Noise and Silence

This Is What Fate Gives You

*Sandeul's POV*

I stood there crying to myself. I don't know how much time had passed but my body started to stiffen and I felt like I've already had more than enough to with Miyeon. I stood up and retreated to the back of the room. I heard Miyeon's mother sobbing hard and a couple sniffles probably from her husband and Yejun. I stared blankly through the small crack of the curtains. Night had fallen and the world was dark but the city lights lit it up. For some reason I felt annoyed. I felt like all those lights should just go out. My world felt pitch black and dark and I wanted everything else to be that way. I'm probably being selfish, and I'm so angry with myself. I felt like my emotions were all jumbled up, bouncing around. 

I did nothing but stare out into the city. Usually when you do nothing, time would go slow but it no time the doctors came back in and told us to leave. VIsiting hours were over. 

We all walked outside with our eyes red and puffy. Wooyoung wasn't there anymore. He must have left. Since I had a bit of trouble walking, the Kwon family helped me back to my room. Before I felt pain with each step I took. Now, I know the pain is there. Flowing throughout my body but I didn't feel it. We were at my room in no time and to my surprised my father was still there. He said that he canceled his meeting so that he can stay here. I was taken aback and so was Yejun. He gave me a look asking what happened but I whispered that I'll tell him later. He nodded slowly and they left, leaving me and my father alone once again.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the white bed sheets. 

"You don't have to stay here with me," I said.

"I don't have to, but I want to." My father replied.

I didn't argue. I didn't want to argue. I was too tired to argue.

For about an hour, we didn't say anything. My father would occasionally get an emergency call but he would hang up and slip the phone back into his pocket. He was serious about wanting to stay with me. His sudden change in behavior was quite a shock, but I felt touched. Even though he may try to change his ways, I just can't forgive him for what he's done to me and Miyeon. To be honest, I halfly blame Miyeon's accident on him. If he didn't try to pull me away from her, she would still be alive. No. Don't think like that Sandeul. She's still alive. She will wake up. 

*Ai's POV*

Ji Eun slept over at my house last night and we were both getting ready to go to school. We would have looked funny at the moment -- mouths wide open, holding a piece of jam covered bread halfway to our mouths, but we weren't laughing. It felt like my stomach was tied in a knot and I slowly put my bread down. 

It was all over the news -- news about the daughter of the famous Kwon Jiyong and Jenny  and the son of the well known hotel owner Lee Seonu, had gotten in a car accident. Me and Ji Eun were listening to every word that came out of the reporters mouth.

"The accident occured around 5:30 yesterday. According to witnesses, the boy, Lee Junghwan was standing in the middle of the road, almost about to be hit by a truck, however Kwon Miyeon pushed him out of the way and end up getting hit in his place. They were taken to the hospital immediately. No word has been given out of their conditions at the moment. Until we have more information of this accident--"

I turned off the TV. I couldn't stand seeing it. Me and Miyeon weren't very close but I was so worried. Before we talked, I would see her around school and she was always smiling. She was friendly with everyone but ever since she got into that fight with her friend, she became depressed. A lot of people noticed it actually. They haven't made up and they both got into an accident. 

My mom eventually chased us out of the house or we'll be late for school. On our way there I decided to go visit Miyeon after school. Ji Eun agreed to go with me.

"I'm very worried. I hope they're both okae." Her expression was sad. 

I nodded in agreement. "Hopefully they'll allow other people to visit them today."

"We should buy flowers," said Ji Eun with a small voice.

I nodded. "Flowers sound nice." 

We made it to school just in time before they started to close the gates. We both walked with the current of students that rushed to their classroom. We made it to the third floor and ran to our class and took a seat. I set my bag down and sighed. Ji Eun took her seat in front of me and sighed as well. "We made it in time."

I opened my bag and was about to take out my Korean History notebook but the murmurs around me were deafening. They were all talking about the same thing.

"Did you hear about the accident?"

"How unfortunate."

"The family is all over the news."

"I can't believe she did that."

"I know right? Especially after he pushed her away like that."

"He should have been the one to get hit."

"Miyeon was always too nice."

"I heard that Junghwan already woke up but Miyeon is in a coma."

"If she dies, it's his fault." 

"I hope he lives with the guilt of causing her pain and her death."

