shh...still dreaming






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Chapter 33: This story is like, when you proposed to your crush, and they accepted, but in a dream 😂😂
The only difference is that dream was bitter and reality was sweet.
Ok, but I so wanted Sekai. Like ahhh, I was rooting for them. Or Chanhun also.
And Xiuhan at the end, at that para.
My brain is ed.
It was a nice, mind ing fic man.
Good work, Author nim.
I was remembered of Vanilla Sky movie by this fic.
Chapter 33: Surprised with the ending
Chapter 19: For god sake bro he is your child
Chapter 18: That just freaking lied to both of them :‑X
Chapter 33: Mind ing blown..

Okay I finished it yesterday night and I'm commenting after finishing all my work of this day.

So idk if you'll read this comment or not but I've to say this fic was really something. This was a ing rollercoaster ride of emotions. And even after finishing this in one day I could not stop thinking about it. Every single that happened here was making my heart beat faster than it ever had. I regret never reading this fic b4 considering I'm a huge KrisHo shipper.

This fic really showed a harsh reality of this world. That not all stories are about rainbows and unicorns. That not all love stories have a happily ever after. Some do have a tragic end like KrisHo's. They decided to let each other go even tho they still had feelings for each other.

Jun's struggles, pain and downfall in this fic was too heart-wrenching. I felt like I was in his shoes, like I'm the one feeling and experiencing this. Sehun's innocence killed me, even after everything that happened to him he was still so innocent. He was still so oblivious to this harsh world. Sehun is just Jun's younger self; naive, stupid, believing in ppl easily, making a lot of mistakes which they have to pay the price terribly. Both Yifan and Luhan are victims of this harsh world just like Jun and Sehun, but the sad thing is that KrisHan blamed everything on HunHo and decided to make them suffer more than they already have. They decided to be monsters and break them beyond repair. Unfortunately they were successful in breaking HunHo leading to the older of them to living a meaningless life and younger to give up on life.

Yixing's comeback here was a bit suspicious to me tbh. As Kris said he had feelings for Jun since they were together. Is it possible that he was also involved in Yuri's plan? Like c'mon it's really weird to know that Yixing was coincidentally there when those guys were trying to execute Jun. And later faking his death and making Yifan as the first suspect. So that Jun will believe that Yifan really is a monster, that he'll do anything to get what he wants, even if it means killing his own cousin or lover in the future. I also feel like Yixing was the one who told Kris's mother that Jun gave birth to HunHan so that she'll take them away from Jun, making him believe more that he was just a playtoy for Yifan, or that he just used him to get an heir. So that Jun will hate Yifan and he will get a chance to win his heart. But these are just my thoughts.

The end tho.. I should've expected the end from the title of this fic, but I didn't and I went ing insane I wanted to scream but for the love of God it was 4 ing am when I reached the end and I couldn't afford to wake my parents. I don't want to die at this young age like Sehun here, thank you very much. Like those 20 yrs of struggles and pain was all just a ing dREaM?!?! Like Yifan was never married? Jun cannot get pregnant?? HunHan never existed in their lives until they met them coincidentally in church? The only funny thing about this is that Guru Chen-nim lmfao he said he gets dream about being a troll xD. And the last line tho... "Shh... stop . Quiet down, the kids are still dreaming.." it was kinda like a last straw for me. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

Lemme tell you I believe what Chen-nim said cos it is possible that whatever he saw might be his other self in alternate universe. That whatever happened in his dream might really happened in that universe. And it might also be possible to what Jun said either about it being a small clip of his past life.

And idk which interpretation to choose, cos both are so damn good. The first interpretation about Jun having a tumor and dreaming of living 20 yrs of his life with ups and downs more like downs then waking up and living his life happily with Yifan by his side and coincidentally adopting HunHan, the twins having his own blood in that dream. But being haunted by that dream from time to time. Or the 2nd one where he lost his son and that depression made him unconscious. In that unconscious state, the poor man's depressed mind making delusions about none of this ever happened. That he's living a happy life with his new formed family. I think I want to choose both and since I'm choosing both I don't want poor Jun to wake up. Cos waking up from a nightmare is good but waking up from a beautiful dream to a nightmare of a life is horrible. Idk if he ever wake up from this beautiful dream to this nightmare then how he'll react. I don't think he'll be able to live.

Anyway this long comment here is over. I'm still so affected by this fic I swear I'm not thinking properly. And this is one the best fics I've ever read.
infinitefan7 #6
Chapter 33: bish wtf i read this a long time ago and accidentally reread it today and woooo the rollarcoaster load of emotions and irrational plot twists like some kind of badly-written drama i can't believe you would leave us hanging like that come on
2444 streak #7
bracing myself to read this again in 2019
Glojuncotton #8
Chapter 25: I think this fic needs a more tags...warnings
Chapter 33: I must not suprised with this story cause the title itself already said 'shh..still dreaming'. BUT AT THE END I STILL SURPRISED ABOUT THIS WHOLE STORY LIKE WTF- ASDFGHJKL
and the part 'whether he wakes up from it later on, it's up to you to decide.' THIS SO FCKING BRILLIANT OMG YOUR REALLY IMPRESS ME;;;;; BEST. MINDBLOWN. FANFIC. I. EVER. READ.
Larrieblue #10
Chapter 33: wtf is all this, I have never been so frustrated over a fic.