Counting Sunspots

So I don't really know what I did here but I wrote this all in a few hours and its unedited and probably makes no sense but here you go, because Krisyeol makes the world go round.

Kris' eyes open to scattered sunlight filtering in through dusty yellow curtains. His mouth tastes like metal and burnt out cigarettes and there’s a dull stiffness in his back from the broken mattress that he spends his nights on. He's seen better days, but the sight of the slumbering body next to him makes him grateful for what he has.

He shifts, the creaking of the bed springs accenting his every move, and throws an arm over the slight curvature of his bed mate's side. He places a kiss to the smooth shoulder blade presented to him and pulls the scratchy sheets higher to preserve the comforting warmth of the soft skin. The body beside him does not belong to a wife, nor a husband, but merely a companion for his heart; the man with whom he plans on spending the rest of his life.

He stands, careful not to wake the sleeping man, and walks on wobbly legs across the uneven floorboards of his bedroom. He reaches the washroom after a few unsteady steps and braces a hand on the old sink, trying his hardest not to look into the grimy mirror before him as he switches the tap to cold, running his hands under the water then over his face.


"Will that be all, sir?"

Kris glanced up from his wallet, halfway through pulling out the amount of cash significant enough to cover the cost of the items that he'd already calculated in his head. A loaf of bread, carton of milk, and a stick of butter to give his breakfast some substance. He'd already wasted so much time this morning when he woke up to find that his fridge was empty, a product of him being simply too distracted by life to restock it. He would be late if he wanted any more time, and he couldn't afford to give his boss – a short, balding man by the name of Kevin who for some reason had it out for him -  any sort of excuse to get rid of him, so he nodded in a rush, ready to get this unexpected shopping trip over with and continue on his way. He paid and was on his way out of the store when something caught his eye. It was the daily news, something that he never thought was worth the paper it was printed on, but the headline was enough to make him pluck the paper from the stand and make his way back to the cash register, plastic bag dangling on his left wrist as he reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet for the second time that day.

'Evacuation of Sector 12 to be carried out Wednesday, June 21st' was what the  bold ink printed on the face of the paper screamed at him, and it didn't take long for him to perform another simple calculation in his head and figure out that his Sector, number 18 would soon be on the chopping block.

He was 5 minutes and 34 seconds late to work that day, too soon to make him fall behind on his work but just long enough to earn him a stern talking to from Kevin, who warned him that this was his last chance, despite it having been his first misdemeanor.

He sat alone in his cubicle, listening to the chatter of his coworkers in between filing the most recent insurance purchases and checking his email because, let's face it, with life as everyone knew it slowly coming to a standstill, who really needed insurance on a new car?

“Did you hear?” The lady from upstairs quipped, taking her break time to chat with friends by the fifth floor water cooler. “12 is gonna be gone soon. That means not much longer for us.”

“Yes, it's about time. Ben and the boys have been waiting for so long for this.” It was the woman whose cubicle was right behind his. She wore too much makeup and never had the right shoes for the weather, but her children were nice, as far as Kris could remember from take your kid to work day.

“But are you all prepared?” Sixth floor asked, and the way that she leaned closer implied that the conversation was meant to be private. The loud volume of her voice however said otherwise.

“Of course, besides, we were told not to bring much, anyways. “

Judging by the other chatter that Kris couldn’t help but eavesdrop on, the Evacuations were a hot topic around the workplace that day. Kris himself didn’t care much for them, and when the due date of their Sector came up, he would pack up and leave without a fuss.

The point of the Evacuation was simple, for transfer humans from this polluted, deteriorating planet, to a new one where they could live their lives anew, under a completely different governmental system, one that would lower crime rates, poverty, anything under the sun that could cause suffering for the people. At least, that was how it was marketed.