All this talk was getting on my nerves. How dare they talk that way when they don't know the real story. I got up and was about to slam my hands on the desk to get their attention but someone beat me to it.

*Wooyoung's POV*

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted throw this desk and yell at them to shut up. They don't know anything. So they should just shut up. The thing that set me off was when one person said. "I hope he lives with the guilt of causing her pain and her death."

I stood up up and slammed my hands on the desk as hard as I could. Once I did that, the noise died down. I was looking at my desk, but I could feel the stares from everyone on me. My hands stung and I felt like curling it into a fist and just punching the table but I restrained myself. I straightened up and turned. I looked at every single person in the room and once I met Ai's eyes, I looked away. I pursed my lips, trying to decide what I'm going to say. 

I felt a little stupid for standing there, in rage, but having nothing to say. After much thought I said "Do you even have any idea what you're talking about? Do you even know them personally? Do you even know the real story? Before you talk , get your facts straight."

At that moment, the teacher walked in. "Wooyoung, class is starting. Is there something you want to announce to the class?" He raised his brows and looked at me with suspicion. 

I avoided eye contact with anyone and curled my hands into fists. I could feel them trembling, itching to punch or break something. "Nothing," I said and sat back down. 

He looked at everyone and cleared his throat. "I'm pretty sure you all heard about it. If you haven't, two fellow students here at Jihwan High got into an accident yesterday. Please pray for their health and make sure you stay safe as well." He turned around and picked up a chalk. "Now for today's lesson. We'll be talking about the tragic event during the Korean War where 71 teenagers had to defend a middle school. Now these students were all your age and they were undertrained. Imagine how scared they were to be fighting a war at such a young age..."

The teacher's words became a blur and I stared at my textbook. After staring at it for a few minutes, the words became jumbled up and it was like I was reading Latin. I pressed my fingers to the temple of my head. I should go visit Sandeul later. I hope he's doing better. I hope Miyeon woke up as well.

For the entire day, all everyone was talking about was the accident. But what pissed me off the most was when they blamed Sandeul for the accident. Everytime someone said something like that, I felt like punching them in the face. It took up almost all of my energy not to. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. 

I was staring at the clock, watching the hands of the clock as it moved slowly. I wanted the bell to ring to badly. I wanted to get out of here. What was actually three minutes felt like 3 hours. I kept tapping my pencil on my notebook, and when I looked down, I realized that I had just made a dotted picture all over my notes. I sighed and put my pencil away. At that time, the bell rang and the teacher looked up. "We'll pick up from page 84 tomorrow. Remember to write a reaction paper on the first part of the story and answer the questions on the board. It might show up on a future test."

I threw all my stuff in my bag, not caring if anything gets crumpled. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room as fast as possible. As I was leaving the school, I thought how pathetic I must look now. I doubt any of my friends had forgiven me, and I felt like a loner now. What would happen once Sandeul's father stops everything? What would happen to them? Probably not much since this is our last year, but would they still hate me? Would they still look down on me? 

When I was finally outside, I stopped and looked at the ground. I wish things would go back to the way it was before. Even though I say that, I know very well that it won't. I continue to walk when flying paper balls hit me. When I slapped one away I looked up and saw two guys standing a few feet away from me. It was Juwon and Kang. I rolled my eyes. These two are probably the most annoying. They snickered and walked up to me.

"Jang Wooyoung," said Juwon.

I looked at him with a bored expression. "What do you want Juwon? Does your monkey friend need someone to be his errand boy and buy him bread?" I nodded at Kang. "Tell him to use one of the math club members because I have no time." 

"This bas--" Kang raised a fist to punch me but Juwon held him back.

"Don't. There's people around us." Kang was looking at me with death eyes, but he lowered his fist. Juwon let go of him and returned his attention to me. "So tell me Wooyoung, I heard that Sandeul's father is stopping the 'donations'. Is that true?" His voice dropped into a whisper and he looked around, making sure no one was eavesdropping. "You know, I would ask Sandeul himself, but he's in the hospital."

"Serves him right." said Kang who butted in. "He pushed Miyeon away and killed her happiness, and now he killed her. Well, she's not dead, but if she does die, it's entirely his fault. I hope the guilt eats him alive until he can't take it anymore."

