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Welcome to the 21NE ®€¥£!W Shop!


Follow your dreams. Listen to your heart. Make wishes real.

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~21NE R∈νι∈ω Šhδp~

I finally found a charger for my laptop! Now I can change the appearance. Welcome to 21NE Review Shop! I've been asked to do this by several people ((and I hope they find this, I never go back on my word)). I've done this before, like, a year ago ((For those of you that remember Cupcake Library, we had to close it down due to an untrustworthy coauthor)). You must subscribe for a review ((I CHECK!)). Anyways, Everything you need to know is in chapter one! Let's start!


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Chapter 4: I just noticed this a few mins ago ^^ well, the poster was not made by me act. I got my new poster now. hehe. and yeah, my eng is not good ;'( btw thanks ^^
Chapter 1: I speak Spanish and English, lol.
Chapter 3: I'm glad you liked it so much x3 I have a feeling that you're like the rest...but prepare with some tissues cause it's gonna get...you know, sad xD (in my opininon, the chaps till now weren't too angsty xD)
Also, if the laptop will work I'll credit in a moment xD