Chapter 2

Second Confession/두번째 고백

Sungjae was still falling, but he was not at all injured.

He looked up, and realised that he was lying in the middle of the streets of modern-day Seoul, still wearing his crown and red durumagi with white pants and rubber shoes. He was surrounded by tons of vehicles passing by on the road, as well as skyscrapers and flashing lights.

"I wonder where I am," he thought. "But this sure isn't Mount Noklimsan,"

He stared, and noticed lots of people walking around. It was rush hour and people were trying to get back home as soon as possible.

Sungjae was that determined to get back home that he did not notice that no one was wearing clothes like he was.

"Excuse me," Sungjae asked a man, "Can you please direct me to Mount Noklimsan?"

"Sorry, don't have enough time,"

Sungjae continued.

He continued to ask some more people.

"Excuse me, miss, can you...."

"Sorry, I'm busy,"

Oh man, Sungjae thought, I'm doomed. What do I do?


He continued to explore the streets until he noticed that lots of people were heading down a subway station.

"I wonder where these stairs lead to," he thought, "I'd better go down and see, there might be something important down there,"

Sungjae walked down the stairs, and for the first time he was in a subway station.

He observed the entire area, and noticed people rushing through the card gates and heading down to the platforms.

"I wonder where they are going," he thought.

Sungjae decided to go down as well and tried to get through the card gates, but of course the door would not budge.

"That's strange," thought Sungjae, "Why won't it open?"

He pushed harder, but the doors still would not budge of course.

How do I get through? he thought.

He turned and noticed some people laying their cards on the machines and passing through the gates, automatically opening the doors.

What a dope I've been, Sungjae thought.

He lay on hand on the card detector, but of course nothing happened.

"Well, come on, stupid doors!" Sungjae snapped at it.

He pressed both hands on the card detector harder, but nothing happened.

"That's it," said Sungjae, "It looks like this calls for a game of war, since you won't open for me,"

Sungjae rolled his sleeves and then began tackling the machine, punching and slapping the card detector.

"OPEN UP!" Sungjae screamed.

Several pedestrians giggled and pointed at him.

It was at that moment a metro staff member came to Sungjae's aid.

"What do you think you're doing?" he bellowed.

"The machine won't work!" Sungjae protested, "I think it's broken!"

"Well it is going to be broken if you don't get a ticket!" said the metro staff member.

"How do I get one?"

"Are you for real?" he groaned in frustration. He led Sungjae to a ticketing machine.

"This is where you get the tickets," he said before leaving Sungjae on his own.


Sungjae started pressing random buttons on the touch screen.

"Oooooooo, this is awesome!" he giggled, "This is so much fun!"

Sungjae continued to play with the ticket machine.

He was still playing when he heard angry voices behind him.

"Hurry up!" snapped a young man, "I'm in a hurry,"

Sungjae stared at him with pure innocence.

"I'm lost," said Sungjae.

"Where are you going?" asked the young man, "And why are you wearing a hanbok?"

"I'm a god," said Sungjae.

The young man rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, where do you want to go?"

"I want to go back to Mount Noklimsan,"

"But there is no such place," the young man chuckled, "It's a fairy tale place, are you for real?"

"I'm a god!" said Sungjae, "I'll prove it to you once we're over with this!"

The young man sighed.

"Where do you live?"

"Mount Noklimsan! I told you!"

The young man sighed again.

"How about I take you to my place and you can stay there until you get back?" suggested the young man.

"Oh thank you!" said Sungjae, embracing him. "You're too kind,"

"OWWWWWWWWWW!" shrieked the young man, "Okay, okay, I get it, get off me,"

The young man showed Sungjae how to use the ticket machine.

He pressed a button on the touch screen.

"Please select your destination," said the announcement.

"All you have to do is press the destination you want to go to," said the young man.

Sungjae stared at him with a poker face.

"Uhhhhhh.....I don't know where I am,"

The young man groaned in frustration.

"Okay, look, I'm pressing a button right now, here,"

After he pressed the button, another announcement came up.

"Select the type and number of disposable tickets, and insert the money,"

"I'm selecting 2 tickets, see?" said the young man, "I'm being fair, so pay up,"

"Uhhhhh.....I left my wallet at home," said Sungjae.

The young man sighed.

"Fine, I'll pay for you,"

The young man inserted the money, and within a flash two disposable tickets came out.

"This is so cool!" exclaimed Sungjae. "Can I keep it?"

"No!" said the young man, "We have to return the ticket and collect the deposit money as soon as we leave the station,"

"Uhhhh.....okay?" said Sungjae, having no clue what he just said.


The men touched their tickets on the detector of the machines and went through to the subway platform.

They did not have wait that long before the announcement came,

"The train for Jangam is now approaching,"

The two waited as a train came by.

They boarded the train and the train set off as soon as the double doors closed.


They continued to ride until they left the train and returned their tickets. They waited until the coins came out.

"A coin, for me?" exclaimed Sungjae in relief.

"Yes," said the young man, a little annoyed, "You can have it,"

"YAY!" cheered Sungjae, "MONEY!"

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Melody123435 #1
Hey can i ask if you can make another story about Hyunsik and Sungjae.
Chapter 30: finaly i found btob fanfics :) it's so cute~^^
andreaylen #3
Chapter 30: Love this story
yorian #4
Chapter 20: Kya btob fanfic! I've been looking for one!~
Chapter 6: I haven't finished reading your first HyunJae yet, but this story is really addictive ;>
I love your story!
sherine #7
Chapter 1: just found out this seems nice,i'll be wait for ur update :)
opparisgay #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^