The entire Evacuation Project was approved worldwide, it being seen as a ‘clean-slate program’ for all mankind. The first step of the plan was brought into action roughly fifty years ago, with each country being split into 30 Sectors. The second step was put into motion once the vessels had been created, the large ships meant to transport the people of Earth to their new planet. The new planet was prepared to sustain life, and by the 49th year, the Evacuations started. Sector 1 was the first to go, obviously, and everyone was shipped away before the entire Sector was ‘wiped clean’ as the government liked to call it. Then came Sector 2 and 3, with each country slowly marking off their chunks of land.

Of course, there were those who rebelled, starting protests and riots, but they were all labelled terrorists, inciting fear and destruction, and subsequently ‘dealt with’ by the government. All of this would be in the news for maybe a day before it was swept under the rug, all ‘normal’ citizens believing that these terrorists got what they deserved. No one knew for sure what the government did with them; some thought that they were jailed, Kris believed that they were allowed to stay back in their Sectors and have their protests… Right up until the Sector was wiped clean.

Kris entertained himself with listening to coworkers rave about how amazing their new lives would be, and the end of the day came soon enough. With no need to put in extra hours, Kris was out the door in record time. The summer sun would still be out for some time and he had no intention of wasting its warmth.

He sat in his favorite section of the park, between the cement pathway where women with young children took their strolls, and the little pond where ducks swam and artists painted the nature with vibrant greens and blues and yellows. He hadn’t gotten to read that newspaper yet, but before he could finally take his chance, a head materialized above him, blocking the sunlight.

“Do you people usually lie on the grass in your expensive suits, or are all the benches taken?” The intruder's deep voice was loud and irritating and Kris really didn't feel like pointing out that there were quite obviously three empty benches merely a few feet away, let alone ask what this rude little thing meant by 'you people'.

Kris had been a long time believer of the phrase 'if you ignore it, it'll go away', but instead of finally cracking open the paper, he opened his mouth and firmly said, “It's not expensive”. He could have continued with 'Actually I bought this at the thrift store exactly three blocks away from my ty apartment because there's no way in hell that I can afford a brand new one' but he decided that was a bit too much information.

Deep voice laughed, a little harder than what was necessary for Kris' response, and unceremoniously plopped down on the grass next to him. “The name’s Chanyeol” were the words accompanied by an outstretched hand.

'I didn't ask for your name, nor did I invite you to sit down,' Seemed a bit rude for Kris, not to mention that this was a public place and he had no right telling anyone where they couldn't sit, so he choked out an awkward “I'm Kris” before taking the hand into a firm shake and settling back to finally read the story accompanying that headline.

Chanyeol was quiet just long enough for Kris to get through the first line, but when his booming voice broke the silence with a “Watchya reading?”  Kris wasn't as bothered. After all, he'd seen this story 11 times already.



Kris ' fingers burn from the freezing water but he pours it over his skin again and again until he's satisfied. He grabs for his toothbrush, bristles worn and bent out of shape and he thinks that he should really replace it soon.

The bed springs creak in the other room and Kris pauses, running a hand through greasy, dirt blond hair, waiting with bated breath to hear if his lover is awake or not. When no other sounds interrupt the silence and there is no soft 'Kris?' echoing through the room, he goes back to his business, slowly cycling his way through all the things he needs to do that morning before climbing into the cramped shower stall that is way too small to fit someone half his size let alone the giant that he is.

This time, he uses hot water to wash the dirt and sweat from his skin.



“Another Sector goes next week,” Chanyeol said, head propped up on Kris' stomach despite the blonde’s initial protests.

Kris merely hummed at the words, reaching down to pull at his brown strands until Chanyeol glanced up at him. Lying here in the park, under the warm afternoon sun, Chanyeol's face was just as breathtaking as the first time Kris had seen it. He remembered their first meeting, in this exact same spot only three weeks and 40 minutes earlier, on an uneventful Monday afternoon. Chanyeol had interrupted his reading a second time with a question that he really could have answered himself if he only looked at the front page of the paper clutched in Kris' long fingers, and Kris turned to face him, his reply dying on his tongue when he finally got a look at the annoyance.

