Introducing our advertising team: YeonA!


Park Jiyeon

This gurl right here is in charge of that dirty work called advertising. Sure it may be tiring but she does it anyways and we love her for that. She's also Kyu's hoe \o/

Please love her down once you join or talk to her when you get the chance! She's really nice.

Kim Hyuna

This girl is so precious. Not only is she cool and funny but she's hard working and a great motivation. She's also great when it comes to new idea for the rp.

If you ever get the chance to talk to her then please do so \o/ She's a lovely person and she's also an excellent friend. 

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Hyomin and Chunji will be leaving ;)
it's been fun being with you guys. some things are just not meant to last i guess.
Thankyou nevertheless. ♥

Afterschool Nana here~
Chapter 4: ahn jaehyun, ulzzang, bi

bio: Jaehyun always appeared mysterious and cold but once you got to know him, you would find that he's bubbly and quite frantic. Jaehyun wants his life to be like an anime, always gazing out the window, thinking about life, never participating in class and only in clubs. Jaehyun is laid back however word is that he's not right in the head (which is true).

password: swag blue e n e
StillnotArial #4
I'd like to apply as ulzzang Jayoung again pls.

pw; white
Chapter 4: Can CL from 2nel change chara to Jay Park?
NoMoreFears #6

- Kwak Minjun here! (It's a recycled account)
NoMoreFears #7
Name: Kwak Min Jun
Group: Ulzzang
Preferences: Straight
Biography: Min Jun is your typical boy, he's not so smart but he isn't stupid, he likes to play around and he can't act serious not even to save his life. He's kinda forgetful but his looks make it up for that, he thinks. His personality it's quiet an interesting one, he's spontaneous but he gets shy when people he doesn't know are around him, he's happy mostly all the time cause he doesn't like crying or stuff like that (he says he's a manly man after all). Being the distracted person he is, he'll pay attention to you if you can keep him entertained otherwise he'll end up doing something stupid or he will just stare at you until you shut up. He's a special kid, he's kind awkward if you don't know him well but if you can get to know him, he's nice...and still kinda weird. He doesn't like when people compliment his looks even if he tell himself that he's handsome, for him if other people starts going on about his looks it's annoying and it seems like they just talk to him because of that, that's one of the reasons why he changed schools, he only had one real friend back at his old school all the other were pretty much fake because he could pair them up with some girls. Anyways, Kwak Min Jun (never make jokes about his last name), it's a normal boy on the outside and kinda awkward on the inside, he expects that his new life in Vidorra will change him in a good way also he wish to find real friends, not only the ones that like him for his looks but rather for himself.
Pass: Pink (It's a manly color, okay? )

(I at writing biographies sorry)
Name: Nana
Group: Afterschool
Preferences: Straight
Biography: A "미녀/ minyeo" transferee student who looks naturally evil and y (still, very beautiful). girls in her previous school hate and envy her because of her looks. Naming her flirt, and which is why she transferred. She's quite popular among boys and they used to fight over her tbh (main reason why girls hate her). She's quiet and mysterious but once you get to know her, she's really sweet and cute. Her mother owns a beauty spa and her father is the CEO of a cosmetic company. She is a liscenced make-up artist and is a member of Make-up artists association at such a young age, influenced by her mother. She can't express her feelings well and is a bit scary when angry and annoyed. She aims for a new impression of people on her as she paves her way in Vidorra Highschool where only the most elite students can get into. Love can also be a reason. Who knows? /winks/
Pass: Black