The Family Reunion

It Just Happened

“I’ll just find MinMin.” Bummie excused leaving his parents to talk.

Mr. John and Mrs. Alicia were still in their position. They were staring at each other with such passion and admiration.

‘Woah. Alicia didn’t get any wrinkles from MinMin.’ Mr. John thought.

‘John is still as handsome as ever.’ Mrs. Alicia thought.

Their thoughts were interrupted by Auntie Elena. She said that the police called to get So Min in the station. They didn’t even bother to ask how each other was doing. They just simply rushed to the car. Mrs. Alicia remembered that she is not in Paris, so she doesn’t have her car. Mr. John just ordered his driver to go in the station and opened the door for Mrs. Alicia. They just have to forget their feelings and get So Min out of the police station.

They rushed inside station, finding MinMin sitting there comfortably and irritated. Mrs. Alicia rushed to hug her, but she doesn’t care about her.

“What happened?” Mr. John asked the officer.

“Are you the father?”

“Yes. Here’s my identification card.” The officer checked the card and handed it over when it is verified that he is the father.

“Just sign this papers. Aigoo! Kids these days are really different. Mr. Jung watch your kids like hawks. Rich kids are all brats. Growing up with money is not good sometimes. She threw tantrums at a clerk in a café.” Mr. John handed him the officer the papers.

“We’re very sorry for the trouble. I will pay for the damages.”

“You really must.”

Mr. John goes to So Min and held her hands to go in the car. Mrs. Alicia just followed them as So Min doesn’t want to talk to her.


“MinMin tell me what happened.” Mr. John ordered So Min as soon they got in the house.

“Dad, the officer just told you.”

“Why do you have to do that?”

“That big fat duck is getting on my nerves. I said I want a cappuccino she keeps giving me milk. I am not a baby to milk.” She sighed.

“Don’t do that again. She just cares for you.”

“Dad, They don’t have the right to decide for me. They are not my parents, they don’t feed me.” So Min said while looking at her mom.

“Go rest in your room. I’ll just call you for dinner.” So Min walks off leaving her parents in the living room.

“Alicia, you can rest at the guest room. I’ll just take a bath.”

“This is not the first time.”

“I know. I have my eyes. I won’t let you take her again.”

“I won’t go without her either.”

‘Acts like you care for me. I won’t go with you.’


“So Eun, how are you doing? I just got home.”

“I’m helping Mom make dinner. I thought you got home already.”

“MinMin just got in a trouble. She doesn’t want to talk to our Mom. Mom wants to meet you.”

“Really? How is she doing?”

“She’s fine as always. It’s just normal. I’m sorry, if my time for you has been lessened.”

“I understand you don’t have to worry. I got to go, Mom calls me. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Bummie sighed after the phone call. So Eun’s sweet voice removes stress, after a tiring day. He sat in the bed, when his Mom knocked on the door.

“Oh, Mom?”

“Hey. Is it So Eun?”

“Yeah. Is your boyfriend kind to MinMin?”

“More than kind. He protects MinMin so much until to the point that MinMin felt she is handled in the neck. You’ll like him when you meet him, but we just broke up.” Mrs. Alicia managed a smile in her face.

“Broke up? Is it because of MinMin?” He asked worriedly.

“No. He cheated on me, I found him on other woman’s bed. Finding MinMin is a bonus reason for me to run away from him. Is it funny? We both run off because of the same guy.”

“You both ended on our home. Why don’t you just get back to Dad? You are both single and it seems that you still love each other.”

“Things are complicated. I need to fix MinMin. She is just getting worse. I can’t give up because she is my daughter. I’m very glad that you grew up well and nice.”

“MinMin is nice too. I think only Dad can control her now. She is afraid of Dad. Why don’t you try to leave her with us or better let’s live together again?”

“You got a point. She seems afraid of John.”


‘Can I meet you in the café near your place? Do you know it?’  --Joongie

‘Yeah. Why?’  --MinMin

‘You’ll know later. I’ll see you.’  --Joongie


Agh! Intuition and anxiety is killing me. Seriously I'm thinking of deleting everything here. Weird but I did update. Thank you for wasting your time dropping by and reading the update. 

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Ashuasha #1
Chapter 28: Wow sweet story ...
haccci #2
Chapter 28: nice great job ..;)
LoveLab #3
this ids great!!
BloomKimchi #4
Finally I wrote a comnt... Sorry 4 late reading...... It is awesome nd Author How can u think of this story a mess..... It is so Sweet......!!!
Don't cll it mess..... Plz......!!! And If any FanFic has HyunMin Couple...... The Fanfic already b' a Sucess........!!! :-D :-) :-D
Thanx 4 dis luvly Story...... Nd Also read ur othr stories...... They r way 2 awesome.........!!! :-)
I love this! <3
heerania #6
OH-OH-OH....miaan rain..actually i've read this fic long time ago but just wanna drop a comment now...kekekekke....SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT....wannna more more more again..but oh yeah, ottoke? i's final already...hahaha... waiting for ur other FF updates now....RAIN..KEEP FIGHTIIING!!!
rain!!!! i love it especially the last para it was awesome!!!!!! sad that it ended :(
kathy1218 #8
Rain, daebak!!! Super love it! Though I felt you rushed finishing it right? hehe! Congrats dear! MORE MORE MORE!!!!
ilovekhj #9
Congratulations on finishing it.:) Now time for your other ffs. Blind Traces please! :)