Wild but Depressed

Wild but ...

Baekhyun woke up the next day feeling like crap. Well of course if your body got whipped by several whips you would feel like crap too! But that's beside the point. He slowly opened his eyes and let the sun light up his room and warm his face. Kibum knocked softly on the door and entered the room.

"How's my baby today?

- Honestly feeling like .

- Still as sassy as your mummy though, said Jonghyun, entering a room with a plate full of bread, butter and bacon (and here he wonders where his little baby fat comes from)

- Be nice Jjong! Your son is a convalescent person right now!

- I am being nice darling, I'm bringing him his favorite food up in his bed", answered a smily Jonghyun.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes but digged in the food happily nonetheless.

"If you feel like not going to school feel free to do so baby! I don't have work today and I will call in sick for you.

- It's okay, I didn't have any important courses today anyway. I will just sleep in."
Baekhyun smiled tiredly to show that he was fine, but nobody in the room was fooled : he wasn't fine. He wasn't fine at all. Not only because his body hurts like hell, but he was mentally really tired. He understood he was a nobody, a fairy that couldn't use a magic wand because he was born with natural power except this power never showed itself yet and, as a big brother he was a failure to Jongdae because he needed to be protected by his little brother instead of being the one protecting him. And he was getting hit on by weirdos ... Even though he is quite attracted to this weirdo. Maybe he would visit him today ... The thought only made him a crack a small but sincere smile. And that didn't escape Kibum's accurate vision (well he and Jjong were staring at their son's features so...).

"What are you thinking about baby?

- Oh? Nothing, nothing.

- Tsk, you seriously want to hide something from your mother?

- Nono~ I just ... I was just thinking about ...

- Park Chanyeol?

- NO!"




- A guy that brought back your son yesterday. A weird guy but I guess it runs in my blood and my sons's blood to draw weird people in. I could see that he was caring at least.

- Oh him. Yeah well he seems pretty nice to me. ... Wait?! ARE YOU SAYING I'M A WEIRDO?!?

- Just a erted one, smirked Kibum.

- Take that back darling! warned Jonghyun slowly approaching Key's with a stare that screamed "I AM SO GONNA POUND INTO YOUR A-"

- Get out of my room if you want to do hardcore PDA! I don't need to get more sick than I already am!

- You're right son! We're gonna let you sleep in as you wished!" Jonghyun took Key on his shoulder who just opposed a weak resistance, and stormed out of Baekhyun's room.

Tsk look at him. He is the cliché of a bottom guy who wants to be ed but refused to let the top thinks he has his way ... even though he kinda has it ... And here I am, getting hard just by remembering Chanyeol's voice ... I wish he would visit me. I know I'm really rude to him, but I really hope he won't give up on me. He was the only one to stick close to me. Well he and my parents. Even my brother got tired of me. I know he does not like my current state ... It's not like I actually want to stay like this. And I don't even complain anymore. I guess I'm really a failure.

And little by little, tears slowly came out of his eyes.


"Everything is so dull here without my Baekkie", sighed Chanyeol, letting his shoulders drop low. He was at school, strolling around during lunch. He left his lunch box in his office, but didn't have the will to go back take it. Baekhyun's absence took a toll on his mood.


Please Chanyeol stop talking to yourself out loud. And my Baekkie? Seriously??

Yeah true he isn't mine ...

And you aren't on good terms to be able to give him nicknames.

Indeed ...

Chanyeol sighed loudly again and laid directly on the school pavement.

"Why so gloomy?

- I'm missing someone.

- Oh. Your one-year-long love interest.

- Yes.

- And lying on the school ground will make you feel better? You could at least spare yourself weird glances and do that in your office ...

- But if he comes in? I might miss him.

- Come on dude you're looking at the sky, how do you know which people are passing through the school's gates?

- I don't know which people pass throught those gates, but I know if it's my Baekkie or not."

For God sake, Chanyeol he isn't yours!!!

"He can be!

- What?!

- Nothing. My Phoenyx being an .

- Oh. Again. Well he has to keep up with your stupidity everyday so fair enough.

- Bye Joomyun.

- Wait! I came here to tell you to stop worrying like this. You don't do yourself any good, and people will think the President Body is full of weird students ... Not so far from the truth but anyway, we should pretend we're not. So get up and go in your office to mop!

- I don't wanna, came the answer along a childish whine. And I can't stop worrying. He is fragile, he can't take of himself against bully yet, and I feel magically attracted to him. I cannot stop what I feel.

- Come with me. I can ensure you, he won't come to school today."

Chanyeol's giant ears perked up at that.

''How do you know?!

- His father call in sick for him.

- Which one? Who told you this?

- I don't know. Well Yixing duh!

- Oh. Chanyeol lowered his head in deep thinking. Maybe I should pay him a visit.

- Isn't it common for friend to visit each other?

- We're not friends. He just thinks I annoy him.

- Well I would too but he really likes you right?

- How can you tell?

- He gave you his adress. Don't tell me he won't expect you to come, even more now. He knows how a pro stalker you are.


Joomyun quirked an eyebrow at that.

"So you do admit you stalked him before ?

- ... nevermind. I'm going after the next period.

- Well ...

- Bye I need to eat lunch!"

And Chanyeol stormed off.

"Why thanks to you too, ungrateful brat!" A soft, motherly smile appeared on Joomyun's face though. Chanyeol was like the tall clumsy son every household are tired of, but love dearly at the same time.




I'm terribly sorry but  I got extremely busy in my life (and still am, I'm doing hardcore gaming again xD (Tera <3 ) and the recent (well not so much now) events with EXO kinda took out my will to write anything on this story. Good thing I made Kris storm away a few chapters before. It would have been very awkward to write about him! I feel like I saw the future or something like that ... Enjoy this update and hopefully, we'll see each other soon!

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Chapter 11: so this story is just focused on baekyeol and xiuchen....who's parents are jongkey/zoutoria. Now what does Kangin and Leeteuk and Sehun have to do with it?! hmmm...interesting! Fighting for next one!
HyukkjaeB-D #2
I wanted him to.do a silly thing. Losing his ring appeared to be something silly enough xD. And it will cause some serious damage later on. :)

A proper Xiuchen will be out next so you'll be able to get enough feels haha ! :)