Someday you'll know

Destination: Beautiful

Young, restless and tired. Tired of exhaustion from school, training and everything in between.

For the past year of her life, Kim Taeyeon seems to follow this everyday cycle. While other 15 year old girls hang out in parties and go shopping with friends, Taeyeon was in the SM building, training as an ‘idol’ in the making. It was like her life follows a schedule: School from 7 to 3 pm, training from 3 to 8 pm, doing her schoolworks from 8 to 9 pm then sleep. Sometimes she felt like quitting to get out of this extremely lonely cycle. But then she remembers how happy she is while performing onstage. She knows that those few minutes she’s performing bring her such joy that cannot be compared to anything at all. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time, or so they say. Whenever she felt like giving up, she reminds herself what she told her parents: “I’ll make you both proud someday.”

She holds this promise deep in her heart and it’s the spark that ignites back her passion.




The tight schedule might be the one to blame for her lack of social life and friends. It’s a cliché how confident she can get while performing but just saying “hello” to people makes her nervous and anxious as hell. One day in training, Taeyeon tried to approach her co trainee: a pretty eye smiling  girl who is around her age. Although they see each other for about 5 hours a day during training, they never spoke a word to each other. This was the first time she will ever introduce herself to the girl.

“Annyeong haseyo.”

“Hello,” responded the girl with an anxious tone.

Taeyeon can tell how nervous the girl was so she kept on asking questions to avoid the awkwardness. Apparently the girl’s name was Tiffany Hwang, a year younger than her and she just came from United states. “Well that explains the stutter,” Taeyeon thought.

“Don’t worry. I will help you with your Korean. I’ll introduce you to the culture and the city,” she said to Tiffany with a big smile.

“Thank you….. Wait, does this mean we’re friends now?”

“Well. Yes. I guess so. If you want to.”

“Of course I want to!” Tiffany replied as she gave Taeyeon a hug.

Fast forward 3 months later, Taeyeon and Tiffany got really close to each other. Taeyeon didn’t fail on keeping her promise. She helped Tiffany improve her Korean and she was there for her whenever she feels homesick. She even moved into the dorm so that Tiffany can feel less alone and lonely. Taeyeon might not have a lot of friends but she is contented with every second she spends with Tiffany.




“Do you think we can make it?” Taeyeon asked as she directed her gaze at Tiffany. After a frustrating and tiring day of training, she started to doubt herself if she really has what it takes.

“Of course. Every hard work comes with a good pay off,” replied Tiffany, showing her eyesmile to the older girl. “Plus, I believe in you. Just hold on a little longer, okay?”

Taeyeon lets out a heavy sigh. “When that day comes, the first thing I want to do is go to an amusement park with you.”

“I have an idea!”

“What is it?”

“How about we write down all the things we want to do, all the places we want to go to? You know, like a bucket list or time capsule.” Tiffany said as she take out some papers and pen.

“That sounds great!” Taeyeon took a paper from Tiffany and started scribbling down. She listed down all the places she’s dying to go to: Disneyland, Europe, Philippines and a lot more.

“Hey you! No peeking!” she nearly shouted when she saw Tiffany glancing at her paper.

“Why so secretive? It’s just a list.”

“Someday, you’ll find out…One day.”




As if everything was written in the stars, the next thing Tiffany and Taeyeon knew, they are already at the top. Literally. Being members of Asia’s number 1 girl group, they manage to top off all music charts and even broke some records. They were at their peak and damn, the scenery looks nice. They got so busy they hardly have time for themselves. But whenever they have free time, Taeyeon makes it a point to go somewhere with Tiffany.

“Fany-ah, let’s go to Tokyo Disneyland!”



And so they did.



“Ppani, my pretty Miyoungie, can you get some ice cream with me?”



And so they did.



“Fany jagiya, let’s get dogs together!” Taeyeon showed the eye smiling girl her best aegyo expression while tugging her sleeve.

“A WHA-“

“Aish, don’t shout. I was just asking,” Taeyeon sighed, bowing down her face and making a sad pouty look. Tiffany just could not bear Taeyeon’s cuteness that very moment. “Ok fine. I’ll choose what breed though.”



And so they did.



Whenever they’re together, Tiffany noticed how Taeyeon always writes something on a piece of paper with a grin on her face and sometimes, laughter. “What are you doing? Are you writing my name in a deathnote notebook?” she said, taking a quick look at the writings. Taeyeon quickly covered it with her arms and pushed Tiffany away. “No, no. It’s nothing like that at all.”

“Then why can’t I read it?”

“Someday, I promise you. You’ll know.”




