The New Student

This Is What Fate Gives You

*Soyoung's POV*

I made it to class just before the bell rang. I took my seat and pulled out my notebook and pencil case, getting ready for the day. The day started like any other-- boring and nothing new. 

The teacher walked in and everyone quieted down. Not because the teacher arrived, but because of the boy who followed right after her.
She took her place at the front and the boy stood next to her. He’s cute. I thought to myself. He stood there at the front of the class, giving a small smile. He looked mischievous, like he was planning something. I didn’t realize I was staring at him until I saw him stare back at me. 
I quickly turned my head away. What did I just do? But then I thought, He wouldn’t think that it’s weird for me to stare at him because everyone else in the class was staring at him too. I turned to look at my classmates, and just like I thought, they were all staring at him. Why did he stare back at me though? 
I shook the thought off my mind and watched as the new student took his seat. Wait. I didn’t catch his name. Wait. Why would I even want to know his name. I hit myself on the forehead. This is no time to think about boys! You must focus on your studies!
I rubbed my forehead. I guess I hit it harder than I meant to. The teacher resumed her normal schedule of teaching the class. She began writing sentences on the chalk board and I wrote it down for notes. 
Throughout the class period, my eyes would wander off and I would always find them staring at the new kid. Fortunately, he sat near the front of the class so he won’t notice me looking at him. However one time, he turned to look at his right and I quickly covered up by pretending I was looking at the board. 
The bell rang for break and I packed up my stuff into my bag. I got up to go use the restroom and see my friends from other classes. I have no friends in that class so I’m pretty much alone for the entire day. How fun is that?
I was about to leave the classroom when the teacher called my name. I wanted to pretend like I didn’t hear her, but that would be disrespectful. I turned around and tried to give an innocent smile. “Yes seonsaengnim?”
“Can you please take Jinyoung here to the teacher’s office?” she gestured at the new kid. So his name is Jinyoung. “There’s some work there that I would like him to catch up with. I would take him myself, but I have a meeting I need to get to.”
I wanted to refuse her offer but I’m too much of a nice person that can’t say no. “Yes seonsaengnim.” 
“Gamsahamnida! Jeongmal gamsahamnida!” she bowed to me and left the room in a second. 
I stood there at the door and Jinyoung stood at his desk. It was awkward. But I said I would take him to the teacher’s office, so I’ll take him to the teacher’s office. I walked over to the new kid “Let’s go?”
He nodded and I walked ahead. It was quiet for most of the walk. I looked back a couple of times to see if he was following me. We finally reached the teacher’s office and I headed over to Moon seonsaengnim’s desk. 
“What are you two doing here?” asked a teacher. He looked at us suspiciously. But then again, all teachers do that. 
“Oh, Moon seonsaengnim wants me to get some of her papers so that she can give it to the new student,” I say.
“Okae,” said the teacher but he still gives us a suspicious look. I could feel his stare as I searched for the papers my teacher wanted. 
It was quiet for awhile then Jinyoung decides to speak, “What are you supposed to be looking for?”
“Just like our teacher said, the work she wants you to catch up with. I know what she means so just let me look for it.”
“Teacher’s pet,” I heard him grumble but I decided to ignore it.
I searched for about 5 minutes when I gave up, “I don’t know where she put it.” 
“Maybe it’s in one of her drawers,” suggested Jinyoung. He moved next to me to open one of the drawers.
“I don’t think we’re allowed to look in there,” I said. 
“Judging by all the eyes were receiving, I have a feeling not many students come here at all. What makes a difference where we --” he trailed off. 
I noticed that he opened one of the drawers and just stood there. “Is there a problem?” 
Jinyoung closed the drawer, “No. Nothing. I don’t think it’s in there.”
“Then what’s in there?” I was about to open the same drawer he opened but he stopped me. 
“No!” he said grabbing my wrist. I was taken aback by his sudden rashness. “I mean. It’s the student’s grades in there and I don’t think we’re allowed to see those.” he let go of my wrist. 
I looked at him suspiciously, “So now you play by the rules? Well, fine then.” I let go of my grip on the handle and searched somewhere else. I noticed a green folder on the floor so I bent down to pick it up. “Here it is!” Why is this doing on the floor? Moon seonsaengnim isn’t the type to be messy. 
“Here you go,” I said, handing it to the new kid.
He took the green folder from me, “Gomawo.”
That also took me by surprise. “Gomawo? Isn’t that a little to informal?”
“Well,” he said opening the folder. He flipped through the papers and said, “We already made physical contact , so we can speak informally to each other if we want.” he looked at me and smirked. And when he smirked I wanted to slap him.
It took every nerve of my body to restrain myself from picking up my arm and slapping him across the face. I didn’t like his tone of voice. I didn’t like how he speaks so informally to me even though we just met. And I certainly don’t like that smirk of his. Instead, I pushed him aside and walked out of teacher’s office. I turned around to see if he would follow me, but he didn’t. And I felt grateful that he didn’t

Chapter 2~ A little bit longer than the first one but still short. I wonder what Jinyoung saw in that drawer huh? ;D
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... You... brought my hopes up... I thought you really updated ;~;
Hi!<br />
Good story and fighting:)<br />
Hope that you write more about Soyoung and Jinyoung because it's pretty interesting:)
Ha ~ See you dont listen to me ~ UPDATE NOW ~!! xD<br />
I'm so ~ gonna bug you in school about this ~
Gracia #5
Update soon :) it's pretty interesting
tigermunch #6
ahh omg ur story is so captivating please don't stop!!finish the story theres plenty of ppl hu wanna continue reading!
ItzJaeKay #7
Your story sounds good<br />
And I like the school name: Jihwan...High School haha
Ya ~~!! finish the story ~~~~~~!!!!!! Dobt quit on the damn story ~~~!! I wanna know what happens next ~~~~ !!! xD
<br />
/also until someone is kind enough to comment.
Update tmrw ~ xD Since you said part one ~ xD