Kris was no stranger to beauty, having been told many times that he was a very attractive man, but he'd never met someone who could take his breath away with a single glance until that day. It took him 57 seconds, but Kris finally stuttered out an excuse of “I'm late for work” before fleeing the scene, trying his best to ignore Chanyeol's amused laugh at his obvious lie.

Since then, Chanyeol had shown up at the park every day without fail, always exactly three minutes after Kris and Kris, having recovered from his embarrassing blunder, tried to welcome the brunette with as little enthusiasm as he could. It worked for exactly 15 days until Kris made a mistake and smiled upon Chanyeol's arrival, earning him a grin in return that reeked of “I know you like me”.

“Kris?” Chanyeol's voice was too loud as always, but perhaps that was a good thing since Kris had been silent for a whole minute and if he zoned out any longer, Chanyeol might have begun about his obvious infatuation with the brown haired ray of sunshine.

Kris glanced at the paper in the smaller-than-his-own hands, and sure enough,  'Evacuation of Sector 13 scheduled for Friday, July 12' was written there before his eyes.

Chanyeol seemed waiting for him to say something but the look in Kris' eyes prevented him from replying. Chanyeol looked like he wanted something from him, a specific set of words in a specific order to wipe away the frown that was curiously replacing  the usually bright expression and Kris had no idea what to say. He settled for a nonchalant “Yeah”  and Chanyeol looked like Kris stole the sun but said nothing, simply turning back to read more of the paper that Kris picked up that morning as part of his newly formed habit.


“Why is the water so hot?” Are the words that gently wake Kris from his day dreaming. But no matter how soft the words are, Kris jumps when he hears them, silently wishing that they could have waited just a little longer, since it seems like daydreams are the only dreams that he can have lately.

“It feels nice,” Kris mumbles, turning to place a kiss to the lips behind him, trying to erase the frown placed there by concern.


“You'll burn yourself.”  And a long arm reaches behind him, turning the tap and bringing the temperature of the water down to a bearable level.

“You'll kiss it better though, right?” Kris jokes and lets himself smile for the first time today.

“Of course,” The response is whispered against his lips and he swallows it whole, drinking in the reassurance and allowing it to warm his body so that he isn't freezing anymore.


It had been 57 days and Kris and Chanyeol's meetings had evolved from 'chance' encounters in the park to planned dinners in the hole in the wall restaurant two and a half blocks from Chanyeol's apartment that was even smaller than Kris' own.

“What's your favorite color?” Chanyeol asked, though the words were nearly unintelligible through the mouthfuls of spaghetti.

“Pink.” Kris smiled at Chanyeol, the other's eyes narrowing as if he were trying to decipher whether Kris was joking or not.

It took him a record 14 seconds to nod, satisfied with that answer before asking another question. “When's your birthday?”

“November 6th, 23 years ago” Kris answered, making sure to finish the new spoonful of soup before speaking. “Yours?” He tried to make it a casual question, he tried to his infinite curiosity to know everything about the brown haired wonder in front of him. Currently his only information about him was that his name was Park Chanyeol, he liked intruding in random strangers in the park, and he was tall enough to tuck his head into Kris' neck just right.

Chanyeol grinned. “November 27th,” He sounded pleased and Kris held back from asking for any further details, not wanting to seem over eager.

They spent the rest of the evening with more questions, finally getting to know each other despite the fact that the conversation seemed long overdue. Kris learned that Chanyeol liked the number 21 and spicy food and that he was younger but the exact number of years was still a mystery.

On day 70, Kris decided that the way Chanyeol's shoulders would stiffen whenever talk of another Evacuation came up was no coincidence. Sector 14 had been cleared on the first day of August and the news being broadcasted on Kris' small living room television was announcing that the set date for Sector 15's wipe out was tomorrow.

Chanyeol was stretched out across Kris' lap, and out of the corner of his eye Kris saw the younger reach for the remote. He obviously wanted to change the subject but Kris couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer and cleared his throat.


