BABE | TS Entertainment New Girl Group | STORY STARTS



2013-06-20 | 9:56:23


  by SoheesHusband                                                                                               2384 comments | 3,238,428 views | 3,132,425 likes

After the success of idol girl group Secret and the major success of rookie idol group B.A.P, TS Entertainment has decided to debut another group! While fans were expecting a boy group, TS revealed today that the new group would actually be a girl group named BABE (which stands for BEST AMAZING BEAUTIES EVER)! They are supposed to be the girl version of B.A.P.

Not only did netizens receive this exciting news, but TS ALSO revealed the first member. It was unsaid what position this girl would take, but her name, age, and her birthdate have been revealed as well. TS revealed on their official website:

Today, we are denying the rumors that the new group will be a boy group. It will definitely be a girl group, similar to our own B.A.P.

Here is the first revealed member: Nam Taeri | Age 20 | April 24, 1993

Please anticipate the other members who will be revealed later on.

That was posted with the revealed picture above. Netizens have taken note of the large blue "2" in the corner of the picture. What does this 2 mean? Does it have something to do with BABE's debut? Netizens are saying, "I don't know how I feel about a female B.A.P!", "Wow, is this the leader? She's pretty!", "Oh! She's the same age as our Daehyun~".

Netizens also did some digging and leaked that Nam Taeri was in fact the cousin of Eric Nam. Someone also leaked out her twitter. She recently posted after her revealing:

Ah! I've been revealed! ^^ kekeke BABE fighting! TS fighting!

B.A.P's Daehyun responded to her tweet, saying:

@TaeSpazzy fighting!! keke~

Well, we are anticipating the other members, and we look forward to BABE's debut!

Source: Nam Taeri's twitter | Jung Daehyun's twitter | TS official website


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I feel like giving each girl her own chapter...we'll see.


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No matter what, I'll always remember this story dearly :)
Chapter 15: TAAAAAAAAAAAAAT WHY AREN'T MY COMMENTS SHOWING UP!!! I SENT TWO ALREADY!!! *sniffles and sobs in my corner alone*

Chapter 13:

*flails* MIRAE, WHY YOU BE SO WEIRD!!! *falls* =w=' Kekeke, I loved Yoon's line "I didn't do it!" That was the funniest line, but then I was fangirling over the first part with the triplets. ASDFGHJKL!!! *spazzes like the idiot that I am* And Taeri is having a hard time, isn't she? I hope that she can keep it together!! Because if she can't how are the other girls expected to?

*molests Minjun* Can you just stop being so friggin cute? Cause like my feels are going haywire. xD *V-neck hand motion* Hmm~ *dying* I also loved the little interaction between Minhyeo and Grace, like they didn't really mind that the whole dorm was in silence, they were going to what they wanted and talk with each other. *pets them both* Too cute!!!

Chapter 14:

O. O YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!?!?! I was rolling with laughter when I saw "She went all Hulk Smash!". Yoon has a very good sense of humor, I like that about her. Once Minhyeo starts cracking jokes, I am sure that both of them will be really good friends. ^^

Now...*cough*...WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME, YANG!!!! I THINK I LOST A FRIGGIN OVARY TO THE TRIPLETS!!!! *dead* I love how you made sure that Minjun could tell them apart. It would have been so funny if they got him all mixed up, and he call them the wrong name and they make a big fuss about it. And Minjun is going to be living with the triplets? Oh crap...this is going to be a lot of trouble. >< I can already see it.

Taeri, come on, hun! You got this!! *pats chest ghetto gangsta like* You can do this! Jihyun...don't be jealous, sweetheart, you either man up - or is it woman up - and just grab Jongup and lay a kiss on him.

*cough* SototallygoingtohavesomuchfunwhenIcomevisityouYanghideOki *cough*

Yoon...just gah, had me laughing my off from her explanation. Just gah! xD My unnie feels for the triplets just kill me every friggin time.
Chapter 16: Hahaha These triplets will surely bring a lot of problems for the Minjun oppa! This will be very funny ~ 1 good, 2 is little, but 3 is too much! hahahaha
Chapter 15: Weee Minhyeo and Mirae finally reconciled :) Yay I love BTS <3! hahaha OMO poor Grace who still do not know about the storm that is about to arrive at least now Taeri-unnie will have the opportunity place order and to learn how to bring peace! Jihyun not get so angry, you can not get angry at something you are not sure. Remember not everything is what seems be!
Chapter 15: *Crying because the second part was uploaded so quickly and I wasn't ready for it~ ;o;*
I love how the storylines are always intertwined, the fact that they have a connection makes it all more enjoyable, because we get to see the story from another point of view and note that what each person does, affects another one :) I think Taeri is going to need to work more on this problem. Poor Eunhye probably doesn't know that she caused her friend to be like this~ So, don't worry Taeri, you can still use your speech about peace after you break up the incoming underage-catfight these two are going to have. I so want to see Minjun taking care of three 15-year-old boys xD I don't know, I just want to. He is such a cool (And dreamy) oppaa~ (Let the boys break him!.. or love him, I don't know, this could go either way)

Mirae, why are you such a creeper? My adorable baby, you are truly especial xD I loved her in this part (Especially since she was so cute and sweet and fangirling over BTS xD) and it is okay if you don't give her much activity in every chapter, I was just worried because a silent Mirae is not a good Mirae xD (But turns out she was being a total cutie and she actually said “I'm sorry”, OMG, Minhyeo you did it!)

Psshh~ You can fanboy as much as you want about BTS; if you want to talk about Jimin's underage abs or Jungkook's sad sad sad young age, I'm TOTALLY fine with it (DO IT) hahahaha Yes, you can break the chapters as much as you want :) I think you made a good choice here :) you always leave us hanging in here! So I'm looking forward to the next update, have an awesome day, Ryan-nim!
Chapter 14: Oh my xD if things weren't complicated enough now we have boy trouble over here xD I loved CL, she is so cool and seems to be a great friend! I liked the whole "If you have this then you'll have that and if you have that then you'll have peace! (Bow down to your queen, bishes)" Kind of like mathematics but I doubt it will be that easy hahaha but I'm seeing some advance in Taeri's personality, the fact that she acknowledges that being a good trainee doesn't make you a great leader is a step forward :)

I hope Guppy can help Eunhye with DaeDae and that she can help Guppy with Jihyun! (I love to call him Guppy, it looks like puppy :3) Yoonjin is the only sane person in here, I think xD

I really want to read the next part, so Ryan-nim, please don't disappear like that again :'C I still love them, I think I love them more now hahahaha Ah~ Misunderstandings are so delicious to read <3 I just realized that Minhyeo and Mirae were too quiet during this part, that is not good~ xD

THANK YOU, TheElitist <3 you both have all of my love now <3
Chapter 14: oh wow there are defiantly some big misunderstandings