Trouble in the palace

The slave boy


6055 wors for my babies~~~ just because i love y'all so much. There might be a ton of errors and i'm sorry about that it's just that i knew if I didn't upload it now, it ight be another week :(




Seunghyun sighed beside Jiyong. It was mid day and they’d made love for the second time that day. “Hyun..” Seunghyun knew what was coming, it was a conversation they’d been having for the past week. “Hyunnieeeeeee” Jiyong pouted as he nudged Seunghyun.

“Jiyong I am scared”, was all Seunghyun said. He loved making love to Jiyong too much to stop, but he couldn’t help but fear for the possibility of Jiyong getting pregnant. The problem with Jiyong was that it wasn’t about giving birth to an heir to succeed Seunghyun, it would have been easy if that had been the case, “Jiyong-ah..” Seunghyun turned to face Jiyong, “Why do you not fear for your life”?.

“I do” Jiyong said truthfully, “I do but I rather die than kill a life that we brought into this world”. Jiyong put on a brave face in front of Seunghyun but he was very afraid of what might happen if he got pregnant.

Seunghyun sighed, “I would rather have you... please drink the tonic. Please”. There were times when he wanted to command Jiyong to do it or even trick him into drinking it but he couldn’t risk losing Jiyong’s trust.


“We should not make love anymore if that is the case” Jiyong rose up to leave but Seunghyun pulled him back down, “Fine, I am sorry” Seunghyun pulled Jiyong closer.


“Are you really that scared”?


“Even more than when I lost you”.


He knew he was being selfish, there he was only thinking about himself. He never thought about how scared Seunghyun was, and how if anything bad should happen, Seunghyun would blame himself. “I will drink it”

“Jiyong...” Seunghyun was about to protest when Jiyong placed a finger over his lips, “I am not doing it because you want me to, I am doing it because I want to”.



“The queen is not ready to see anyone” A maid to told Kwon but he proceeded to make his way into Nara’s chambers, ignoring her protest. Paying a visit to her had quickly become a habit for Kwon; it started with her always summoning him and they spent most evenings talking about Jiyong, but recently it had quickly become him showing up without being summoned, and talked about everything but Jiyong until several days ago when she started refusing to see him. Nara’s health deeply worried him, especially since she stubbornly refused to see the royal doctor. Even the king couldn’t get her to see the doctor. “Nara”! He called out when he saw her lying pale on her sheets.

“Why are you here...I don’t want you to see me like this” her voice was so low and raspy that he was surprised that he was able to hear her.

“Nara, I told you to see the doctor” He pulled her up.

She coughed. “Nothing is wrong with me, I am just a little weak”.

“This wouldn’t do, I am calling the doctor”

“Do that and I would have you punished”. She stopped him. “How are the new recruits”? She changed the conversation. “I would be more at ease if they had as much zeal as I had when I was training”

“No one has as much zeal as you did, you were mainly training to protect Jiyong”.

Kwon reached for her neck to feel her temperature, “Whoa, you are on fire” he grew increasingly worried. He spotted a pale filled with water and a cloth beside it; he dipped the cloth in the water, squeezed it and wiped her face with it.



“Abuji” Jung Il ran up to his father excitedly, “Jiyong has agreed to take the tonic”. They had a spy in the palace that kept an ear out for the things that went on within the palace walls.

“Uhmm” Kim shook his head, “When is he supposed to take it”?

“Tomorrow” Jung Il noticed his father’s distress, “Abuji this is good news, if Jiyong get’s pregnant, the people would like him more and hope for an heir from him...and we do not have to keep...”

“We have to so something about that, he cannot take it”.


“It would be easier for us if he died from childbirth” he said as he poured himself some tea.


“Being the first son of mine, you are quite foolish” Kim eyed his son before taking a sip of his tea; lotus, his favorite. Shame Jiyong was the one who made him like it. “Leave for now, I will do it myself”

Jung Il hesitated, “Should we not kill him...” fear engulfed him, “uh... he did not tell the king that … I tried to kill....”

“SHUT UP”! His father’s yell had him crumbling to the ground; his father was always the time to keep a cool head regardless of the situation, which made his outburst a little scary.

“Forgive me” Jung Il bowed to the ground. “What about Nara.... do we still need to...”

“Of course we do”

“What happens if...”

