
Meeting You Again

           How long has it been? 10 months now? A year? Or was it 2 years now? Who knows. Oh Sehun sure didn’t. Not like he cared in the first place. He’s always like that- straight-faced, blunt, and didn’t give one total about anything. He was a badass; he was the type of guys that all girls fall for- the bad ones. He’d treat them like crap, obviously. He’d date one girl, dump her like a flimsy piece of trash, and then date another. Cycle repeats on and on. Non-stop.

           He changed. Once. He wasn’t like this before. He had changed for this person. He wanted to be that person’s significant other. He hadn’t felt anything like that before. The feeling was powerful and strong. It wasn’t anything that he felt towards the girls that he dated. He wasn’t sure what it was then, but oh yes, he’s sure what it is now.


● ● ●

            It was his sophomore year. He was the typical naïve boy- inexperience, worked hard in school, didn’t care about girls, and didn’t care about dating because education comes first. He was one of those goody-goody kids at school. He’d never skipped class. He’d always get straight A’s. The teachers loved him.


            There it goes. The voice that makes Sehun’s knees weak. The person that he has fallen head over heels for.


            “Y-Yes, sunbae?” Sehun asks, pushing up the frame of glasses on his nose bridge. Luhan was walking closer to him, closer and closer to him. Sehun’s eyes grew wide while his hands became clammy. Oh god, get a grip, Oh Sehun. He hugged his books tighter to his small, fragile frame. The books jabbed into his ribs, but Sehun didn’t care. Lu freakin’ Han was standing in front of him.

            “I was wondering if you could help me out,” Luhan replied, an unfamiliar tone in his voice. He flashed Sehun a crooked smile, rubbing his neck nervously.  Luhan played around with the straps of his backpack, his eyes boring into Sehun’s nervous ones. Sehun simply nodded and Luhan’s eyes sparkled with joy.

            How could he deny Luhan?

● ● ●


           Sehun peeped his head through the door of Luhan’s room. It was dark. The curtains were closed, the lights were off, and Luhan was out of sight. The younger felt a pout appear on his lips as he closed the door to the latter’s room.

           It was time for Sehun to help Luhan with his academics but he was nowhere to be seen. Usually, the latter waited in his room. He’d have his headphones in while he sat at his desk, spacing out. Sehun would always walk in quietly, not wanting to disturb the latter and his space.

           But somehow, Sehun would always end up staring at the latter’s side profile. There was something about Luhan that made Sehun want to be around him. There was something about Luhan that made Sehun’s knees weak. Sehun’s heart always pounding in his chest whenever they made brief skin contact, whenever Luhan complimented him, or just, whenever Luhan was around him. What was this feeling? He had never felt this before.

           Shaking his head, Sehun pushed his glasses up. He had to find Luhan. It was time for tutoring.

● ● ●


           Sehun’s lower lip trembled. Luhan pointed sternly at the door, his eyes filled with anger. Sehun felt his heart drop. It shattered into millions and millions of pieces. It shattered like a fragile piece of glass.

           “What don’t you understand, Oh Sehun?” Luhan sneered, pushing the younger boy by his shoulders. This caused Sehun to fall back, his books flying into the air and scattering onto Luhan’s already messy floor.

           “I-I,” the younger stuttered, biting his lip out of habit.

           “I told you not to come anymore.” Luhan growled, picking up the papers off the floor. He shook them in his hand violently. “This,” he spat, throwing them with force at Sehun, “is bull. I told you, Oh Sehun. I don’t need you to en tutor me anymore.”


           “I said ‘out.’ Get the out!” Luhan screeched, gathering the books and pushing the trembling younger out the door. Sehun’s teary face was greeted with an angry slam. The door creaked, aching with pain from the impact. Various papers were scattered onto the floor. Sniffling, Sehun picked them up.

           What did he do wrong?

● ● ●

           “I like you.”

           There. He finally said it. Oh Sehun finally confessed his feelings. He instantly glued his eyes onto the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut. His heart pounded violently in his chest.


           Luhan was surprised. Oh Sehun likes him? A rush of confusion ran through his body. How was this possible? Luhan felt his heart rate slowly growing faster. He… He couldn’t possibly like Oh Sehun… could he?

           “I-I like you.”

           Sehun repeated his words once more. He looked up to look at Luhan. He said it again. His shoulders felt lighter as he spoke those words. The heaviness was lifted off of his heart. He felt his heart rate slow as he repeated them once more- this time with more strength.

