Meeting the

Best Friend's Boyfriend

I  hurriedly got up from my bed and ran out from my room, passing by my surprised mother. Actually, I didn't think she was surprised, angry better said, because I was late for school. And it wasn't my first time, I was late various of times and my parents were already pissed off at me. In fact, I didn't know either why I was sleeping this much lately, I didn't even want to be late. I hated being late anywhere, and even in school. Because, time has to be priced not exploited. But, scratch that, I was already panting because of so much running - the school wasn't really near my house. I didn't even know why I didn't use the subway in first place.

By the way, my name is Takanori Matsumoto, usually called Ruki. I like the nickname more because it isn't long as my name is. I'm going to high school where I'm going to be late now.

I ran in the classroom just to see that the teacher didn't come yet. I let out the sigh of relief and dragged my feet to my desk, throwing my backpack on the chair. I sat, looking around the classroom trying to spot someone a.k.a Uruha. He was my only friend in this class because others, from some reason only known by them, hated me. I've never liked them to feel like crying because of that, anyway. Sometimes it's better when people ignore you. Even if you do something against the rules, they wouldn't care.

I didn't see Uruha what didn't surprise me. He rarely came to school, so most of the time I was spending the time alone in school. But he was my friend anyway, so he would come to my place at times. Even though he was male, he looked like a girl. I mean, he had honey blonde hair and plump lips that looked like a duck's ones. Even if he had ducky lips, that doesn't mean he wasn't pretty - even opposite! I think he was the most beautiful man alive. Somehow, those lips just matched perfectly with his face.

I sighed, and just as I was about to take out books for class, there he was... Smiling, ear to ear, and running towards me, panting.

-I so have to introduce you to my boyfriend! -I gaped at him, barely believing his words. I've known he liked guys, that wasn't the reason I was gaping, but the fact that he actually wanted me to meet his lover.

-Who? What? Why?!- I couldn't sort out the question I wanted to ask him.

-Don't tell me you forgot who is my boyfriend?-I bit my lip and looked around the classroom. -But I talk about him 24/7, and you are telling me you forgot?!-He exclaimed so whole class stopped talking. He threw death glare on everyone and then death-glared me too. At that moment, the teacher entered and said everyone to be quiet. Uruha just sat behind me, but I could still feel his glare.

-I'm sorry.-I whispered, loudly enough for him to hear me.

-But I swear that after you meet him, you wouldn't ever forget him.-I rolled my eyes at his statement, because he was so sure that his lover was superficial. And, yeah, I remembered his boyfriend; Uruha really did constantly talk about him. But, I actually think that he magnified half of his boyfriend's characteristics and traits, and everything. Though, Akira Suzuki already seemed like someone worth admiring. Just by saying his name, you could actually feel something special about him.

-Akira Suzuki...-I suddenly said out loud and my hands were immediately over my mouth. I leaned my elbows on the desk, trying to be unnoticable. But that wasn't really working because --

-What did you say?-Uruha could be heard behind me.

-Nothing...-I mumbled and pretending to write something in my notebook. I didn't even know why I felt this much embarrased after saying his name. Maybe there really was something special in his name. But, I seriously wanted this class to end as soon as possible. And I knew I will pay big time after this, but I didn't listen to anything that the teacher was saying. And it was even my favorite subject - math.

The long-awaited ring happened and everyone stood up like the electricity hit them. And, from some reason, I had some kind of twister in my stomach  because of the meeting with Akira. I didn't know if it was the good or bad sign. Let it be the good one.

I hesitatily got up after bouncy Uruha appeared in front of my desk.

-Are you ready?-Uruha surely was exicted, but I didn't even know what should be the right feeling to this. I just nodded, feeling like it was the right answer for this moment. I even think he didn't believe me, but he dragged me out of the classroom neverethless. He really was eager for me to meet that guy. I wonder what it was so awesome about him. -Not to mention that he is going to enroll in this school and he'll even go to same class!

-WHAT?! -I jumped after hearing what he said. No way, no way... This isn't happening to me. Because, if Akira enrolls, Uruha will be all over him and he'd be boring me with excited talks about Akira. I guess the real horror is going to happen in my life.

-Isn't that cool?-Suuuuure, I thought.


We went in the school backyard just to find that guy. That guy because of whom my life would turn into the real life horror expiriance. Maybe the twister wasn't actually a good sign. I tried to kill him with my glare as I was approaching him. But, when I was right in front of him, I smiled widely and politely. What caught my attnetion was a band over his nose and the fact that half of his face was covered. His bright blonde bangs were covering one side of his face. I couldn't say that he was a guy whom you could see anywhere.

-So, you're that one Takanori?-He asked, smirking and not trying to be discreet while doing it.

-That one Takanori? Uruha, explain this to me.

-I talked about you a lot!

-Eh?! Why?!

-Seriously, Uruha, why did you? I can see that he isn't the half of what you said. -And I could sense that Uruha said all the best about me and Akira now saw that I wasn't like that one from description. He actually thought that I was way, way worse. I could hear it in his voice.-He's stupid, not smart like you said.

-'am not!-I seriously was horrified at what Akira said. I was everything, but definitely not stupid.