“If it all goes wrong”? Kim scoffed, “I am one who makes my own destiny. Nothing can ever go wrong”





The next day



“Was it bitter”? Seunghyun asked as he Jiyong’s hair. It was nighttime and Jiyong had taken the infertility tonic. “Uhmm” Jiyong mumbled unable to face Seunghyun. He did not predict Seunghyun visiting him; all he wanted to do was cry.

Seunghyun sighed “Jiyong-ah” This was exactly what he didn’t want. “Should I sing you a song”? The question was met with no response so he proceeded to sing.

“NO...NO...NO” Jiyong finally showed his face, “Please stop” he was laughing but the tears still poured.

“Whoa” Seunghyun frowned, “You sure know how to put a person down, even as a king”

“But it was bad” Jiyong laughed.

“My love” Seunghyun pulled Jiyong to sit on top of him, “When you cry like that I feel like I am about to die” he wiped the tears off Jiyong’s face, “Feel this..” he placed Jiyong’s palm over his head.

Jiyong’s eyes widened at how fast Seunghyun’s heart was beating, “Are you okay”?

“I am much better now that you are not crying anymore”? He placed a light kiss on Jiyong’s lips, “Are you okay”?

“I am... just a little sad”. Tears began to pour out of Jiyong’s eyes again, “Aiish, they keep coming out, even before I drank the tonic”. Jiyong rested his head against Seunghyun’s chest to hide his tears.

“Jiyong it’s okay to hate me.....” Seunghyun said softly as he felt his attire dampen from jiyong’s tears, “Please hate me because I do not regret my decision.... Jiyong I am weak..... I don’t know what I would do without you, some days I don’t even know how I survived before I met you” Now his tears were threatening to fall. “I too have thought about the possibility of having children with you, to think of little stubborn Jiyong’s and Jiyoung’s running around the palace would make me the happiest person in the world”


“You are stubborn too” Jiyong mumbled.


“Tell me what would make you happy, I would do anything”


“Pork belly”




“Pork belly” Jiyong smiled, he’d been craving pork belly for days. “Pork belly would make me very happy” He’d originally asked one of his maids to bring him some but was told that foods like those were banned from the palace.


“Jiyong-ah” Still reeling from Jiyong’s request, “You can ask for silver, gold, bronze, an army....and all you ask for is meat from a pig drenched in oil”?


“But...”Jiyong started to pout, “That is all I want”


“Fine....JONG IN-AH” Seunghyun summoned  the eunuch. “Jiyong wants pork belly”


“Pork....but.... yes your highness” Jong In bowed and left.


“I don’t hate you.... I could never hate you, even if you cast me away I would never hate you”


“And I would never cast you away” Seeing Jiyong smile again warmed his heart, “You know what else would make me happy”? He felt Jiyong’s hand caressing his bare chest.


“That would make the both of us extremely happy” Seunghyun smirked.


Jiyong instantly felt better the following day, he was a little tired and sluggish but at least the tears stopped. He still did feel sad that he would never have the chance to give birth to a child that was both his and Seunghyun’s. There was a parchment lying right beside him, it was from Seunghyun.


My love,

         You looked too peaceful to be awakened. You must have been tired from the crying, the eating and our activities. Sleep well darling, I will attend to the matters of the court and visit you during my free time.


For someone who never used to believe in love, his head is way higher in the clouds than mine is. Jiyong smiled, remembering their so-called activities the previous night; their usual tenderness was replaced with more passion and steam than any of them knew they possessed.

“Your highness, it is me Hye Jin from the Kim household” The name had Jiyong rush to get dressed.

“Hye Jin” He rushed out and enveloped her in a warm hug. “Hye Hin I missed you”

“Your highness” She bowed, hurting his feelings a bit, “Yah Hye Jin what is wrong.... why are you calling me that”? He shoved her lightly, earning a few throat clearing from the maids around. “Come, let us go in” he pulled her in.

“Why are you only visiting me now.... how are you, how is everyone”?

“Fine” she answered dryly, “Actually Nari sent me to check on her highness health”.

Jiyong noticed a huge difference in his friend but he chose not to address it “Did she get worse”?

“Yes... but I guess you would not have noticed, your highness” She said the last part under her breath but Jiyong still managed to catch it. Truthfully he felt bad; he’d been spending so much time with Seunghyun, and whenever he went to see Nara, she turned him away and he obliged without even putting on a fight. He hadn’t seen her in almost a week, and she did look a little pale the last time he saw her. “Your highness, can we cook for her like we used to when she got ill”?