“They're getting closer together,” He said, staring into the questioning warm brown eyes. “The evacuations.”

A strange expression flickered over Chanyeol's eyes. But Kris didn't take it as a sign to stop, instead continuing with an “Our turn will be coming up soon”. He wasn't sure what he expected Chanyeol's reaction to be, but everyone was always so excited for their turn to come, he assumed that the brunette would be too.

Whatever he assumed, he wasn't prepared for Chanyeol to shoot up like he'd been burnt, turning away from Kris and muttering a staccato “Hm”. Before grabbing the remote and changing the channel.

Kris thought that maybe he should have stopped pushing, and merely 13 days ago, he would have. But Chanyeol had lit a flame in him and he stopped holding himself back around the younger 3 days later. 'Aren't you excited?'

Chanyeol scoffed. 'Excited? To pack up my life and climb into a metal box stuffed with people? To be herded away to a dead planet with no sun?'

Kris was surprised to say the least at the sudden bitterness polluting Chanyeol's baritone. 'It's for the best, besides this is the dead planet. We’re just going somewhere better.” Kris hates how much he sounds like the smiling politicians on TV promoting their Project, and the words taste like cotton and lies in his mouth, though he isn’t really sure why. “Besides, who says that there will be no sun?”

“Better?” Chanyeol whispers and Kris has to ask him, “Why not?”

Chanyeol doesn’t say, simply mumbles quietly, “The planet isn’t dead yet.”


They take their time in the shower, lost in kisses and touches, and the constantly running water to wash over their bodies is the only reason why they're still clean when they stumble out of the stall that really shouldn't have fit the both of them.

Their morning is spent in a lazy way, lingering on the bed instead of drying and clothing their bodies, and Kris tries to ignore the calendar that is haphazardly nailed to the wall and the date circled in red that is slowly creeping closer and closer.  He prefers to believe that they have all the time in the world.


Kris had lost track of the amount of time it took for them to transition between strangers to lovers but he figured that it was somewhere between Chanyeol blocking his sunlight and Chanyeol becoming his sunlight.

“Let's go out.” Chanyeol was too loud for whatever hour of the morning it is, but Kris was so far head over heels for him by then, he probably would have jumped off a bride if the brunette smiled wide enough.

It didn't take them long to get dressed and make the trip to the amusement park that Chanyeol had spent all morning raving about, and on the way in, Kris noticed the sign.

“Today's their last day,” He pointed at the notice above the ticket gate. He wasn't surprised, theme parks and attractions were always the first to be closed down in anticipation for the evacuations. Sectors 16 and 17 had been wiped clean over the course of September and Sector 18 was finally scheduled to go just next week on the 12th of October. It seemed that they would both be spending their birthdays on their new home.

Chanyeol didn't even glance in the direction of Kris' finger; the only indication that he'd even heard the blonde's words was the way his jaw tightened as he kept walking.

“Did you know?” Kris asked, but the answer was already obvious.

As the numbers on the clock of their countdown grew shorter and shorter, Chanyeol's smile began to fade so Kris took it upon himself to make that day as special and fun filled as possible. He wanted to make sure that Chanyeol's best memory on Earth was one with him in it.

“Okay, Chanyeol, last ride,” Kris announced long after the sun had disappeared over the horizon.

He'd expected the energetic brunette to pout and ask for more, so he was surprised when Chanyeol simply smiled and said “I wanna go on the ferris wheel”.

Kris tried to sound excited as he said yes. The merry go round was fine, even roller coasters didn't bother him. He supposed that it wasn't so much a fear of heights as it was a fear of being suspended above the entire city, reminded of how small he was compared to the world around him that caused his smile to falter.

He hoped that Chanyeol didn't notice but Kris was beginning to think that he noticed everything. “Are you scared?” The brunette teased with a grin that was daring him to say no. Kris rolled his eyes and scoffed, dragging his lover to the ride without further hesitation.