I looked at Kang with anger and disgust. Hearing it from other people was annoying, but hearing it from him was way worse. I didn't want to punch him, I wanted to take a bulldozer and run him over. I took in a deep breath and let it out, trying to keep my composure. "Yes it is true that no one will be donating to our school anymore. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Of course I do," Juwon said with annoyance.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "You know, even with all those donations, you're still nothing but a thug here in school. Your grades weren't high enough to be accepted or even considered in the A class. You're not part of any club or organization. What did the benefits of donating get you?" I paused for a moment then smile. "Ahh, that's right. You were suppose to be expelled. You and Kang." I quickly glanced at Kang and back to Juwon. "You both received your 50th strike and you know what that means." I stepped closer and pronounced each syllable clearly. "Ex.pul.sion. Not only that, but the school covers up for you when you get into neighborhood fights. That's really dangerous you know. What if the school can't cover up for you and the police find out? They'll dig up past records, talk to the school, and everything will be found out. If you think about it, it's just a lose-lose situation for you two. Might as well give up now."

*Sandeul's POV*

I stared at my phone, rereading the text Wooyoung sent me earlier: I'll sneak away from my training to visit you after school. Don't do anything stupid bunny boy. Arasseo?

I smiled a little and pressed the lock button on my phone. I set it aside on the bedside table and stared at it. For the whole afternoon I've been trying to fall asleep, but I can't. I wanted to take the sleeping pills but because I took it earlier this morning, the doctors said I can't take it again for another 8 hours. It's bad to overdose. 

And no one wants to tell me about Miyeon's current condition. I've asked the doctors and nurses countless times but they just ignore me and walk away. Earlier Miyeon's dad came to visit me after visiting Miyeon. He said she's getting better, but she's still in a coma. It's hard to say when or if she'll wake up. 

I've been trying to keep myself busy by watching TV but all I see are dramas, and the variety shows aren’t entertaining me at the moment. Staring out the window is like watching paint dry. And the doctors scolded me for playing with my food. I tried to pretend like I was in some fort my putting the blanket over my head but I just wasn't in the mood.

My eyes shifted from my phone to the small black box a little further away. My heart breaks every time I look at it. I stretched my arms to grab it and bring it close to me. I gently set it next to me on the bed. With my head resting on the pillow, I opened the box. Inside, cushioned between two silk pillows were matching rings. Promise rings. I don't know what was going through my mind when I bought it. I don't know what triggered me to buy it. Was it my conversation with Ha Neul? I recalled myself walking into the jewelry store. It was like my body had a mind of it's own. 

That night when I got home, I stared at the rings. Just staring at it. I kept asking myself 'Why did I buy this?' 'What good will this do?' After much thinking I devised a plan. There was a high possibility it would fail because I was pretty sure Miyeon hated me forever, but I had to try. 

I was going to apologize to her and give her the ring. Then I would say that I promise that I would never hurt her again and I would never do something so stupid. I would promise that I would protect her and I would always be by her side. Then I would tell her I love her.

I don’t know if she would accept my apologies and my feelings, and now I would never know. I closed the box and put my hand over it. Thinking about it, it was because of these stupid rings that Miyeon got hit. If only I didn’t pick it up. If only the wind didn’t blow it away.  If only I didn’t take it out from my pocket. 

I threw the box across the room in rage. It’s because of those rings that Miyeon is the way she is now. I turned my back away from the rings and pulled the blanket over my head, attempting to sleep once more but nothing happened. I sighed and got out of bed. I went to pick up the box and fortunately, the rings didn’t fall out. Nothing was damaged except for a small scratch on the box. I sighed and put it on the bedside table and crawled into bed. I pulled the covers over my face, hoping to fall asleep again. 

*Wooyoung’s POV*

Here I was, sitting in the Principal’s office with the left side of my face swollen and my lips bleeding. Juwon and Kang were standing next to me looking a little nervous. In front of us was the Principal, looking older than I last recalled. His hair was grayer, and more wrinkles had appeared on his face. He looked tired and stressed. And behind us were Ai and Ji Eun who brought us here in the first place.

Juwon threw the punch first and I let him. I fell onto the grass, and did nothing as Kang kicked me. Juwon grabbed my collar and punched me once more. Fortunately, Ai and Ji Eun came by and stopped them. They led us to the Principal’s office and as we were walking, we earned stares from our peers who were murmuring and starting the next gossip news. 

The Principal sighed. “Please tell me what happened. Everything.”