“Hye Jin-ah” he loved the idea idea.


“ But I am not permitted to enter the cooking place of the palace” She said sadly.


“I will dismiss everyone taking care of the queens food for the day so we can have the place to ourselves” Jiyong finally saw her smile a little. Do they all hate me now? Jiyong wondered. After becoming suk won, with the help of Seunghyun who also thought it was a brilliant idea, he made sure that all workers were paid more and given a day or two off to spend time with their families.



“What did I do to deserve a meeting from you”? Kwon Jin Hee spoke first; he was sitting opposite his archenemy, Kim Yang Suk.

“I thought you were a decent man, but it seems that since the old king died, you have began to take your job for granted”


“If you are here to address matters of the palace, I will refer you a most trusted man of mine as I am about to retire” He vowed to himself that he would never forgive the man sitting before him for all he had done. If it weren’t for Jin Hee he would still have his loving wife, his Jiyong and maybe several other children.


“Should you not take care of matters that you were unable to take care of before you leave”? Jin Hee smirked, “Unless you want to be known as being incompetent”


“I have done my job to the best of my abilities, the rest is left for my men to do” He rose to his feet and began walking to the door.


“Do you ever wonder how a king who was getting better suddenly gets worse and die” Jin Hee stopped at the words, “And how a boy who was dead miraculously comes back to life just in time to catch the people who were plotting to kill the new kim” Yang suk laughed internally, he definitely had Jin Hee’s attention, “And without any explanation of his where abouts, becoming a suk won and now the queen is gravely ill”.


“Do not try to start something that isn’t true” Jin Hee hissed, Yang Suk is and will always be a liar.

“You have no suspicions eh”? Yang Suk rose to meet Jin Hee, “Then why are you keeping an eye out for the boy”.

“Because.....” Why an I?

“I know we have history, and I know you neither like nor trust me... but don’t let your hatred for me get in the way of justice” Yang Suk laughed internally. “Go and visit the queen in the hour of the dog and see how she is”.


Yang suk had long gone but his words were etched in Jin Hee’s brain; there was a bit of truth to it. How could a boy of no background seem to have climbed up so far? He wondered. He hadn’t heard of the queen been ill until Jin He mentioned it, he had to see for himself.



It was the hour of the dog and screams were heard all over the palace; the queen had collapsed and was now unconscious. The entire palace was in an uproar. Both Seunghyun, Jiyong and the Seunghyun’s grandmother were waiting outside with the other occupants of palace, including Kwon Jin Hee who had stopped by to see the queen and a whole lot of the palace maid while several royal doctors were with Nara.


“WHAT IS IT.... HOW IS SHE”?! Seunghyun asked hastily as one of the doctors walked out with his head down.

“Please kill me your highness” He bowed to Seunghyun’s feet.


“Is she dead”? Jiyong asked as fear engulfed him. “WHAT HAPPENED TO THE QUEEN”?

“It is poison your highness”. Whispers were heard from the crowd.


Seunghyun frowned. “Poison”?


“Your highness” Jin Hee bowed to Seunghyun, “Permission to investigate”


“Granted” Seunghyun did not hesitate. He wondered it was an attempt by the same person who had tried to poison him at the feast.


“The queen” Seunghyun turned his attention to the doctor who was still kneeling, “How is she”?


“She is still unconscious your highness, please forgive this humble servant”


Jin Hee, along with Kwon and several other men started with the queen’s chambers, while the unconscious Nara had been moved to the royal infirmary. They searched her belongings for anything that seemed suspicious, then they proceeded to the cooking place where her food had been made where Jin Hee found out that the queen had consumed food that was different from what everyone else in that palace ate, a food made by Jiyong after dismissing the workers from the kitchen. There was still a bit left from it so a doctor was was summoned. 



“WHAT”? Seunghyun laughed at the officer before him, “Say something that makes sense. You are not that old, why behave senile”? Kwon Jin Hee had requested a meeting, on the grounds that he had found the culprit, and he was prepared to punish the culprit.

“Your highness, we have to take him in for questioning”

The atmosphere suddenly got tense as Seunghyun realized how serious the man was; Jin Hee was not the type to make false accusations, “Questioning?..... Jin Hee.....”

