The Surreal Date

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Chapter Six – The Surreal Date

Sharp at 4 o’clock in the evening, I already had been waiting for them at the usual pavilion as Jinki had asked us to wait there. Since Jessica and Taeyeon tended to spend pretty much time to get dressed and stuffs, so I went out first. Witnessing the breathtaking waterfall for the last time, it made me feel not to go home today. This place was just awe-inspiring to leave. Anyway, if I had bunch of money, I will definitely build a bungalow (a small one would be fine) so that I can always visit here anytime. But well, it was merely a dream that I positively knew I would not be able to catch it.

“Hello, princess.”

I smiled inwardly upon the sudden greet. Luhan was such a guy who tended to show up at me out of the blue.

“You came here pretty earlier,” he remarked, taking a seat next to me.

I nodded, smiling. “You too.”

“You know, if I have lots of money, I’d love to build a house here,” he said out of the blue. “This place is too splendid to miss.” He let out a small laugh in the end of his words.

Wonderstruck. That was what I felt when he uttered those words. How could he think something so same just like me? Or it was simply came across his mind? or maybe, people who adored this place would feel the same as well?

“You haven’t answered my previous question this morning, Yoona.”

I quirked my eyebrow quizzically, trying to digest what was his question although I had already known what was it. Luhan reiterated his question again. From his earnest voice, I could tell that he was indeed hoping to meet me next time. But I supposed I had to restrain myself to make me look that I was not really desperate to meet him.

At last, I opted not to give him an answer. It was not like I did not want to meet him, but I just had no idea why my heart chose to stay still, hoping for the fate to meet us again. If we bound to meet again, we would meet in any way, by hook or by crook.

“Why?” His face expression had turned gloomy. “Don’t you want to befriend with me, Yoona?”

My jaw dropped slightly, surprised.

“Or are you ashamed to befriend with someone so shabby and scruffy like me?” This time, his question seemed like a provocation.

“Who says so?” My eyes widened. Who was I to judge his shabby, messy dressing? He could dress anything that he liked. “I don’t think that way, Luhan.” I gave him a tiny smile to ease his feeling at the moment.

“Then why are you keep avoiding me when I asked the same question?”

“Err... err.. I was just....” Crap, what should I reply? My mind seemed clogged as he kept on staring me. His deep stare made my heart race so uncontrollably.

“Yoona...” Ah, here came again his romantic voice that I cannot stand the most! His sweet voice was just alluring, for God’s sake!

“Actually, it’s up to you, Luhan. Do you know where I work at?” Finally, the words flowed out from my mouth though I was not really thinking to utter it.

A charming smile began to creep on his lips. “I know, princess.”

“You know?” My eyes narrowed suspiciously. How came he knew where did I work at? “Did Jinki or Baekhyun or Jessica or Taeyeon tell you?”

“You could have said to me ‘my friends’ rather than mentioning all their names. Plus, they’re working together with you in the same company.” He laughed amusingly, making my cheeks feel warm. “Anyway, I did know where do you work at a long time ago. In fact, they didn’t tell me where do all of you work at.”

Even though I was pretty curious from where did he know I worked at, I did not ask him further. Plus, he seemed not to explain to me as well. Anyway, it was something trivial that I did not have to know.

“I’ll meet you sometime, princess.” He gave me a grin. An exceptionally charming one.

“Okay..” That was my simple response since I got possessed by his killer smile. At the moment as well, I wondered if he were my destiny, I would be extremely happy for the rest of my life!


I began to resume working after the splendid trip had ended with much ecstasy. I had no idea why I was feeling like this. Maybe because of spending two days with Luhan during the trip, rendering me to feel so utterly ecstatic. Still, I was still refraining myself not to think about the Korean-Chinese guy all the time. I should not have thought so deeply for him. He already had so many girls next to him. He might have thought me like those girls. Easy to lure with his good-looking features! Hell no. I was not like those girls. Luhan was such a playboy. Crap, how could I fall for his ingenious trap?

But why I was missing him so badly right now? His charming face, killer smile, romantic voice, and everything about him kept on lingering on my mind! I just cannot bear to think about him, even for a slight.

Yes, there was a part of me urged me to love him and to be loved by him but at the same time, there was a tiny part of me which was so pessimistic of Luhan.

