forgot about you right?! I’m not that mean!

Seungho, your y lips still making everyone swoon?

G.O, are you still a womanizer?! Go find yourself a girlfriend already! Don’t you get jealous of Joon and Min Jung? They’re always lovey dovey, but you’re always just doing one night stands! You’re an ahjussi* now! Go find yourself someone to love, experience love. You have to experience love at least once in your life!

Mir and Chundoong, you cute boys! Don’t let Joon ruin you! Your innocence is what makes all the girls like you! Love takes time and patience, don’t rush into those things that G.O and Joon used to do all the time, let them happen when the time comes!

How’s the rivalry with 2PM? Still hate each other’s guts? Guys! Seriously! Get along already! Maybe you guys could merge into one big gang and rule over Korea! Haha!

Do you guys miss me? Because.. I certainly miss you guys a lot! But don’t cry! Men don’t cry! Well.. some do! But.. there’s always an important reason for that!

Min Jung, I know what you’re thinking! You babo*! “I’m not a man so I can cry for you!” NO NO NO NO NO! I don’t want to see you cry! If you cry, you’ll ruin your pretty face! All of you are the most beautiful when you smile, so smile more! Smiling is healthy for you! Did you know that frowning uses up more muscles than smiling so it gives you wrinkles more easily?! SO DON’T CRY OR FROWN! SMILE ^0^!

Don’t want to see you guys all old at this age!


I miss you guys a lot! But don’t worry! Xander is going to visit you as a brand new person in my new life! Perhaps.. I might be Joon and Min Jung’s child!

Ah anything can happen.. But for the time being.. Farewell! We shall meet again!

I love you all so much. And I’m so proud to say that without being gay! I love you guys with all my heart and soul even though I don’t have one anymore! I love you guys to the moon and  back..

Wait, I love you guys til (insert something big here)!

We’ll meet again!


Alexander Lee. Eusebio

D: xander i love you kays! haha double update weeee~ comment and subscribe :D

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Chapter 33: i cried when Xander died and read both endings. now the twisted ending is playing in my mind like always i over think things...anyway great fanfic
Chapter 33: really touching, especially the diary part :,)
This was really cute :D
Chapter 33: Finished this in one shoT ~~~ :))
Chapter 33: This was cute. :)
Kiertje #6
Chapter 33: This was a really great story, the chapter with the diary made me almost cry. But it was trully a great story :)
Chapter 33: I cried at during the dairy entries and cried even harder at the alternate ending!!!!!! :( But very good story!
Chapter 33: The diary entries made me cry!
OnewtheWalnut #9
<333 Good job!