“The queens food was poisoned with foxglove herbs” Jin Hee could see the hurt look on Seunghyun’s face but chose to ignore it. He himself used to be a firm believer in love but that quickly changed, now he was a firm believer in justice and he did not trust Jiyong. As far as he knew, Jiyong got in peoples way; when Kwon was his sole protector, the boy always had a way of getting in the way of Kwon doing his work, which quickly changed when he moved into the palace. He was determined not to let that happen to Seunghyun, Seunghyun is not just any person, he is a king. A king he promised to protect.

“Why would you assume Jiyong.....”

“The poison was found in Suk Won’s chamber”


“Foxglove is one of the poisons that is banned from the palace, so having it in the palace. Every servant in the palace have always been searched during their entry and exit from the palace and suk won has never been searched, so having it in the first place is treason” Jin Hee stood calmly while Seunghyun paced about.

“That still does not warrant....”

“Your highness” Jin Hee bowed, “Suk Won has been reported to have left the palace several times at night without you or any guards. He was always too fast for the guards to follow him to his final destination”

“KWON JIN HEE”!! Seunghyun raised his voice.

“Forgive me your highness but this case involves the queen, we cannot ignore that.... not to mentioned that the boy has yet to tell us why he faked his own death”

Seunghyun was gradually realizing the gravity of the situation and just how much Jiyong trouble Jiyong was in, “The queen had been sick for a while and refused to make it known to anyone”

“Yes I am aware of that, but foxglove in small doses can make a person sick, and in big doses can make a person lose consciousness”

“Jiyong will not go with you.... he will never be questioned” He had never been able to protect Jiyong against all his hardships but now he was going to live protecting Jiyong.

“Your highness, news that Suk Won tried to murder the queen will spread like wildfire in the morning.... it would be worse if he hides”.

“He is not hiding, I am giving him a command not to go for questioning” Seunghyun was bored of their conversation; he wanted to speak to Jiyong. “You should leave for the night, I would call for you tomorrow” He said hastily.

Jin Hee bowed, “Okay then” he took one last look at Seunghyun who was now seated and pretending to read some ledgers. He must really love the boy. In all the years he had known Seunghyun, he had only seen him look devastated twice, and both occasions are linked to the boy. Who exactly is this boy, why does he have the power to make people’s actions stupid?

“Nari”, Speak of the devil. Jin Hee was suddenly face to face with Jiyong. “You should not bow to me” He bowed.

“I should, since you are an elder” The boy said softly.

“Who named you Jiyong”? He was unable to hold back, of all times this troublemaker had to look like his late wife it had to be now.

“Kwon hyungnim” The boy smiled.

Jin Hee cleared his throat, Of course he isn’t, there is no way he is “I am sure that by now you know why I am here”

“Yes” The boy smiled again, a smile that would forever haunt him, “You are here to take me in for questioning....I am here to go with you”

“You say that after asking the king for protection?.... I am not a fool” Jin Hee scoffed.

“I have nothing to hide so why would I need protection”?

“Then....” Jin Hee bowed as he was about to take his leave, “Goodnight”.

Jiyong watched Jin Hee walk away; after spending some time by Nara’s side, he got back to his chambers only to find that his chambers had been searched, and that the poison that Nara had consumed were found amongst his belongings. It didn’t take him much time to figure out what had happened, and what will happen. “Tell your highness that I am here to.....” he didn’t finish his sentence before Seunghyun opened the door and pulled him in, “Seunghyun”.

“If you are summoned for questioning, I command you not to go” Seunghyun’s voice was shaking.

“But I must, it would only get worse if I refuse”

“You are not refusing, I am commanding you” He wished Jiyong would jus comply and not be his usual stubborn self.

“I have to go”

“ARE YOU A FOOL”! Seunghyun screamed, “Do you really not know what happens when a royal is called it for questioning.... It was always assumed that the person is guilty”

Jiyong smiled as he moved closer to Seunghyun, “But I am not guilty” he wrapped his arms around Seunghyun and instantly felt Seunghyun calm a little, “I don’t want to make you into an untrustworthy king”

“I don’t care” Seunghyun stepped away from Jiyong’s embrace, “Go to your chambers and stay there until I summon you” Seunghyun walked back to his desk, he needed time to think.

“Goodnight” Jiyong bowed before turning to leave, “Seunghyun”


“Thank you for not suspecting me” Seunghyun’s support gave him the courage to face what was about to happen to him. I am so sorry my love, but you are going to have to get hurt because of me. It all came down to what needed more protection, his love or his friend, but they both will still get hurt. He was happy Kwon was in China, Kwon always had a way of getting answers from him.