“H- He started it Principal!” Shouted Kang whose forehead was matted with sweat. 

The Principal raised a hand. “I need a story.” He turned to me. “Wooyoung would you please explain what happened? I trust you right now.” 

I looked around the room and sighed. It’s true that Juwon punched me first but I provoked him. How should I explain how and why I provoked him? I sat there at a loss for words. The Principal sighed and I could hear the tiredness in his voice. “Ai, please tell me what you two saw.”

Ai hesitated before speaking. “Well, me and Ji Eun were on our way home, but as we left the building, I happened to see Wooyoung, Kang, and Juwon talking. I didn’t think it was much then I saw Juwon punch Wooyoung and Kang kicked him.”

Ji Eun nodded. “We don’t know what they were talking about, but from a witness’ point of view, Juwon threw the punch first.” 

Juwon bit his lip as the Principal looked back at him. He then turned his attention to me. “Is this true Wooyoung? Did Juwon punch you?” I looked down and slowly nodded my head. “Can you at least tell me why he did that? I know Juwon isn’t a role model student, but he doesn’t just pick fights because he’s bored.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “Okae. Maybe I did provoke him to punch me.” I didn’t hear the Principal say anything for awhile and then he said “What did you do? You’re a good student Wooyoung. I would have expected better.”

I sighed and looked up, but still not meeting anyone in the eyes. “I’m sorry. I was stressed and taking it out on them.” I paused before continuing. “It... it has to do with the funds being donated to the school.”

The whole room got quiet and I could actually feel the atmosphere dropping. The Principal sighed. “That’s all I’ve been dealing with these past weeks.” He covered his face in his hands and shook his head. “I don’t know if you heard from your parents already, but the donations are already being cut off.”

“We know,” I immediately said. 

The Principal looked at me between his fingers and studied me closely. “Very well,” he said. He got up and looked outside the window. “If you don’t know the details, just ask your parents. They’ll tell you everything.” He returned to his seat and sat back. He looked at every person in the room closely before continuing. “Honestly speaking, I’m glad this is all over. It has been giving me the biggest headaches since it started and it got worse when Jaegyu and his father just ditched. It was like he was telling us to clean up his mess. I was afraid that if this whole thing continued, we would be found out and the school staff that was involved, the hotel owners, everyone who donated might be put in prison. I was afraid that this school would be lost and the children... I don’t know what could have happened to them.” He looked at us again but his expression was stern now. “If there’s anything I would have to tell you, none of you would be affected. Any special benefits you received, getting in the A Class, getting into the Student Council or becoming President of a club or organization, will still remain intact. It will follow you until you graduate, but the start of next year, our old school system-our fair school system-will be played once more. That is all. You can leave.” 

We all started for the door, but the Principal stopped us. “Juwon and Kang, you will be doing community service for a whole week as your punishment and Wooyoung, you will be cleaning the field tomorrow after school as your punishment.”

I was about to protest but I realized I was also at fault, and I was just too tired to argue. We all left the Principal’s office quietly and Juwon and Kang immediately scrammed. I stood there awkwardly next to Ai and Ji Eun.

I bowed to say goodbye and walked in the other direction. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard someone’s footsteps following me. I didn’t bother to turn around to see who it was. They caught up and walked next to me. I didn’t ask why Ai was following me, and just continued until I was outside the school. We continued to walk together in silence until we past the school gates and were halfway through the cherry blossom trees. 

I stopped walking and Ai did the same. I took in a deep breath and spoke. “Do you need something?”

Ai stood still then shook her head. I sighed and continued walking but she grabbed my shirt. I turned my head slightly. 

“Can we talk?” She asked.


We walked into a small coffee shopped and ordered some drinks. We sat there in silence. Strangely, I hated all the voices, talks, and gossips throughout this whole day, but I hated the silence that came with it. 

“What did you want to talk to me about?” I asked. 

Ai looked at me and sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For abandoning you when everyone was bullying you.”

I smirked. “It’s okae. If you stood up for me, they would have just targeted you as well.”

Ai shook her head. “I’m the Vice President of the Student Council. They can’t touch me,” she said with a small, sad chuckle.

“I guess that’s one of the perks in being in the Student Council.” I began playing with some sugar packets. “How’s Hoon doing?”

