
Next to You


Minho's POV:

It’s been two weeks now since I’ve noticed. 

Each time I’m next to him I feel shivers. My whole body echoed by the beating of my heart shivers. 

"You're ugly" He poked my nose again as I drew over my desk. "You're very very ugly" He giggled.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. God he has such a beautiful smile.

"You're uglier" I shrugged my nose and he chuckled.

"Na-ah, I'm the handsomest of them all" He smiled proudly.

It was almost our everyday joke. I never got tired of it.

"I'm hungry, Feed Me." He pouted cutely and smiled. 

"Yah! You're always hungry" I chuckled.

He really was. We had a lunch break after each class, so that means 8 breaks, and in every single break he ate.

"I am.. Buy me foood" He whined and giggled at the same time. I love when he does that. Anyone would fall into his cuteness.

"I don't think it fits anymore" I kept serious, concentrating on my sketches.

"No no It does fit" He said innocently widening his eyes. "I don't think I'll ever be full"

"You just ate 20 minutes ago, you know? You'll have to wait a little longer.." I said and he death-glared me.

I chuckled and kept drawing. 


"Ok guys so.."

"Oh god hurry up! You've got me on my pins and needles!" Yunhan hurried him, being in the over excited state of his.

"Just Breathe..You don't need to hurry" I smiled at him.

"Ok.. so the one I like is.."

"C'mon!" Both of us screamed through our eyes because of the impatience.

"I like Jae-Hwa sunbae"

Yunhan and I remained silent and looked at each other. His eyes widened and his face blushed expecting the worst from us.

"Was that it?" I giggled and he widened his eyes even more.

"Well.. yeah.. So umm.. what do you guys think? What do you guys think about it?"

"What do we think about it?" Yunhan chuckled. "Of course we're ok with it dummy!" We both smiled at him and he sighed in relief.

I was so glad he told us, I mean, coming out as gay or as a lesbian is never easy, and less if it's to your best friends you're confessing to. There shouldn't be any judging from a friend's side, and obviously there wasn't any from ours.

"We're you scared?" I chuckled

"Well no.. I mean, I know you guys don't mind uality or anything.. I know you won't judge me but-"

"So why did it take you so long?" I smiled.

"I don't know" He said blushing again.

Flashback Over

Although I know he likes guys it isn’t easy for me. I don’t like guys I like girls. I’m not ashamed of liking boys, but I-I don’t know.

I don’t like him. I convince myself. I don’t like him. But why does it keep pounding so hard? I feel so flustered when next to him. Each time he smiles at me, each time he looks me in the eyes I can’t help but feel hot inside me. Not hot like I want him in bed. Hot like I need him besides me. Hot like I need to kiss him lips so bad each time he’s near. I want to try, I want to experience having a guys lips on mine, his lips on mine.

He’s at my house again. They couldn’t pick him up at school so he asked me if he could stay at my place until his parents could pick him up. I said yes, obviously, not like I want him to be away, and he’s one of my best friends so there’s nothing wrong about him coming. Plus, my parents love him so it's alright.

We watched the continuation of a gay movie we watched together last time he was home. I have to admit I really liked the movie and he got all excited because we were watching it. 

We remained besides each other the whole movie, him moving side to side because of excitement and also because he is just to much of an hyperactive kid, so he can't stay still.

I kept thinking if I was really getting flustered because of him the whole movie. I brushed away those thoughts and finished the movie.

"Aww They make such a good couple" He smiled.

I wish I could make him happy like that. It's a pity I'm not gay.

"Do you want to do homework before we eat? There's still a long time until the food is done."

"Yup, why not" He skipped through the corridor straight to the stairs.

"You know, the test is going to be easy.. Well if we study correctly" He said while sitting on my bed.

"I know, I'm just worried I'll get nervous" I sat in front of him.

"Nah, It'll be just fine"

After distractions and a deep talk about the relationship between two of our friends, we were done. We finished in less than an hour so we had plenty of time left.

"Do you want to see another movie?" 

"Whatever you want."

"Ok, I'll put a movie"

We were watching it on my computer, side to side. He hugged the green pillow I liked the most and I hugged the big cow plushie Sulli gifted me on my birthday.

We both were liking the movie so far, well at least I was liking it and he kept looking at me from the corner of his eye.

I poked his cheek and neck, and he squealed telling me he was tickleish there. I kept poking him, having fun with his reactions, when he sat down trying to look at me with a angry face.

"Yah! Who do you think you are?" He faked his face, getting near me, trying hard to hide his laughter.

"I'm the owner of this house" I said and leaned closer.

"Doesn't give you the right to do it" He finally bursted laughing.

"Nah I think it does" I leaned closer, laughing as well. My heart pounded hard, like it was about to make a whole on my chest. I was about to pull him down against the bed like I had taken control over him, but I was stopped by my own thoughts. 

You shouldn't be doing that. C'mon hold it in.

We kept playing, not minding much about the movie. He leaned closed and closer, and I kept getting hotter each time his face got near mine. My heart felt like I just ran a marathon, and I once again grabbed his arms gently and tried to pull him down. He didn't resist much, we were just playing, but half way through I got stopped by my thoughts again.