“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE IS WITH JIN HEE”?!!! Seunghyun threw his ceramic bowl to the wall, smashing it to pieces. After a long sleepless night, and a disastrous day ahead filled with court members that were already waiting for him, Seunghyun’s patience was already running thin, and just when he thought all that was left to do was to protect his love, he learned that Jiyong had gone to meet Jin Hee for questioning.

“He left before any of the guards found out... they said he disguised himself as a woman and left” Jong In answered tearfully; it was bad news for Jiyong. He’d heard from one of the workers that the court members were planning on condemning him to death by poison for committing treason. “Your highness what are we going to do”? It was the first time he was showing his emotions so openly.

“Do you not have faith in your king”? Seunghyun asked, “Prepare my horse, I will go and fetch Jiyong myself”. Jong In quickly fell on his knees, “Your highness for give me but going that would only put suk won in more trouble”

I cannot just leave him there, Seunghyun knew he was right, doing that would make it seem like he did not care about Nara. Also, the court was also in an uproar and he needed to address the officials



“PLEASE YOUR HIGHNESS, LET JUSTICE PREVAIL BY GIVING SUK WON POISON TO DRINK FOR HIS TREASONOUS ACT” A bunch of officials cried out with their head bowed all the way to the floor. Seunghyun saw on his throne watching them, resisting the urge to slice each and everyone of their throats. “Your highness, suk won has to pay for putting the queen’s life in danger” Yang suk said while a whole lot of the others agreed.

“Why am I not surprised that you would be in charge of this request” Seunghyun said heatedly, why his father chose to allow the man be an official his still appalled him. “Your highness. I only want justice for the queen who just happens to be my daughter. Not only was she unfavored by you, she was also almost killed”

“SHUT UP”! Seunghyun rose up, “Where is the evidence” he demanded before realizing how wrong he was to ask that.

“The poison was found in his room” An official said as the others nodded. “And they said he turn himself in to Jin Hee, and is still being questioned.... he is obviously guilty to do that” whispers of agreement was hears throughout the room. “Suk won also asked if the queen was dead when he doctors walked out of the queen’s chambers”


“IS THIS WHAT OUR KINGDOM HAS COME TO”? Seunghyun’s blood was boiling; he was surrounded by a bunch of useless old men. “A PLACE WHERE AN INNOCENT PERSON CAN JUST BE EASILY KILLED....a royal person at that. What will this say about the royals”?

Although the king was the ruler of the kingdom, he was nothing without the court members and scholars. Every main decision had to be passed by either the officials or the scholars, a fact that Seunghyun had been trying to change.

“Jiyong is not a royal” Jin Hee said with his usual smirk.


“Your highness please calm yourself” Jong In whispered to Seunghyun.

“Jiyong is a boy that used to be my servant so it is a little hard for me to adjust” he said to Seunghyun before turning to the other officials, “Remember that the boy has no background” He turned back to Seunghyun and bowed, “Forgive me your highness but I only speak the truth. It is our job to protect you and the throne”

Seunghyun laughed hysterically, “Or to protect your title”

“Your highness, I do not understand why you continue to doubt my loyalty to you. I do not care about my title, if you choose to take several other concubines or even another queen, I will support you  but it cannot be Jiyong” Jin Hee bowed again.

“We will support you your highness” Several others chanted, “Please allow Suk Won be condemned to death by poison” They all chanted.

“Then support me by allowing him live”

“That, we cannot do your highness. Forgive us” Jin Hee lowered his head, “Forgive us your highness” Again, the rest chimed in.


The court session quickly ended, Seunghyun had gone to visit Nara who had regained consciousness ‘This is my fault, Jiyong was only trying to help’ She cried from the moment Seunghyun had arrived to the moment he left, now he was back in his chambers. It was the hour of the rooster and Jiyong was still undergoing questioning, and Seunghyun was going increasingly worried, “Jiyong was right” Seunghyun said as he and Jong In were in his chambers thinking of a way out. There was a strong possibility of Jiyong drinking a poison that would kill him the next day, “What do you mean your highness”?

