Ms. Nerd got Mr. Hot [One Shot]

Ms. Nerd got Mr. Hot [One Shot]


                _____ is a very intelligent student; you’re always the top student in your school. Your family in one of the richest people in Korea so the money is not a problem at all. But even though your family is rich, you still don’t care about your outside appearance at all. You always wear a big eye glasses. You have a poor eye sight, your mom asked you 2 years ago to wear a contact lenses because it’s making you more beautiful but you still prefer to use those big eye glasses.


*Fiction in Fiction in Fiction*


                _____ alarm clock starts snoozing. _____ get up and went to bathroom to take a bath and then after she needs to eat her breakfast that the maid cooks for her. After she ate the breakfast the driver go to the dining area and say that the car is now ready.  She go in the car and the driver drops her in School.


                While walking to go to her class she saw Jun Hyung walking alone, _____ where about to approach him but flirt Soomi approached him first before she do. Yeah, she is a flirt, she is the most beautiful in your class, every men drools at him so she is taking advantages on it and then boom FLIRT SOOMI.


                _____ just continue walking to go to the classroom and not noticing that someone is approaching where she’s walking to. She bumps to his body but before she fall the man catch her right away.


“Oops. I’m Sorry.” – the guy said.

“Nothing to worry. I’m Okay Dong Woon-ah.” – you said to him.

“Are you sure? I can accompany you to go in the clinic.” – Dong Woon said.

“I’m okay, just don’t worry. You need to hurry because the class will start after 5 minutes.”

“Oh Yeah!. I almost forgot. I have to go!” – he said and then he leaved.


                 _____ starts walking again but someone talk in her back in a flirty manner.


“____ Nerd!” – Soomi said.


                After she said it to you all the people at that corridor laughed, while Soomi’s leaving going to your classroom, Boom! Jun Hyung is there and he heard what Soomi said to you a while ago and you’re so embarrassed. You run to go to your classroom and suddenly Soomi showed up and she beaten you on your head in front of the class.

                You stand up and trying to say something to revenge yourself for doing all this things to you but…


“What? Do you want a fight? Just tell me the place and I’ll be there.” – Soomi said to you.

“Soomi-ah!, stop it. That’s not even funny.” – Jun Hyung said while walking in front of us.


                Soomi is not happy of what he heard from Jun Hyung so she just stare at you as if you’re going to die and then Mrs. Lee come, your Math teacher.


 “Settle Down. We are going to start the class right now.” – Mrs. Lee said while writing in the board.

“So Soomi, What is Equation?” – Mrs. Lee called Soomi.

“E…e..equation…. is… a….uhmmm..” – Soomi

“Equation is a uhmm??? What is Equation Ms. Woo Soomi?” – Mrs. Lee said while she’s controlling her temper to Soomi.

“I- I’m Sorry Ma’am Lee but I don’t know the answer.” – Soomi said without hesitation.

“I’am only asking what is equation Ms. Woo but you don’t even know the answer? STUPID!”


                After Mrs. Lee said that Soomi is STUPID, all the class laugh except for Soomi. Jun Hyung just breathes deeply and shook his head for disappointment.


“____, What is Equation?” – and then Mrs. Lee called me.

“An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. Equations consist of the expressions that have to be equal on opposite sides of an equal sign, as in x + 3 = 5 and 9 – y = 7.” – I answered it confidently because I really know the answer.

“Very Good _____-ah” and then go in front of Soomi. “Next Time, you should study hard and be like ______-ah.”


                Soomi is really mad after what happened in your Math Class so she decided to wait for you in the gate of your school and do her revenge.


“Yah! _____, Come here!” – Soomi called you.

“Wae?” - you asked her why.

“I Hate You for making me embarrassed in front of our classroom during our Math Class.” - She said with the anger in her face.

“I’m not doing anything bad to you!. I just answered what Mrs. Lee asked me to answer.” - defending yourself

“That’s still your fault!.”

“It’s not my fault, It’s all your fault. It happened because you didn’t study.” - You look at Soomi straightly into her eyes.

“So what do you want? Do you want to die?!”  - Soomi is now more angry.


                You saw to Soomi’s eyes that she is really mad at you so she’s going to get your hair and pull it when Jun Hyung hold his hand and stop her for what is she is planning to do bad right now.


“Stop It!” – Jun Hyung said calmly.

“But oppa, she is the one who started the fight!” – Soomi said while acting that she is the victim.

“I saw all Soomi. I know what happened!” – Jun Hyung said coldly.

“I’m your girlfriend oppa so why are you protecting her? You should protect me from that !” – Soomi said while she was crying.

“I’m not your boyfriend and that will never ever happen. I don’t even like you, you’re just the one who keeps on following me.” – Jun Hyung is now angry.

“What?! How dare You!!!!!” – Soomi said while beating Jun Hyung.


                Jun Hyung pulled ____ ‘s hand to go away from that y Soomi. Soomi’s face is really mad right now.  ____ and Jun Hyung end up walking at the roof top of their school.


“Jun Hyung-ah, Gomawo.” - ____ said shyly.

“No, that’s nothing. I don’t like that too.” – yeah, Jun Hyung is smiling.


                _____ bow her head when she saw Jun Hyung smiling. Her cheeks is blushingright now and then she notice that her glasses have dirt so she removed it and clean it. Jun Hyung sees your beautiful face without those big eye glasses.


“You’re more beautiful without glasses in your eyes.” – he said it while staring at your face.

“Ah, Gomawo.” - You wear again your eye glasses because you can't clearly see anything.

“You know what?, there is a girl that I really like since I met her but I think she didn’t like me back.” – Jun Hyung confessed.

“Really? And then who is she if you don’t mind?” – you asked him with a curious face but deep inside you want to punch that girl for not liking back your love.

“It’s You _____” – he said it while staring at your eyes.

“M-me?” – you don’t know if this is true or just a fantasy. Jun Hyung is staring at you.

“Yes, It’s You” – you can really see to his eyes that he is really telling you the truth.

“B-but, why me? I’m not beautiful like the other girls here and I’m not beautiful like Soomi.”

“I’m not looking for the outside appearance of a girl, actually I don’t care if she is ugly or not.”

“…..” – you can’t say anything because you’re so happy that finally your love is confessing his feelings to you.

“I Love You ______, I’m willing to wait until you learn to love me back.” – Jun Hyung said while touching your face.

“But, I’am already in love with you!” – you said it to him while smiling.

“Really?? Is that true?” – Jun Hyung asks surprisingly.

“Of course Yes!.” – and then you hug him.

“Can I kiss you?” – Jun Hyung ask a favor.



         And then they sealed their lips together happily.


“_____-ah, I really really Love You so much!” - Jun Hyung said at you after he kissed you.

“I love you too Jun Hyung-ah!” - you said that you love him back.

“Don’t call me on my name. Just call me oppa. Your one and only oppa!."

“Oppa, I love you!”

“I love you too.”

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KangHyumi #1
wee~ it made me smile :)<br />
nice one!
lmfaooo sooo cuteee!! Gahhh I love that background pic of Junhyung hehe
NappeunYeoja #3
Uwaaaah<br />
Junhyung >///<<br />
HOW CUTE <br />
lolytaaa #4
Reeeynelle #5
so sweet!!
awwwww cute
That was so cute!! -wipes a tear from my eye- lol it was really good! ^-^
So sweet. I wan a sequel, is that possible?