Ok stop. It's not ok for you to do that. What are you thinking of?

"We're missing the movie" I excused my pause. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled, happily agreeing to keep watching the movie.

He got hungry after a few minutes, so we went downstairs to eat. As we walked through the corridor, I lost control and hugged him from his waist, leaning my head on his shoulder and he patted my hands. He was used to me hugging him like that because I did it frequently when my shivers couldn't hold in.

We ate and talked for a few hours, just chillin' on the couch when his favorite TV show's serie finale was announced coming next and he screamed from excitement. So cute.

"Look what we have here?"

"OMG, Can we watch it? Please say we'll watch it"

"Yes we can dummy" I ruffled his hair and he sat down getting comfortable.

"I've seen it 3 times now and I've cried the 3 times" He giggled and made me giggle too.

When I sat down he moved the pillows aside and rested his head on my stomach. I felt a warm shiver down my spine and couldn't help but laugh.

We would make a really cute couple.. Well If I was gay of course.

"Do you want something to eat?" I said as the commercials kept showing.

"Can I have some strawberries?" And I got up to check.

"You're lucky!"

"It's starting! Hurry up!!" He yelled and I quickly grabbed the napkings and sat down. He placed his head on my stomach again and I smiled to myself.

"Aah" he opened his mouth for me to feed him.

"Yah, Am I your zoo keeper?"

"Who are you telling animal? The only animal here is you. You're a savage animal."

I gulped. "Ha! As if" I chuckled and he opened his mouth again.

"Here" I placed the strawberry on his lips and when he was about to bite it I removed it and ate it. He got angry and slapped my arm, pouting like a child,

I chuckled and placed another strawberry above his head, this time letting him bite, but because the strawberry was big I was forced to remove it and wait for him to eat his bite. But i didn't, instead I ate thw strawberry left. 

It felt so exciting. Although we weren't sharing anything but germs on the remains of his saliva, but the fact of me eating something he had biten, a strawberry, just made my stomach flutter.

But why does it feel so wrong? Is it the fact that my parents would never accept me being gay? I mean, they knew Taemin was and they didn't care much about it. So why couldn't I? I'm not even gay. I just feel curious.. But is this really what curiousity feels like? Is it really this flustering and exciting at the same time. I could say he was my crush, but the aingle thought of it made my stomach twist. Am I really that concerned about what people have to say?

Cause none of this seems to bother each time I'm close to kiss him. Each time I get near his body I feel like it's right. Or is it the feeling of rejection I get each time I want to kiss him? I know he still likes Jae-Hwa sunbae..

Maybe I am gay? Maybe just for him..

God dammit! Get those thoughts out of your head dumb-! It's just plain curiosity.. Curiosity..

As we watched the episode he kept eyeing me, smiling at me, checking if I was liking it so far.

One one of those times I last control and kissed him above the head, just a few centimeters before I got to his forehead. He smiled giggled to himslef and I felt hotter than ever.

I wanted to punch myself and hit my head several times with the remote control. How could I lose it that easily? 

When the episode was done we talked about it, him veryifing if I had gotten the correct information. When he noticed I did he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. Then there was an awkward silence between both of us. I felt like burning uo because of the kiss and I guess he was embarrassed.

His lips were soft but I really had the urge to feel how soft they really were. I wanted to prove if they were really as sweet as they seemed.

I got my face closer to his and he turned to face me. His eyes locked with mine and he analyized every aspect of my face with his index finger. He sent shivers all over my body, making my heart beat faster and harder every second passing by. I also analyized his face, but just with my sight. He was beautiful. His clear pale skin, his lovely plum lips, his dark brown eyes which were stunning.. Everything about his was stunning.. Perfect.

My mouth shivered in need for his lips on mine. I leaned closer, feeling his warm but minty breath beneath my nose, all above my lips. I needed him. How couldn't I be gay if I wanted him so bad? 

I moved closer and he also did, finally making our lips crash together. They were so soft and warm. It felt so good I could kiss him all night long. 

I slowly pushed my tongue inside, afraid of his rejection, but he did as well and we were both quickly exploring each other's mouth. His warm tongue circling all around mine making the kiss more heated and passionate. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I had my arms around his waist and hugged his back gently, softly it. When I finally pulled apart, he pecked me once more, smiling into it.

I wasn't able to speak. All I could do was see him. He gave me the sweetest of smiles and my cheek, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Why did it take you so long?" He soflty said, smiling warmly and I smiled back, feeling the knot on my stomach finally untying.



[A/N] Hi! Ok so, I don't know if it's kind of short or  something cause I've definitely seen longer ones but well. The plot  is kind of simple idk, it's based on something I lived through so it isn't that much of a fictional situation, excluding the characters of course haha (which I hope does have something in real life, although it may be impossible)

Thanks a lot for reading!! And for those who are subscribed to my other stories I'll be updating this week finally!!! School's over so I'll have plenty of time to write and update

Thanks again! And don't forget to comment! I love to hear opinions and suggestions (:

                                                            -love, Ana

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Chapter 1: AHHH! This was so damn adorable :D
Chapter 1: Cute >~< nice job!!!