“Jiyong always told me to find a way to get close to some of the officials because I might need them someday but I was too stubborn to see it” He sighed, “If I had at least one on my side, this would not be happening.... what can I do Jong In-ah.... I am even thinking about getting the scholars from sungkyunkwan involved but I have no connection with them and....”. Jong In quickly rushed to his knees “Your highness you can never do that..” he pleaded, “A king is never to summon the scholars, you would be impeached”

“Do you think I care about that right now”? Seunghyun turned away, “At least I would live out the rest of my life with Jiyong”

“And if they are not willing to help you?..... You said it yourself, you do not know them, and if they are not willing to help... you will lose both Jiyong and your throne”.

Jong In was right and Seunghyun knew it, he didn’t have to be told how much of a bad idea that had been, “Your highness...I... I sent for officer Kwon... Just incase....” Seunghyun his eyes tightly, even the faithful Jong In had lost hope.

“This would not do” Seunghyun reached for his official robe, “I have to see Jiyong, he needs to tell me what happened when he went missing and who he had been visiting outside the palace”

They got to the interrogation office in no time. The surprise on the officers face their king whom some had never once laid eyes on, stormed into the compound demanding to speak to his husband. Jin Hee quickly allowed him, the sooner he did, the sooner Seunghyun left without the entire kingdom finding out.

Jiyong was seated in the same position he had been the moment he arrived there. He had put on a brave face but his insides were all putter. While he had been there, Jin Hee had left him sitting by himself countless times, so when the door opened, he expected it to be the officer, “Jiyong”. The voice that had the ability to make him feel both better and worse at the same time. He sat still, how could he faced Seunghyun when he knew how much he would be hurting, especially seeing how much he himself was hurting. “Jiyong” Seunghyun walked around the desk and took a seat right opposite Jiyong. “I really hate you right now” Seunghyun whispered with his head down, he hated how weak he was being. Many officers were standing right behind the door, and there he was crying, “I really hate you Jiyong”

“Please hate me” was all Jiyong said.

“When do I get the chance to be happy with you? You were missing when I realized I had come to love you, you rejected me when I told you I loved you” The streams of tears had quickly turned into a hurricane, “When do I get the chance to make you happy; because of me you lost the possibility of ever having a child because I was selfish and scared, you are here because you are married to me who is a king.... a king who cannot even save you. Why can’t you be selfish for once.....I know not what to do Jiyong, how can I protect you.... help me protect you”

Jiyong you have to be strong for you, you cannot cry Jiyong willed back the welled up tears, unsure of how long they would be held back “You have to be strong”

“HOW CAN I BE STRONG WHEN MY ONLY SOURCE OF STRENGTH IS ABOUT TO DIE”!!!! Seunghyun slammed his palms on the table.

“Your highness”

Seunghyun scoffed, “Fine” He wiped his tears and smirked, “If you die by poison, I will also drink poison and die. You have just killed a king” He said before storming out of the room.



Kwon had travelled to China, obeying Seunghyun’s order of successfully accompanying some gold to the king of China, when he got word that Jiyong had committed treason and may be executed. Upon arrival at Choseon in the hour of the dog, he went straight to the king’s chambers, storming in without waiting for an invitation, “You said you would protect him” He pulled out his sword.

“HOW DARE YOU BARE YOUR SWORD AT THE KING” Jong In screamed causing the guards from outside to rush in, pulling their own sword on Kwon.

“Leave” Seunghyun commanded the guards, “I SAID GET OUT”! He barked when he hesitated. “Kill me, because if you don’t Jiyong will”, he said calmly making Kwon retract his sword.

“I am taking Jiyong and leaving the kingdom... I will escape with him” Kwon turned to leave.

“You cannot do that, that....”

“Then command your guards to kill me now because I will take my brother..... he has been through enough. I will die protecting him” He said and rushed out. “Kwon..” Someone called his name as he made his way to his horse, he turned to see Nara, “How is Jiyong...I...I have not been able to see him”

“Did you become a friend of mine to keep me from keeping an eye on Jiyong”? He asked without turning to face her.

“How can you ask such a thing”?

“Have you and your family not done enough, what exactly has Jiyong ever done to you.... I knew better than to put my trust in you Kim Nara, ever since I started looking at you, I stopped looking at Jiyong” his broke, just like he was inside, “Maybe I am getting punished for even looking at you who is married and is a queen. A queen who is the daughter of the person I hate the most.... I am glad you are safe but starting this moment, we cease to be acquaintances”


“Forgive my insolence your highness” His demeanor changed from soft and broken to rugged and formal.