Ah, I should have just held back all my feelings towards him. I still can live without him, though. I slipped the statement inside my heart. Occasionally, I reiterated it again and again so that I will not forget.

However, the statement seemed to slip out of my heart in just a few minutes. Seriously, I could not stand thinking about him. I… just cannot. Oh my God, what had happened to me? Im Yoona, you must have been nuts!

Speaking of Luhan. He said he wanted to give me a call. I had been anticipating for his call but until this afternoon, he still had not called me. I kept on glancing at my cell phone, hoping he would call me. Although I had gotten many calls until now, but none of them was from him.

I emitted a deep sigh. He must have been forgotten to call me.

Out of the blue, there was a ringing sound indicated someone had called me. Unfortunately, it was not from my cell phone, it was from the phone on my desk. It must be from the outsiders. I sighed again. I did not want to take the call. I did not have the mood to do so.

The phone rang again for the second time when as I ignored the first one. This time, I ignored it again. Just let the phone ring. I was so disheartened to accept the call.

Jessica grabbed the phone when the phone rang for the third time. Maybe she happened to pass by my desk or maybe she felt so annoyed of the continuous calls.

“For you!” She passed me the telephone holder. But I shook my head, asking her to talk to the caller by herself. Then, I pretended to be busy, sketching design here and there that was lying on my desk since morning whilst eavesdropping to their conversation.

“Personal call, Yoona!” She put the telephone holder on my desk and instantly went back to her desk, causing me dumbstruck for a moment. What a good action from Jessica!

Without any choice, I took the call but I was being silent. Let the caller talk first. Suddenly, a bright smile crept on my lips when the person greeted me. To my joy, I greeted him back wholeheartedly.

“Why did you reject my call, princess?” His subtle, romantic voice was on.

“Errr… I went to the ladies just now and didn’t hear your call, Luhan.” What a decent lie, Im Yoona! “I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind at all.”

“So why are you calling me?”

“I’d love to have lunch with you today, princess.” Baam! I was expecting the invitation but I had no idea it would be so soon!

I went nervous, did not know how to reply his invitation. Maybe I paused for a kind of long time and Luhan had to repeat his remark once again.

“Errr.. actually I already have an appointment this afternoon, Luhan. I can’t cancel nor postpone it,” I replied nervously. Though it was not the answer I would love to give him, I just let it out.

“If you say so... why don’t we meet after your office hour today?”

My mind spinned again, frantically looking for an excuse again. “Oh, my mother has asked me to go home early this evening since we’re going to my aunt’s house in Busan!”

“Oh...” I could hear his light sigh. “Maybe next time.” He did not force me. He even bid me softly before the call ended.

I did not know what was his impression towards me. Why would I have to that to him? Ah, I had no idea!

Im Yoona, you were being such a fool again!


The following days, I was actually waiting

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22/3 ; Guess what? Double update this Monday since I'm deprived to write fluffy LuYoon hehe


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Nicholandluhan #1
This is cool✌️
saseumi90 #2
Chapter 24: so this is the end?
I'm glad both luhan and yoona will get married and have a kid tho haha
really nice story authornim
good job and keep writing^°^
Chapter 20: Dayuum... Yoona is so dense.. SHES OVERTHINKING TOO MUCH
Chapter 16: Why do I have the feeling that luhan is the pilot?
rachelton #5
nice done! thank you for your hard- working. keep waiting for your stories. FIGHTING!!!
iyzzara #6
Chapter 7: No wonder i feel like it's kinda similar . :)
HanZy_L77 #7
Waaa daebak! :) yay! I love the characters haha Luhan, Yoona, Suzy and Kai are my favorites in kpop! <3 although I'm HanZy and YoonKai shipper ^_^
YoonHaeChoding #8
Chapter 24: I love the ending and the mushiness <3 great story, once again ^^
shining7080 #9
Chapter 24: I'm glad it ended with a happy note (:

Luhan is imperfectly perfect for Yoona.

Wish I could have a guy as loving as he is <3
FishyYoongie #10
Chapter 24: Aww it's already end. Thank you for the sweet and mushy fiction :) .. I will re-read this fiction again ^^