
Sleeping Beauty

Your POV


“Taking the night shift again?” Asks your best friend as you hand her her evening coffee “Yeah, I tried to say no but the boss threatened me with my job, At least I have coffee to keep me awake” you sigh making your self the beverage that will sustain you over the night. She eyes you wearily “One of these days you are going to run out of coffee, what will you do then?” asks leaning casually on the counter looking over the empty cafe. “What have I told you about telling scary stories i’m going to have nightmares now” you laugh and throw a rag to her “if you are going to stay you may as well help”. 


“Ewwwww” she squeals and throws the rag on the floor “Seriously princess its time you learnt how to work” you smile walking around the counter, picking up the rag and begin to  wipe down the tables. “I can work” she mutters “And don’t call me a princess” she continues picking up a broom “Of course your highness” you laugh. “The idea of a broom is to collect dirt not spread it around” you say eyeing her as she swings the broom wildly back and forth. 


She pouts “Its not my fault” she mumbles continuing her swinging “UGH you doing more harm than good! go home, ill be fine” you say as she knocks over a pile of plates that you catch before they hit the floor. “Sorry...” she mumbles and picks up her bag walking to the door “Be careful, good night” she says before exiting the door.  


You sigh putting the plates down looking at the clock its only 9... this is going to be a long night you think.


Luhan’s POV


Her friend has left thinks Luhan as he peers around the corner of the store room I can make an appearance now. Luhan slowly creeps walks around the corner picking up the discarded broom and begins to clean up the mess his co-workers friend made. Not so discreetly watching his co-worker wipe down the tables and he fails to notice the pile of plates sitting precariously on the counter. *CRASH* oh crap Luhan freezes in shock and his co-worker jumps about a foot in the air spinning around to face him. “Wha- Luhan! you scared me! I thought you went home” she gasps holding her chest in shock. 


Luhan looks at his feet “The boss made me to stay on tonight” me mumbles eyes not leaving his feet. “Oh... okay then” she smiles turing back to the tables “Sweep the plates into a pile we’ll tell the boss it was some costumer” she continues and he nods face still to the floor to hide the blush evident on his face. Ugh I swear god hates me... why did he make me so clumsy he thinks sweeping up the debris.  


The next few hours passes in silence with only a few costumers passing though occasionally most builders from the construction site across the road. Luhan watches his long time crush skip around cleaning the cafe. She looks like a fairly tale character... I wouldn't be surprised if birds flew though the window to help clean he thinks from his corner where he had been re-cleaning the same glass for the past half hour. 


“Mmmmm maybe its time for a coffee” she thinks out loud walking over to the counter peering into the coffee machine  “Looks like I have to top up the machine ” she says walking to the store room. 


A scream prices the silence of the deserted cafe, Luhan drops his glass and runs towards the sound.  “Whh-” he begins but she cuts him off “N- n- NO COFFEE... THERE IS NO COFEEE” she wails falling to her knees “Umm..” Luhans stands their awkwardly unsure of what to do “Its my friend! she cursed me” she hisses standing up searching around the room. “I told the boss SO many times we were running out and he PROMISED he would buy more” she mumbles looking on top and under shelves. 


Finally after half an hour of searching she gives up flopping down in one of the booths “My coffee...” she whines resting the head on the table. Just then a customer comes in and Luhan is forced to explain the lack of coffee (A/N Luhan if you are shy why the hell did you choose a cafe job....).


When the disgruntled customer leaves and Luhan looks over to his co-worker who hasn't moved since the customer walked in. Carefully he tip toes over to her Is she asleep? he thinks stepping of a creaky floor board and freezing in fear. But she makes no sign of movement and he continues to move closer She looks so cute when she’s asleep he thinks coming face to face with her. 


Luhan’s eyes train down her face to her soft kissable lips leaning in so that their noses are almost touching he presses his lips to hers. Her eyes shoot open.

(A/N In science class this is weird TT_TT its so cliché OTL)

Your P.O.V 

You stare wide eyed at the boy scrambling across the floor face red as a tomato hands clamped over his mouth. You touch your lips still in shock “Sorry!” he shouts sprinting to the store room and closing the door. That idiot you think He just cornered him self... You sigh walking over to the store room pressing your ear to the door. You can hear a faint sobbing though the wood That pabo you didn’t even give me a chance to say anything “Luhan” you call gently opening the door and he cringes away wiping his eyes “Sorry” he mumbles again. 


“You idiot, next time if you are going to kiss me do it while i’m awake” you say smiling he looks up at you in shock “Also you need to work on your stalking skills it was pretty obvious you liked me from the start” you continue. He looks at his feet as a fresh wave of tears threatened to fall from his eyes “Which is good... because I like you too” you finish. 


His head shoots up eyes still brimmed with tears “Really?” he chokes “Yup, why do you think I started woking here” you say winking at him. He brakes into a smile “Now onto more pressing matter someone stole my first kiss while I was asleep” you say narrowing your eyes.  


He stiffens “Fix it” you say pointing at your mouth a smile playing on your lips. He goes beet read and slowly stands walking timidly over to you. He gently wraps a hand around your waist avoiding your eyes you put your hands around his neck “look at me Luhan” and he looks up. 


You capture his lips for a long sweet kiss and you pull apart for air “Now go buy me some coffee.. the expensive kind and consider your debt payed” you say smiling before leaving the fazed boy alone in the store cupboard.


(A/N The end~ Umm so i wrote this trough English, Science and a subject I cant think of at the moment...)

((A/N later Oh and yeah it ~ but hey I tried and I will keep trying XD feed back would be nice ^.^))

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lazyoongi #1
Chapter 1: ohh cute Luhanny<3
Chapter 1: Love it. .
Chapter 1: lol. her addiction over coffee scared me, how can someone loves coffee this much? yep, there are people out there who love coffee >//< there are many different type of coffee nowadays, lol. why am i talking about coffee now? tsk tsk tsk. anyway, it's a good story. make sure you focus on your studies too.
crazyexotic #4
Chapter 1: quite good...