Can You Smile?


Can You Smile?
The Diary of Lee Chaein





Lee Chaein meets Kim Sunggyu and Kim Myungsoo in the same day. Myungsoo treats her well while Sunggyu takes full advantage of her inability to see. When Chaein ends up dead only two months later, the police find her voice diary in her room. In it, she speaks about both of the men. All eyes land on Sunggyu as the murderer, but both Myungsoo and Sunggyu are main suspects. Myungsoo makes sure to do everything in his power to see Sunggyu behind bars. Lee Chaein will be avenged.







Lee Chaein

The blind, rich girl who talks vividly about Kim Myungsoo and Kim Sunggyu in her voice recorder diary for two months, and then is killed.

Kim Myungsoo

The man who treats Chaein nicely, and the one who might be in love with her.

Kim Sunggyu

The confused and angry man who always took advantage of Chaein's blindness.

Nam Woohyun

The detective in charge of Lee Chaein's murder investigation. He uses Myungsoo to figure out everything he can about Sunggyu and put him into jail.

                    foreword layout designed by: roomforsquares layout shop!




 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, and thank you for being interested in "Can You Smile?" If anything is marked as MATURE in this fic, AFF did it automatically. This fic is not mature. There are ual references, and there are curse words, but there is nothing explicit or mature. Do not steal, copy, or edit ANYTHING that you see in this fic. This is a product of my own hard work, and I'd like for you to respect that. I hope you enjoy the story, and please feel free to comment about anything! Silent readers, you're welcomed too though! :)

--- Ryan

     layout designed by: roomforsquares layout shop!


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Chapter 1: Hmm, I like the character's distant personalities so far. This will most definitely go far, if you keep it close and clean cut, I will be here on the edge of my seat every friggin time you update, and spazzing on your comment log.

The prologue is short, but it's the prologue, it's always short, unless its like a friggin novel. (Don't bother with me, I write short prologues all the time.) I can't wait to see the next update, and I'll be here to look for it as well!
Chapter 1: awesome first chapter ^^ im looking forward to this story
woah this sounds awesome!