“Kwon please” Nara chased after him as he mounted his horse but she was not fast enough.


“Who are you protecting”? Was the first question Kwon asked when he was given he chance to speak with Jiyong. “I am no fool Jiyong, you only do stupid things when you are trying to protect somebody....who is it”

“No one hyungnim”

“Fine... I am escaping with you from the kingdom tonight” he said as he picked a dried peach and placed it in his mouth casually.

“I will not go with you... I will seem guilty”

“They already think you are guilty you fool” Kwon was quickly losing his patience, “If we don’t leave, they will make you drink poison”

“Then I will drink it”

Kwon laughed, “And you think I will allow that”?

“I will never run away”. Growing up with Jiyong, he knew Jiyongs expression when he was being serious, and right then, Jiyong was serious.

“Jiyong” Kwon was getting scared, “Have you seen Seunghyun lately? I cannot even get angry at him because of how he looks, if you cannot save yourself because of him, then do it for Nara...” he tried not thinking about how much he had just hurt her, “She will live out the rest of her life thinking that she killed you, if you cannot do it for her then do it for my mother...” this was the time when he allowed the tears flow freely, “Do not make her death in vain.... When you became Suk Won, I thought.. Ah that is what omuni died for... you cannot do this Jiyong”

“Hyungnim, I am so sorry” Jiyong cried this time.

“Jiyong please, let us just tell them why you went missing eh”? Kwon knelt by Jiyong, “That justice would be served”

“Please no”

“Then I will do so myself” Kwon rose to his feet and walked over to the door, “Hyungnim please no” Jiyong tried pleading but he walked out regardless. He walked to a different room where Jin Hee was seated, he fell to his knees and cried, “Please save my brother”

“It is too late now, I cannot even if I wanted to..... the poison has been made for tomorrow”

“Kim Yang Suk tried to kill Jiyong” Kwon blurted out, I don’t care if you hate me Jiyong, at least you would be alive to do so He told Jin Hee everything that happened to Jiyong.

“I have been fooled by Yang Suk” Jin Hee shook his head, “I believe you but that does not mean he did not poison the queen..... I will see to it that Jin Hee and his son are punished… This is not what I was expecting, I did not expect the officials to punish him by death” Jin Hee knew the boy was not the type to do such cruel things.

“Then please save my brother” Kwon cried again, “He is protecting someone I know it.... I cannot watch him die....I already watched my mother die to protect him, he was only a baby.... she could have let him die but she died to let him live... a baby that she did not know, what....”

Jin Hee who had already started walking away turned, “Your mother died to save your the boy?..... You said that your mother died of illness leaving you two behind”

“I lied... I was just a boy when you kept asking about my brother and my mother brought Jiyong the night babies were being killed.... then, I had just put it all together so I had lied thinking that people were still after him” Ji Hee’s pulse was gradually rising, “Please save my brother”

Please tell me it is not true, Jin Hee prayed, “What is your mother’s name”

“Park Sa Rang was my mother’s name”

At the name, a sweat broke on Jin Hee’s  forehead, his legs became weak and he crashed to the floor clutching his chest What have I done

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Hijiji #1
Chapter 13: It's my 5th time reading this amazing story 💕💕
KikiGTOP #2
I think this is one of the best fanfics ever!!!
I know is almost impossible but I keep waiting a movie or a drama of this.
You're an amazing writer!!! Love <3 <3 <3
Nour93 #3
Chapter 13: Even though u have been one of my fave authors for years yet i have been delaying reading this fic but here i read it and I LOVE IT SO MUCH
So beautifully written
Thank u so much and missing u
Nour93 #4
Chapter 13: Even though u have been one of my fave authors for years yet i have been delaying reading this fic but here i read it and I LOVE IT SO MUCH
So beautifully written
Thank u so much and missing u
Chapter 13: this is one of my favorite fics of all time i think. wow! i'm glad i found ur stories!
Chapter 6: wow the ending of chapter six!
vododoll #7
Chapter 13: Im totally in love with your stories <3333 another amazing one here
Chapter 9: This is my seventh time read this story and it still entertain me and make me cry lol
hashimocca #9
Chapter 13: I love this story.. and how they communication with each other.. even he is the king but he isnot like king... hahahaha.. and this jong-in too... look like to make his king angry... and always with dirty minds... LOL.. yup.. this jong-in really represent me well... cause my mind full of dirty too if it's about our couple... right right...??