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Sad Beautiful Tragic

You are young averaged freshman girl in college, getting ready for the dream that you have always imagined in your head as the CEO of McDonalds. But?? you are lonely and want boyfriend, so you take the interests in dating. How so

You look for a site online, since you are a very busy and hard working. Your room mate com in and tell u to go to sleep because it is eleven pm in south korea but u just say “shut up ho” and post “insomnia ㅠㅠ” on twiter. You go On hte computer and go on Site anyway and make an account and create your profile. This is u

“Kwon Miyeon
18, F
South Korea
Student at university, looking for a god time”

YEs. You know you are not the best looking, but you manage to waste thirty minutes looking around for profiles until someone hits up your busy . There is nobody worthy of handling you because of your busied schedule, too many men want "y bab girlfriend" but thats ok. You know you will find the one that will embrace your dream of becoming CEO of mcdonlads and have beautiful mcdonald babie. After all the hard work and toss and turn in bed and the study for exam you kno u will accomplish the dream. You edit your profile thinking you probably overdid it and overwhelmed the men and just put it to "Student at university". 1230 am. Still nothing.You have upcoming exam but u do not care at all "slepe is for losers" u whisper

After taking a e u finally see it. The computer screen. from afar. There it is

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAR RSHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAMGHGHOm g" u try to calm yourself down as u go back to ur computer desk

"sHUTt up over there i m tryig to sleep binche" ur room mate say again, probably knockout from the partie at the upstairs of the university.

"FITE ME" u replied and throw two psychology textbook at her face. shh childe (:

u go back to your computer and read the message from the date site .

"wu_tasty_fan12690" had given u a mesage

"WOW !! booooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeee #swagge #swerve"

"what frk" u replied 

U refresh to mak sure it is real and not glitched and wo. IT is not glitch after all. "wu_tasty_fan12690" rly give u message, but who is????? YOu are curious and keep peace even though u slip out a "oRFFRFOfmrRMzFMR" without waking up your binche room mate that u hate a lot because she is maybe the most binche queen you have met in your university.

anywayed you check to see hoo Dis wu_tasty_fan12690

u kinda wish u didnt

but then "kinda cutte HA HA i like det" u comment on his profile picutre. which is

There are many things wrong with this pic ture. Tho u still considder talking to this wu_tasty_fan12690 as he message back:

"Ha Ha yeahe

How are U Dong?"

whte hell, u think

You observe with ur analytical critical thinking sklls and evaluate thate he is a n intellectual but u could be wronge and just keep the conversation going

"i have exam, what u think foo"

before he could reply back u go back to wu_tasty_fan12690s profile agen

"hmmmmmmmmmmmmUShmyububo" U say to urself, tryingt o find more about this mysterious man

"Kris Wu
22, M
South Korea
Money binch, Money binch, Money binch -Kleenex, Wiz Khalifa"

"hOOOOOOOOYUUUUU UEUYEA" u nod ur head in agreement as u saw. He was oder man

Does he go university too???? You wishes so, you two could go to college together, hoping he would accept your dream of being CEO of McDonald.
But you shut up about that and see he mesaged U

"O h, sorry :[ Are u a smexy"

U start sweating nervously like a jar of mayonnaise

Mayb you should have been studying for exam instead of talking to wu tasty 129429349125-44odf ok nvmrn=d

BUt whatever. you cannot escape it

You type "yes. big smexy ok" but u still feel the sweaticles beneath ur leg armpits

wu_tasty_fan12690 reply back and he say "Oh IDC because looks are not big thing for me :]"

U blush red like the blood dripping from ur room mates head, tho its starting to get a little musty in th room u don't know why

"that nice. new thing to hear from boy" you giggle and stare at his profile pic a lil bit for no particulr reason

Mr Wu respnd back to you, yes "Yeah.Hey u are from Korea Too. Are you free tomorrow?"

"oh yea i hav nothing going on" You say that. but you know its lie. You are rly hustling bustling student

You add ":]" jus to be friendly to wu_tasty_fan12690, and add ten mor e to be safe

wu_tasty_fan12690: Ok u Know the mcdonalds next to University right???

uy cannot belive

McDOnalds..................... he kno

This is once in a life time chance u CANot miss.............................

You gasp and fall of f ur computer desk and accidentaly knock off all keys on Your keyboard

u try to reply AS fast as you can and put the pieces back together bt u saying

"as wo0ur w oy mamkhk po12 gs hlqfnzkyerh kg +;,,"

wu_tasty_fan12690: Yes

wu_tasty_fan12690: PLs meet me there tomorrow mornig\n??? :]

It is useles.s U gasp again, putting som keys back t0gether

" ey akd p[wq ohgl      aeu   4sqgd yw"

wu_tasty_fan12690: Alrite see U at 9AM :]

U SEY  Out loud "HHHRHGOOOOOOOOOO ON OOOOOOOOOOOOOO" after u realise. u binche room mate is coming at u at 7000000 mph with textbook but u could care les

but also You have a date with wu_tasty_fan12690 at the Mcdonald next to university

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