"My English is great"

About time

“Do I seriously have to do this?” Tao sat at his desk in an uncomfortable wooden chair and stared up at Kris horrified. The older boy paced slowly in front of him, a small smirk on his lips. The room they were in was empty except for them and Tao’s desk and it was fun to see the boy squirming in his seat.

“Yes, your English is embarrassing and everyone else is too busy to tutor you.”

“My English is fine, better than fine I’m good at it.”

Snickering at the claim Kris leant over his desk to look him in the eyes and tugged his tie playfully as he spoke.

“Say that in English then.”

Straightening up Tao met Kris’s eyes and ignored the tie tugging as he concentrated on his pronunciation, enunciating his words a little more than necessary.

My English is great.”

Dropping the teen’s tie Kris walked away a little and nodded slowly, pretty happy with the over-pronunciation of the English. Smiling playfully Kris spoke again, only speaking in English as he did.

In that case I guess it’ll be fine for me to only speak English for the rest of the day right?” Slowly translating the sentence in his head Tao gave a curt nod and waited for the next stupid question.

I was thinking about going out later, watching a movie or maybe getting some dinner. What do you think of that?

Tao knew he’d been asked a question but he was still working on understanding the first part of Kris’s sentence to really catch what the question was. Turning on the aegyo Tao puffed his cheeks out in thought and blinked cutely up at the older boy. Answering as best he could in English Tao spoke slower this time.

Movie, I like that.

Unable to resist the teen’s aegyo Kris smiled sincerely and nodded to Tao again.

“Not bad. Still pretty embarrassing but maybe not as bad as I thought.”

Realising it would take more than a bit of aegyo to get out of this situation Tao leant over his desk a little and smirked up at the older boy, biting his bottom lip slowly Tao gazed up at Kris.

“I know important English.”

Eyeing the boy’s actions suspiciously Kris gestured for Tao to say whatever ‘important’ English he knew.

“I know,”

Grinning Tao giggled a little before speaking with laughter caught in his voice

y and let’s go and...”

Pausing again the teen gestured for Kris to come closer, complying the older boy walked back to Tao and let the younger boy pull him so their faces were inches apart. Tao his lips a little before speaking again, his voiced more hushed now there was barely any space between them.

“And I know I love you.

Closing his eyes Kris let the words wash over him. He knew, to an extent, that Tao was just trying to get out of studying English for the day but the way his accent turned the ‘v’ sound to a ‘b’ was too cute to ignore. Opening his eyes Kris grabbed Tao’s collar and pulled him off his seat slightly so he was leaning on the desk for support, staring intently at the teen Kris spoke smoothly as if it was a normal conversation.

“Do you know what that means?”

Keeping his eyes locked on Kris’s Tao forced himself to breathe calmly before answering, his voice almost a whisper.

“It means I love you”

His gaze burning Kris tightened his hold on Tao’s collar and spoke again, still sounding calm.

“Don’t throw words like that around to get out of studying. It won’t work.”

Dropping the teen’s shirt Kris walked to the front of the room again and faced the wall rather than looking at Tao. The teen took a second to straighten out his shirt before standing up from his desk. There was anger in his voice as he spoke to the older boy, trying to get him to turn around.

“Hey! I don’t throw words around.”

Kris scoffed a little and continued facing the wall as he responded to the irritated teen.

“So what are you saying?”

Fidgeting a little on the spot Tao felt his face flush slightly as he swallowed back the lump that had formed in his throat.

“I’m saying I... I love- I- I love y- forget it.”

Turning to face Tao the older boy saw the blush on his cheeks and at the same time as finding his pink tint cute Kris felt guilty for making the teen uncomfortable. Walking to him Kris brushed his fingers over the boy’s flushed cheeks and smiled sweetly down at him.

“How long?”

“A while.”

Slowly moving his fingers from Tao’s cheek to the bottom of his chin Kris tilted the boy’s head up so he could easily lean into him and lightly press his lips to the teen’s.

“I love you Zi Tao.”

Blinking up at Kris for a moment Tao let the reality of the situation sink in. It took him a moment to get his head around what was happening but once he did Tao wrapped his arms around the older boy’s waist and leant up for another kiss. Kris complied happily and, holding Tao’s hips, he sank into a sweet rhythm with the teen, moving his lips against Tao’s was easy and fun but realising that he’d fallen into the younger boy’s trap he leant away from him a little and half-smiled at him as he spoke.

“You know I’m not letting you off. We’re still practicing you’re English.”

Rolling his eyes Tao stepped out of Kris’s arms and shrugged offhandedly. Speaking sarcastically he sat back at his desk and looked up at the older boy innocently.

“Whatever you say Mr Wu Fan, there’s nothing I’d rather do.”

Loosening his tie Tao smirked up at Kris and looked him over, the teacher look suited him.

“But I have to say, I never pegged you as a role player... Sir.

Shaking his head at the teen Kris pushed the wooden desk away from him and copied the teen by giving him a look over. The student image was pretty cute but Tao’s shirt was messily un-tucked and he’d mismatched a few buttons on his shirt. Pulling him up so he was standing Kris pushed the younger boy so he was leaning against the desk he’d pushed away slightly. Tao watched as Kris popped the buttons on his slightly over sized shirt out of place, leaving the material hanging open.


“If you don’t know how to dress yourself properly, what’s the point?”

Tao closed his eyes and leant back more onto the desk behind him for support as his legs became week under Kris’s intense gaze. Managing to keep his sarcastic undertones Tao whispered a quick.

Sir... I don’t think this is appropriate”

“I only wanted to teach you so I’d have something interesting to do. If I’ve got nothing good to look at I may as well not be here.” Kris’s eyes didn’t leave the teen’s body as he undid the boy’s slim black trousers and slipped his hand into his boxers, hearing Tao’s breath become a little heavier the older boy started massaging the boy’s crotch, the teen was hard in less than a minute and soon enough he was grinding against his ‘teacher’s’ hand.

“Tut tut, so impatient.” Removing his hand Kris snickered a little at the teen’s wide eyes and disappointed pout. The older man pushed Tao's trousers past his hips before picking him up and sitting the boy on his desk. He pulled the trousers off the boys legs and knelt down in front of him, holding Tao's right leg Kris caressed the smooth skin, kissing his way up the defined muscles to his inner thigh were he lightly nibbled one if the teen's most sensitive spots.
Tao pulled the older man's collar so he was stood again and wrapped his legs around Kris's waist, pulling him closer, and quickly undid the buttons, fingers fumbling a little as nervous energy spilt through him. Pushing the shirt off Kris's body Tao pulled the older man by the tie that still hung loosely around his neck and was about to bring their lips together when there was a tap on the door.

Jumping away from each other both boys quickly made themselves decent before Sehun walked into the room, blissfully unaware of what he’d interrupted and informed the boys they needed to train.

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Chapter 1: HAHAHA sehun-ah~ you little innocent thing, barging in on your members and ing them. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good work author-nim!
Chapter 1: Sehun you innocent troll! XD