“He’s okae,” Ai answered. Her focus shifted to the back of the shop where she was watching bakers... well... bake. “We all wished that you could have been the one to become our President. It was pretty much a unanimous vote.”

I put the sugar packet down. “Sorry. After hearing what the school was doing, the benefits the students received, and knowing that my father was somehow a part of it all, I didn’t want to be a part of the Student Council anymore. I would just have been labeled as another student with special benefits. I would have rather work my way to get something.” 

Ai slowly nodded. “I know what you mean. I objected to Jaegyu’s idea, but we were desperate so we just went with it. I’m glad that it’s over now.”

Almost over,” I corrected. “Even if they stop the donations, the case isn’t closed. There’s going to be a lot of behind the scenes work going on.” I said as I thought about Mr. Lee’s intentions. 

“That’s true.” Ai looked away from the bakers and then to me. “I hope you’re not mad at me.” 

I looked up at her and met her eyes. She looked sad and apologetic. I sighed. She really didn’t do anything wrong. “I’m not mad. I’m just... disappointed. I didn’t think you would be a part of such a thing.” I watched as she looked away and became a thin line. “It’s not your fault okae? You were just thinking about the school and trying to save it. To tell you the truth, I probably would have done the same.”

Ai looked back at me. “Really?”

I shrugged. “Probably. If it’s for something or someone I really care about, I would.” I sat back in my chair and smiled a little. “You must love the school.”

I heard Ai laugh. “I guess. More like I love the people in the school and the things I can do here. Even though me becoming the Vice President was just a benefit for me, I had fun being in the Student Council. Jaegyu left us, but he was a fun person to be around. He was the mood maker in our group. It just hurts to see him leave like that. Chihoon... he seems really cold at first, but once you get close to him, he’ll show his small outbursts to you. And under all that ice, is a warm heart. That’s kind of his charm. And Eunmi’s really cute. Her perkiness can be a bit too much, but she makes all of us smile.” She paused and smiled. “Because of the Student Council, I became friends with more people and it just made every day better. I met my best friend through them. I was able to receive many opportunities and experience new things.”

Seeing Ai happy, it made me smile. It’s true that I would have done something as risky as what she and others did if it’s for something I really cared about. I opened my mouth to say something. “I too have to say sorry.”

Ai looked confused. “Waeyo?”

I looked at the tiled floors and thought. “That time when Soomin High came over, just minutes before the assembly started, you came to talk to me but I just walked away.” I sighed. “I was stupid to have done that. I should have stayed and hear you out.”

“You don’t have to apologize for that. I understand why you were mad at me,” she said.

I leaned forward. “I already told you. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.”

Ai looked at me for few seconds then looked away. “Well I guess that’s better than being mad. I guess you must hate me now.”

My eyes became wide. “Why would I hate you?” 

Ai sighed. “I don’t know.” She looked at me. “So you don’t hate me?”

I shook my head. “I don’t hate you, okae? I’m not mad, but I’m disappointed. But I understand why you would do such a thing.” I sat up straight. “After... after all this ends, or at least when they announce it to everyone... Can we be friends again?” I looked down. 

Ai didn’t say anything for awhile and then said, “Of course.”


Ahhhh~!!!! I'm sorry for not updating for more than a month! >.< I've been so busy with school, but now it's Spring Break and I'm free!! And I don't have any homework to do! At least I think so    

So what do you think of this chapter? .___. I haven't wrote about these two in a long time. So while Miyeon is in a coma, I'll be focusing on the other two couples more~

Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors. Please comment~

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... You... brought my hopes up... I thought you really updated ;~;
Hi!<br />
Good story and fighting:)<br />
Hope that you write more about Soyoung and Jinyoung because it's pretty interesting:)
Ha ~ See you dont listen to me ~ UPDATE NOW ~!! xD<br />
I'm so ~ gonna bug you in school about this ~
Gracia #5
Update soon :) it's pretty interesting
tigermunch #6
ahh omg ur story is so captivating please don't stop!!finish the story theres plenty of ppl hu wanna continue reading!
ItzJaeKay #7
Your story sounds good<br />
And I like the school name: Jihwan...High School haha
Ya ~~!! finish the story ~~~~~~!!!!!! Dobt quit on the damn story ~~~!! I wanna know what happens next ~~~~ !!! xD
<br />
/also until someone is kind enough to comment.
Update tmrw ~ xD Since you said part one ~ xD