-Show me.-He threw a daring-glare at me and my brain was on fire and I could jump on him and bite off his carotid vessels. But instead of doing any harm to this , I just politely said:

- you.-And then I turned around and walked away, not even thinking about Uruha and what would he think. I seriously didn't know what he saw in that because he wasn't human, he was an and isn't human. Though, maybe Akira was good to Uruha, but he definitely wasn't to his friends. And just by thinking that I would spend the rest of 2 years with that made me whole set on fire. I would kill him sooner or later, I definitely will. In fact, I don't even know why the thing he said made me so hurt and angry, but it did. Maybe because he didn't even meet me properly and he already  noted that I was stupid. And no one can understimate my intelligence and definitely not someone that much of as he was.

I went to the gym because we had P.E now and didn't even wait for Uruha and already started to change in T-shirt and shorts. Pissed off, I barged out from the male's dressing room and went to to the gym just to be told that we're going to play football and I was never sports type, so I just said to the teacher that I sprained my ankle and just went to take a seat on the grandstand that were in the gym. And then, I finally convinced myself that today wasn't my day after all. And, that was all because of that Akira, because of someone who isn't important at all. I actually think that I'm easily provoked, honestly, and Akira's comment just set my nerves on fire. 

Luckily, I brought my phone with me, so I had to do something until the class ends. I opened it and just after opening it, I saw a message from a very familiar person. From very unexpectable person ... Shiro. Shiro was a guy with whom I have been in love with already 3 years. I even think he has already realized after such a long time.  I mean, just by the fact that I still kept contact with him even after 2 years not seeing him. The reason for that is very complicated, so I'll leave that for a next time.  

 I gaped at the text message I got and couldn't move a muscle. I didn't even open it, I just stared at it trying to see if it was reality or just a dream. When I finally got a gut to open it, I was surprised at what I had just read. 

Are you going on costume ball tonight? 

That's what he wrote. I knew there is going to be that costume ball, but I had no idea that he was going to be there too and he was going to ask me about that. What was wrong with him?! My fingers were trembling over the moblie phone's keyboard and I didn't know what to reply. 

Yeah, why?

I asked, even though it was obvious that he was going too. Not so long after, he replied:

I'll be there.

And, even if I knew, my whole body started to sweat and I bit my lip, trying to surpress my heart who couldn't stop beating so fast. Afte getting that message, I didn't know what to say anymore. I just started staring at the message at him and at the name of the texter. The lump slid my throat and I flinched as the school bell rang. I got up from my seat and headed towards the dressing room. As I entered and went to my locker there, Akira was standing right next to it. As soon as I saw him, all my excitment was chased away. Though, I couldn't notice that he was constantly looking at me and that Uruha wasn't with him. 

-Where's Uruha?-I instantly asked him, refusing to take a look on him, it would just hurt my eyes. I was just unlocking my locker. 

-Why do you ask?-He tilted his head, trying to catch my gaze which was fixed on the locker in front of me. I had to look at him and telepathically ask him 'are you ing kiddin' me?'.

-Because he's my friend? Maybe?!

-Just a friend?

-Do you want me to strangle you right here?!-I screamed and everyone looked at my direction. I sticked my tounge to them and returned my gaze to Akira, who was just laughing ironically at me. -I'M SERIOUS!-At that moment, he put his hand over my mouth and pinned me to the locker. My eyes widened in surprise and I was trying to push him away, but seemed like he was way stronger than I was.

-Stop screaming, you're hurting my ears.-He hissed and harshly put his hand away that my back of head hit the locker behind me. Everyone stared at us like we were mental, but I didn't know why I said "like", because we already were. 

-I don't care.-I huffed and finally started taking off my white T-shirt. I saw that he watched my every move carefully and when my chest was , he his lips. My cheeks started to burn, but I couldn't say anything from some reason. So, I hastily took my school uniform and dressed in it. He looked like he was going to me, I didn't even know if I should be scared because of that. I was feeling uncomfortable regardless.

I got out of the dressing room as fast as I could even though I knew he was following me behind. I swear to God if he doesn't stop to annoy me, I will ... I will... Ugh, I can't even remember something mean to do to him. He had Uruha, why was he annoying me not Uruha? I literally ran into the classroom and to my desk. Damn, I hated when someone was following me. I looked around the classroom and I saw Akira standing outside, typing something on his phone. I wanted to throw something really hard on him. Just his aura and his whole being made me feel pissed. At that moment, Uruha entered the class and winked at Akira. Then, I remember that he's going to enroll in our school...Well, damn. That was why he was following me to the classroom. Uruha sat behind me and then said:

-Sorry for before.

-It's not you who should say sorry.-I glared at Akira who didn't even notice the daggers which I was throwing at him mentally. -Shiro sa-said... that he's going to be at the costume ball in our school.-Just by saying this, my heart beat was getting louder. 

-What?!-Uruha exclaimed, not believeing it either. I shrugged and squeezed a pencil in my hand. -A-and the

-Tonight.-I interrupted him before he could continue. 

-I don't even know if I should be happy...

-I'm just surprised and confused. -For a moment, there was silence since no had nothing smart to say. After some time, the teacher came in and no one still said nothing. 

-We have a new student.-The teacher looked towards the door when it opened and the came in. -You can introduce now. -He stepped away and now Akira was on the teacher's place. He immediately put that smirk of his on the face and I squeezed my pencil even harder that it broke in two. 

-I'm Akira Suzuki.

The nightmare has begun.

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