“Hey, did you have time to go over the script last night? You usually pick up on the role anyways, so it shouldn't have been a problem.” Onew says.

I almost die. Right there. Script, oh my god! I was so tired last night I didn't even open the thing! Oh fun. This should be good.

“Let me guess you didn't read it?” Onew asks. I guess he can tell.

“It’s okay.” He laughs. “You'll have time to peek at it, it’s not that hard anyways.” He says.
Phewf. Thank god.

“Alright so, let’s go.” He says smiling. I follow Onew to the set.

“Go in that room and take a look at the script, then meet me out here.” He says pointing to a pool area.

I nod then go into a dressing room. 

I open the script, and turn to my part. Not bad, I basically just have to act like a girl Onew likes. Shouldn't be too hard right?

“Okay everyone who is in the first pool scene please come to the pool!” I hear on the overhead speaker.

I rush out and where the pool is.

“Okay, Lena, Walk past the boys, who are laying on those chairs, then turn and wave at Onew. That's all you have to do for now, then we will film the scene where Onew sings to you and you almost kiss. Okay! Rolling!” The guy says.


Almost kiss??

Someone gives me a shove.

I start to walk.

I walk past the guys, and turn and do my best flirty wave possible. Then continue to walk off set.

“Perfect Lena! Okay now, we have to go to the recording studio scene, and the boys are going to sing their new song, and Onew when you sing, you need to sing to Lena, stare deep into her eyes and stuff. Okay let’s go!” The man yells.

And stuff? Good description.

I follow Onew and the rest of the guys to this studio set. It looks like a real studio.

“Lena you are sitting in this seat beside onew who plays piano. Now turn and look at Onew, let’s get some connections going up in here! Okay rolling!” I sit in a chair.

First Jonghyun sings. Man he has a great voice. His part ends and Onew's begins.
Onew is starring directly at me, and starts singing. He looks into my eyes. I can feel my cheeks heating up. Is this real? His voice is amazing.
Then its Taemin part. Wow they can all sing so amazing.
They sing the chorus, then Key's Part. Another great singer.
Then Minho, and Onew again. And when he sings, he stares at me like, like he loves me.

I can't help but stare at him. Everyone else goes blur, I only see Onew.

He’s looking at me, I'm looking at him.

The song ends, and Onew is still looking at me. And I'm still looking at him.

“Okay!! Amazing! Okay!” This guy needs to stop yelling.

I look away from Onew. “Now everyone leave, but Onew you go to Lena.” The man says.

Onew comes out of the recording booth and walks over to me. Just me and Onew in this scene.

“Onew, go in for the kiss. And action!” The man yells.

Kiss? Omo!

Onew smiles at the ground, and slowly walks over to me. My eyes are locked on him; he looks up and into my eyes. His expression changes, as if he’s not acting right now.

He steps closer, placing his hands on my waist. I seriously have this feeling to tackle him right now.
His face moves closer until were only inches apart.

I close my eyes; I can feel his breath on my lips, so close. I can smell his breath, mint; his forehead is placed against mine. I'm ready for this.

I can feel his lips so close, one movement they will touch.

“AND CUT! Good work!” The guy yells.

Wait what? Just then the moment is ruined, Onew pulls away, and I'm left there speechless.

“Great work today Lena, you can go now.” The man says.

How badly do I want to kill this man? Badly. Wait.

I wanted to kiss Onew there. haishh.

“Lena, want to go for some lunch?” Onew asks, with that amazing smile of his.
I sigh then smile. 'Sure.”

Onew takes my hand in his.


Why do I feel so dazed today?

His fingers intertwine with mine, then he leads me the way he wants me to walk.

His hand in mine, it gives me butterflies. He pulls me so I'm walking right beside him down the street.

He stops.

“Where do you want to eat?” He asks me. Starring down the street, and also, still holding my hand.
“It doesn't matter.” I say.

“Okay, this way.” He says leading me down the street.

He walks up to a restaurant, It looks nice. We walk through the door. And we have to wait to be seated.

I notice Onew is still holding my hand. A waitress comes over to us.

“Two.” Onew says. He squeezes my hand, I look at him. His eyes, his lips. Can I just say how gorgeous Onew is? And him holding my hand right now is driving my crazy.

“This way.” The women smiles leading us to a booth.

Onew motions for me to get in first. Which makes him let go of my hand. I wish he didn't.
I sit in, and Onew sits beside me.

“What would you two like to drink?” The waitress asks us, places two menus on the table.

“orange juice.” Onew says.

“I'll have orange juice too thanks.”

The women nods then leaves.

What I don't expect next is Onew grabbing my hand. He holds my hand under the table. His thumb is softly rubbing the top of my hand.

No, I can't fall for him. But what if I just can't help it?

“So did you have fun today?” He asks.

I nod. “It was... intense.” I say with a little laugh.

I feel Onew scoot closer to me so our legs are pressed together.

“How so?” He asks. Leaning on his hand on the table staring at me.

I don't dare to look at him, because I know what I'll end up doing.

“When you guys sang, it was good.” I say. Oh good cover up [YN].

He laughs. “How was that intense?” He asks.

I can feel his eyes burning into me.

Don't look at him.

“When you sang to me, it felt like you weren't just acting, you know?” Why the hell did I just say that?

“Maybe I wasn't.. Lena, you've really changed, I don't know what it is, but, before you would never let me hold your hand, or after we sang, it didn't affect you like this.” He says.

Oh My god. Lena Never let him hold her hand? I'm going to blow it. Shoot. It’s over.

“I guess, I just changed, that’s all.” I Try my best to cover up.

“I like it. What happened?” He asks.

“I guess I had time to think, and um, yeah, I changed.” I say.

He seems to be buying it. That was close.

“Well, it’s fine, because you're still the Lena I have a crush on, but I think this new you is making me fall in love with you.” He says.

Oh. My. God. He’s in love with me? I mean Lena? Or me? Gosh this is hard.

He liked the old Lena, but now he’s falling in love with the new Lena which is me.

So he’s falling in love with me?

With me?

I turn and look at him. Why did I do that?

He smiles. Which makes me smile.

The waitress ruins the moment when she places our orange juice on the table.


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Chapter 16: Yay~ that was so sweet~~ ^◇^ A greaaat THANKS for this story^^ and i'll look forward to your next story~ ♡♡♡
Wait, completed??? But.. it hasn't ended, right~? I'm confused, author-nim~ *pouts*
Chapter 15: i cried. thanks sica........
Chapter 15: Oh my god! Cant wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 15: What's up?? Aish who is sheeee? Why is he playing like this?? *sobs*

Update soon, please? And thank you^^ ♡
Chapter 14: YAY~~ i can't stop smiling~~ thank you thank you~~ ♡