           He didn’t care what Luhan’s reply was. At least he got it off of his shoulders. That was all that matter to Sehun. He clenched his fist. He unclenched them. Clenched. Unclenched. Clenched.

           “I like you too.”


● ● ●

            “How about some bubble tea, Sehun-ah?”

           Luhan smiled brightly at Sehun. He walked closer to Sehun and s his arm around the younger’s petite frame. He planted a soft kiss onto Sehun’s temple.

           “Bubble tea?” Sehun asked, raising an eyebrow. Luhan nodded and pulled his arm away to grab a hold onto the younger’s hands. They fit in his perfectly. A smile crept up to Luhan’s face as he led Sehun to the closest bubble tea store.

           “Bubble tea,” Luhan laughed, walking up to the counter. Oh how Luhan’s laughter chimed. “What flavor do you want?”

           “You know what I want, hyung.” Sehun pouted.

           “One chocolate bubble tea and one taro milk tea,” Luhan ordered with a grin. Once he paid and the drinks were made, he handed the chocolate bubble tea to Sehun and gave him a straw. “Here.”

           “Thanks, hyung.” Sehun smiled, unwrapping the straw and stabbing it into the center of the lid. He brought it to his lips and took a long sip as he closed his eyes. “Yum. Thanks again, hyung.”

           “Anything for you, Sehunnie.” Luhan grinned, taking a sip of his own bubble tea. He reached over and took a sip out of the younger’s cup. Luhan laughed as Sehun choked on his bubble tea and began to cough. He reached over and gently pat the younger’s back.

           “T-Thank you.”

           Luhan just smiled and gave the younger a quick peck on the cheek.

● ● ●


           Sehun’s heart dropped. There Luhan was, holding hands and laughing happily with a girl. A en girl. Luhan turned around, his arm still slung around the girl’s shoulder. He quickly pulled away, making his way towards Sehun.


           “G-Get away from me.”

           “Sehun, please. I can explain-“

           “Explain what, hyung? Explain what? That you’re cheating on me?”


           “I said get away!”

           Sehun shoved Luhan away, pushing the latter by his shoulders. Tears were streaming down Sehun’s face. Heaviness heaved onto his heart. No. This couldn’t be happening. That’s not Luhan. It’s someone else.

           Sehun wanted this to be a dream. He wanted someone to pinch his arm to wake him up. Sehun reached out shakily to his left arm and pinched himself.


           This surely wasn’t a dream.

           “Sehun,” Luhan spoke, a voice laced with sadness. “Sehun, please.”

           “No,” the younger whispered, shaking his head vigorously. “No. No. No.”


           “NO. Get away from me!” Sehun screeched, pushing him away. He took a dash towards the door, ignoring the constant shouts of Luhan.

           “Ignore him, oppa.” he heard the girl say.

           It only enraged Sehun more. He burst through the heavy school doors and began to run.

           He ran and ran. He continued to run until he couldn’t any more. He placed a hand on the brick wall besides him. Sweat ran down his jawline as his chest heaved with heavy breaths. He squeezed his eyes shut and clutched his chest. It hurt. Why does it hurt so much?

           Feeling a drop falling onto his back, Sehun glanced up. It began to rain heavily. He released a deep sigh between his sobs. He hadn’t realized that he was crying. He let them fall with the rain, soaking up his shirt. It clung into his body for dear life.

           The boy continued to cry in the rain, hoping that somehow, it helped with the sadness and hurt filling up his body.

● ● ●

           Sehun closed his eyes. He leaned back in his chair, a smile on his face. He was at the library. Books were sprawled out before him. He didn’t bother to look at them. He was just here for a few more minutes anyways.

           Yup. Detention.

           “Can I sit here?”

           Sehun’s eyes popped open and grew wide. He sat up straighter and shook his head. He just had to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. He opened his eyes and looked once more.

           Nope. Still there.

           “What are you staring at, pabo?”

           The person pulled up a chair and sat beside the still-in-shock Sehun. They let out a soft laughter. The laughter that had always chimed to Sehun.


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Chapter 1: I'm a bit confused too. Can u explain the overall purpose?
Chapter 1: like it ;)
Chapter 1: Sequeeeel? :) i like ittttt.
Chapter 1: Sequel? :)