chapter 1

Our special day

it was the last two days of high school both you and luhan are so excited to hang out with each other espeacially today because its yours and luhan bestfriend anniversary . you were in maths looking out of the classroom window all bored because your teacher was lecturing the class about algebra '_____ ssi ' your teacher shouted , you shot up and shouted 'DEH' and all your classmates were laughing at you . Your face was all red 'Can you solve this question?' your teacher pointing towards the board

'uhh'  while scratching your head. that second the bell rang meaning that school was finished suddenly an smile grew on your face.You quickly pack your stuff and dashed out the classroom . You were heading towards the school gates to meet luhan since you and luhan live quite near to each other. You saw luhan you shouted his name 'LUHAN' you waved running towards him

'hey _____' luhan beamed

You and luhan were walking home and everyday you and luhan would talk non stop but something today made it so uncomfortable becaouse none you two are not talking. You glance over to luhan he was looking down with his hand in his trouser pocket you felt sad because he didnt said anything about their anniversary so you took a big breathe and try to talk to him . 'I' you both said at the same time 

'You go first' you suggest 

'Well i was wondering if you are free tonight ' luhan said

'why' you questioned

'because my cousin Sehun is having a party celebrating his party so i was wondering if you wanted to come '

'Sure' you answered  . you both reached were you both need to go different way

'Oh wear something formal and i will pick you at 7:30pm' luhan said and walked away 

'so he did forget our friendship day ' you sadly look up at the sky





when you arrived at your house you were greeted by your mother 'hey sweetie'

'hi mum' you fakely smile

'mum im going to Sehun's birthday party with Luhan is that okay?'



your pov:

You finished washing up you were  wondering what to wear 'Hmm what to wear ' tapping your chin 

you try millions of clothes but all you keep saying that 

too y, too cute , too mature , too short , too old , too reaveling . until you found this       

you put a light make up on and you slip on your shoe


you fall on your bed thinking how can Luhan forget the day you and him became friends





Luhan Pov  


Luhan run to his house and shut the door and put his fist up in the air cheering

'she fall for it' ______ im gonna make you mine tonight  you run to the kitchen to prepare everything you need . when the preparation was done you ran upstairs to your room to get washed up and get ready .

you were troubled aswell trying to get ready not knowing to wear you were saying too casual,too sporty,too fancy until you found this 


(without the jacket )     











you were fixing your collar and you were thinking  'you thought i forgot our special day'

you look at your phone and it was 7:20 you cursed yourself  realising how late you are . you run downstair and get everything you need and heading to ____ house.





well this the first chapter hope you like it i will update again but not sure when because my mum friends coming and we need to go out and stuff and show her aroung so plz be patient for the next chapter

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Bubblemusic #1
Chapter 2: Erm.... Yah! BECAUSE! BECAUSE! BECAUSE! Didnt ur sis check this???
Chapter 2: It was great I loved it