Chapter 1

You Don't Say That Tomorrow (I'm Not a Monster)

I wake up screaming and sweating from a nightmare. I keep having the same nightmare for the past month and something was telling me that it want just a nightmare. I check my alarm clock and it it's 4:30, two hours before I had to wake up. I don't want to go back to sleep because I will just fall back into the same nightmare. The weird thing is that I could never remember what the the dream was about. I looked at the Cowling focusing on trying to fall asleep. I got out of the bed and went to take a shower. I sat in the shower without the water being on and tried to remember the dream, but my thoughts kept getting invaded by my beautiful girlfriend, Lee Hi and it brought me peace.

As I got out of the shower I looked at the clock and realizing that it was 7 o clock rushed to get my clothes on. I rushed down the stairs and said Goodbye to my grandparents who were eating breakfast and rushed out the door. I saw the bus leaving my sup and ran towards it, tapping the side of the bus, but it still passed by me. I ran faster trying to catch the bus at the next stop, but I had to catch my breath. I looked up and realized that I was two stops ahead of the bus.  I wondered how I got there so fast, but I told myself that it want important and just waited for the bus to come.

It took ten minutes, but the bits finally arrived. I walked on and I saw my beautiful girlfriend staring at me.

"What took you so long panda?" She said as she went for a kiss.

"I took a little long in the shower." I said, not trying to mention that I was thinking about her in the shower and the nightmare that I was having. I didn't want to look weak in front of her. The bus came to steady stop and I knew it was the stop I hated the most. Doojoon walked onto the bus with smile he always had in the morning, the one that made me want to punch him straight in the face.

"Hey Lee Hi, you're looking more beautiful than ever." Said Doojoon with his boyish charm.

"Oh stop it you're making me blush." She said giggling as she jokingly punched him as he sat behind us. I looked him in disgust and took awhile for Doojoon to realize I was staring at him.

"Oh excuse me, I'm sorry I forgot about you Panda." He said smirking and snickering under his breath.

"Yeah you did." I said. We both stared at each other.

"You two are so funny." She laughed, not realizing the seriousness of the situation. She was so oblvious to the fact that he constantly was hitting on her and it kind of pisses me off.

Well I would love to state at you all day, but we just got to school, so I will see you later." Doojoon.

"Ok I will see you later Doojoon." She smiled and waved.

"Oh how rude of me, see you at rugby Panda." He walked off the bus and into the school. As we got off the bus my face started to swell up in anger.

“What's wrong sweetie?" She asked

"You really don't know do you. That always flirts with you ever since we started dating and you just lets it go on. I tried to ignore it, but now I can't since he is doing it in front of my face now."

"Oh you know that Doojoon is just joking and even if he was it wouldn't matter because I only have eyes on my y panda."

"You know you are the best, right?"

"I know I am." She said kissing me. " But it would help if you reminded me more often." We walked into the school holding hands.

The day went by and I finally got home from rugby practice. I was happy the day was over I was tired and annoyed. That bastard Doojoon just kept trying to steal my precious love and then I have to deal with him bossing me around since he is the rugby captain, that ing .

"Hey Seunghyun come in here for a moment." Said my grandpa.

"Yes Grandpa, is there something you want?" I said.

"I was just wondering how was school today."

"Well it was okay, besides the fact that I don't understand anything that is going on in school anymore and the rugby captain is trying to steal my girlfriend, but besides that things are good I guess."

"That is good to hear. Have you been feeling different lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"Had your body been feeling different?"

"Ew are you are asking me about puberty, what the heck man."

"No not that, but I guess I can ask you this question some other time."

"Ok whatever." I started to walking up the stairs.

"Wait!" He screamed he looked closely into my eyes. "You didn't forget to put your contacts in today, right."

"Yes I remembered. Grandpa why do I have to wear these even though I have perfect eye sight."

"Because your eye colors are ugly and are unnatural." I,walked up into my bathroom and looked into the mirror taking out my contacts, my brown eyes turning into my natural purple eye color.

"What the hell is so bad about my eye color, I think it is a pretty y color."

A/N: Hope you like the first update this is all about character deveopment on Seungri and his family then chapter 4 will start to be the transition between high school Seungri and monster seungri. Please comment below and tell me how you feel about.

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Chapter 2: ooh, the eyes. like in the Monster MV. anyway, why is this called chap3? did I miss the first 2chaps? o.O
Chapter 2: Nee~ it's great. Lee Hi is his girlfriend, so sweet, I really love that girl. I can't wait for the next update ^^
Subscribed~~~!! I'm so excited about this story, So different! Update soon please!
I can´t believe you did it *feels happy* and Lee Hi it´s gonna appear, can´t wait for read it.
yako123 #5
can't wait for baeri fanfic from you. hope u make baeri the main pairing...