My lovely sister Uee

Rainbow after rain?


At night it took you along time to fall asleep because you were trying to get used to the fact that your parents have passed away.
You shed a a couple of tears but didn't cry, You didn't want to make miss kim sad. 
Your POV
I knew that I was asleep but I had this strange feeling of being awake and could feel the hours passing by.
When I woke up I seen ........  UEE?! 
" Oh, you're awake! Good morning, your name is yumi right?" She asked cheerfully and You simply nodded.
"I made you some breakfast, I hope that you enjoy it." She said and handed you a plate that contains an egg omelet, some little sausages along with a glass of orange juice.
You loved  orange juice especially in the morning. "Thank you"! You thanked her, You were trying to smile but it all just came out like frowns :(  she smiled at you and patted your head. My mom used to pat my head when ever she was proud or annoyed... You thought to yourself. 
You got really sad and couldn't handle it. I you immediately hugged her close, feeling empty.  She hugged back but I bet that she was a bit straddled. "Yumi gwenchana?" She asked you sincerely and all you did is that you shook your head.
You wanted to nod but you shook your head why? Why isn't my body listening to me? As you  was in deep thought, you  didn't even notice that you were sobbing.
She took a napkin and wiped your.tears softly and slowly. "T-than-nk youu" was all you managed to say. She gently let go of you and faced you.
"Don't worry, I'll be here for you" she said before smiling and wiping the rest of your overflowing tears with her soft thumbs.
"Thank you, Uee-shhi" you said feeling really great-full to her and miss kim as well. "Call me unnie, arraoseo?" You nodded x2 along with a week smile.
She nodded her head and tried to change the subject to lighten up the atmosphere. "You know my members right" you nodded and payed attention to what she had to say, you were always a big fan of after school ever since they debuted. "Would you like to meet them?" She asked you with a sing along voice and her fingers moving as if she was doing aegyo.
"De unnie, I'd love to" you said trying to sound as happy as you could because you were, but to Uee it seemed just like your weak smile. She told you to get changed and come out into the living room when you're ready.
She left and you got dressed into this Miss kim was just like a magical fairy, just over one night your closet has some clothing in it!! 
You were so excited that you rushed out the door and ran into the washroom to get ready.
Miss kim must have been wondering why you're acting like that but all she did was smile, same goes with uee. You came out and greeted miss kim and soon after you left the house and headed towards the pledis building.

So finally Yumi met her idol sister Uee!! They seem to be getting along pretty well so far, lets just hope that the after school members apreaciate her as well ^^ 

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K-Reader28 #1
Author-nim wherever you are please come back your story is too good to leave hanging. ??❤️
Chapter 2: Author-nim~ where are you? ~~
I missed you & your story ¥_¥
Hope you come back soon
Author-nim, Fighting!!
Chapter 2: *screams*!!!!
like it like it like it!!!
awwwww uee unnie is so caring~
what a really lovely sister!
Thank you, Thank you Thank you *sings D-UNIT Thank You*
Chapter 1: whaaaaa
First story about me and Uee~~
can't wait for the next chapter!!
update ASAP arasso?!
BangHimShipper #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
continha_troll #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^