It wasn't until they were at the top of the wheel, staring out at the city lights beneath them that Chanyeol spoke. “I wanted to say goodbye to it.” He pressed his fingertips against the glass and the way they trembled ever so slightly made Kris' heart clench.

“We still have a week.” Kris wished that was enough.

The look that Chanyeol gave him told him it wasn’t.


“Is something on your mind?” The words are accompanied by the faint tickle of a finger drawing pictures on his back with imaginary lines.

“Not really,” Kris whispers, watching the pattern on the floor made by the sunlight through the curtains.

“That’s a lie; something is always on your mind.”

“Our Evacuation is in three days.”

There’s no answer, and Kris wasn’t expecting one, didn’t want one either. He hears the faint growl of a stomach behind him and gets up, motioning for them to go get breakfast and finally start one of their last days on Earth.


Chanyeol rolled over in Kris’ arms, disturbing the older man from his sleep.

“What’s wrong?” Kris asked, pressing a tired kiss to the smaller’s brow.

“The Evacuation is in three days,” Was Chanyeol’s whispered reply.

Kris understood. As much as he told himself that he didn’t care either, he was very nervous about the whole thing. At some point over the course of their relationship, Kris’ home became Kris and Chanyeol’s home and Kris wasn’t so sure he wanted to let go of that just yet, but they could always make a new life together on Earth 2, right?

The dread settling into his bones tells him otherwise.

The silence between them lasted for a long time, too long, but Kris didn’t' know the words to break it.

Finally, Chanyeol opened his mouth, letting out a nervous breath before squeezing his eyes shut. “I want to leave.”

Kris’s brow furrowed, because he should know what Chanyeol is talking about but he doesn’t. “Leave Earth?”

And when Chanyeol’s body quivered in his arms and is head began to shake furiously, Kris felt his heart drop into his stomach.

“Leave Sector 18,” Chanyeol whispered against his neck as if he was talking about the most forbidden thing in the world. “They still have trains going to other Sectors, I want to…” Chanyeol didn’t finish but Kris didn’t need him to.

“Even if you run to the next Sector, that one will be Evacuated soon,” Kris reasoned.

“I just need more time,” Chanyeol’s response was more like a plea and he looked up at Kris, staring at him with those eyes again. Those eyes that begged him to say the right words in the right order and make everything alright, so Kris said the only words that he can think of.

“Okay, let’s go.”


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choiandlee #1
Chapter 2: Wow. Just wow to kris. The thought of he gave up chanyeol easily is so tragic. Not to mention that he replaced chanyeol immediately with tao. And in this entire story he kept on questioning chanyeol's feels towards him. Such a ing hypochrite.
I feel so bad for chanyeol i wanna keep crying. But i hope he's in better situation right now.
Ayangyeng #2
Chapter 2: Urrgh... I really hate kris here!! How can u replace his "sunshine " that easily.... My poor yeolie :'( we really need a sequel authornim
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
Chapter 2: ... so Kris gave up Chanyeol just like that... okay.
Chapter 2: Thank you for writing this but I never expected the ending to be like that
It's just how easy Kris gave up on his 'sunlight' that makes me feel like I've wasted all my hopes for their happy ending.
Chapter 2: I hate you author-nim!!!!!!!
My precious feels~ T^T
Sequel please.. I don't want my chanyeol to be lonely while kris found his second sunshine. :( please let chanyeol have happiness in earth 2 (for example baekhyun or sehun. Chanhun shipper here. Kkkkkk xD)
Good story. Thumps up for ya!!
Chapter 2: ugh.... the ending ><

as much as i'm (not) glad that kris was able to move on and cherished his time, my heart breaks imagining how chanyeol must felt when he couldn't find kris in the station.
he gave up his running away for kris but in the end he got nothing left.
and it hurts me more on the fact that kris already got another "consolation" meanwhile chanyeol maybe has none.. :(
/chanyeol is my bias so, yeah....lol/

anw thank you for writing this :)