Girls’ generation world tour recently rocked its first stop, Seoul. Sold out tickets for both days, fans from all over the world watched the concert. As a result from this huge success for their 1st world tour, the managers gave the girls a 2 week vacation. Taeyeon and Tiffany took this chance to go to New York.

While at the airplane, although still half asleep, Tiffany caught a glance of Taeyeon writing something.

“There you go again writing but you never tell me what it is. You know I’m starting to think you’re one of those fanfic authors online….”

“Very funny. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what it is. Soon.”

“Pssh, you always say that but you never do!” Tiffany pulled herself closer and playfully poked Taeyeon’s nose. This action made the other turn red and flustered. Taeyeon pulled off a straight face, pretending that she’s not getting butterflies in her stomach. But deep down inside, her heart felt like it will burst any time Tiffany’s touch lands on her skin again.

She smiled and poked Tiffany’s nose as well. “Soon. Really soon. You’ll know in a couple of days.”




“Taeyeon-ah! Have you seen my Iphone?” Tiffany yelled while looking inside the drawers. She looked on the luggage and cabinets but to her dismay, there are no sign of her phone being there.

“TAEYEON WHERE ARE YOU?” she lets out another scream, hoping that someone will answer back. Still, no response. Maybe she went to the café downstairs for breakfast.

She looked inside Taeyeon’s part of the cabinet, since they decided to share a hotel room, they have to compromise with the space too. Tiffany was about to close the cabinet when a familiar looking paper caught her eye. She has always been tempted to read what Taeyeon was scribbling down, and the temptation to take a look at it is just too strong. “Okay Tiffany, just a glance.”

Her heart thumped faster as she read what the paper contains. Waves of shock and somehow, relief struck her whole body. She quickly went downstairs to find Taeyeon with a smile illuminating her face.




“Ow, good morning Miyoungie! You’re up early than usual.”

Tiffany grabbed a chair beside her and sat down. She flashed a smile, took Taeyeon’s hand and gave it a squeeze. She grabbed a fork and started eating Taeyeon’s food.

“Fany ah……. There’s something I want to tell you,” Taeyeon stuttered as she held Tiffany’s stare. She got lost in those deep brown eyes, even forgetting to blink for a second.

“About the paper…. It’s actually abou-“

“Sssshhh. I think I know already.” Tiffany said, pressing a finger against Taeyeon’s lips. She took out the paper from her pocket and gave it to Taeyeon. “I accidentally saw that when I was looking for my phone earlier. Sorry for barging into your things, but I really can’t help but to read it.”

Taeyeon took the paper from her and read it all again. The paper says:




  • Long car drives at night with Miyoung

  • Go to all Disneyland parks all over the world

  • Go to New York with Fany

  • Frequent coffee and ice cream dates per week

  • Get a dog (with Fany!)

  • Make my New York companion mine. All mine.

  • Make her fall in love with me as much as I love her (well....hopefully)

  • Be happy with her forever


She noticed that there were added writings in it with a pink marker:


I’m all yours. I’ve always been yours.

p.s. what took you so long to confess?


Her cheeks were burning hot, and she cannot find the words to say.

“I can still remember when we wrote our bucketlist years ago. Now I know why you never want me to read it. You pabo,” Tiffany shyly smiled, avoiding Taeyeon’s gaze. “You know…. To be honest I-“




“Go on, it’s okay.”


“I felt the same way you feel about me, even years ago. I was just scared it will ruin our friendship, so I kept it all in. But Kim Taeyeon, I have always loved you from the start.”


Silence fills the air as their eyes battle for those longing glances. Too silent, but their hearts have never beated loudly like this before.


“Say something, Taeyeon.”


Instead of words filling the air, the blonde girl pulled Tiffany closer and gave her a kiss. A warm, gentle kiss. Their eyes met as their heads depart, as if saying you’re finally mine. As if saying I’ve waited years for this moment to happen.


Taeyeon grabbed a pen from her pocket and crossed off the last three things on her list. It was a journey to get the girl, but it’s worth it.


 The destination is very beautiful.



so... what do you guys think?

Although I don't know if people even bother to read my fics, here I am posting another oneshot lol

is it too fluffy? cheesy? or what? any comment, suggestion or even critic will make me happy!

so drop some below :)

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"Destination: Beautiful" is a song by the band Mae, give it a listen because it's a good song :)


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 1: Aww! This is so sweet!
Chapter 1: Sooo sweet~~ What a beautiful relationship they have here.

Thank you for this one!
TaenyLoveAFF #3
Chapter 1: So sweet
like sugar
TaeNyisAmor #4
EMT0304 #5
Chapter 1: Wonderful...short but I feel their love.