
"It's been a longgg time since we went~" Ricky pouted, tugging on Changjo's sleeve.
"I'm tired, I don't wanna go." he replied, faking a yawn.
Chunji rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, just this once."
"It'll be funnnn!" Niel said, waving his arms around excitedly.
"Perhaps you can meet someone!" L.Joe said.
Changjo glanced at C.A.P. C.A.P sent a wink to him.
"Argh, not you too, hyung." Changjo groaned. "Don't be a spoil spot, Changjo ah."

They were trying to persuade Changjo into visiting a pub.
Changjo still showed signs of rejection.

Chunji scratched his chin and whispered into L.Joe's ear. L.Joe's eyes brighten up and faced Changjo, "They are having a dance showdown and we wanna show them how our maknae can move!"
"Yeah, go get champion and buy us some pizza and chicken!" Niel said, his bottom lip.

Changjo raised an eyebrow and thought *Why not?*
He finally slouched and said, "Fine..."
"YAY!" Ricky and Niel high-fived each other.
"Let's go!" C.A.P smiled. Everyone filed out of the house in minutes and L.Joe have to push Chunji out. "Ya, I haven't finish looking into the mirror!" he pouted.

"We're here~" Ricky chimed as the boys made their way in.

The pub was filled with black shiny walls and ceilings. Disco balls hung steadily on the ceiling, long couches lined along the pub's walls, music played loud and clear.
The click-clacking of wine glasses could be heard. People were moving their body, swaying away on the stage, completely engrossed in the music.

The boys found themselves a table and settled down.
The waiter came and took their orders. Chunji ordered a non-alcoholic drink as he has to drive later.

"Changjo, what would you like?" C.A.P asked.
"Orange juice." he said, draping his arms on the couch.
"One more orange juice please." C.A.P ordered.

A MC got up the stage and said, "Ladies and gentlemen of the night, its time to party! We'll be having a dance showdown later so those who wanna participate please get ready!" and he went down the stage.

"You've got the confidence?" Ricky asked Changjo.
"Of course." Changjo smirked.
"Our maknae is one dancing machine!" Chunji smirked.
"Chicken and pizza for supper!" Niel interupted.
The boys stared at him with eyebrow raised.
"Yay........" Niel looked down and let his eyes wander off.

"Damn, look at those girls." C.A.P said, pointing towards a crowd of pretty girls dancing.

Chunji smirked. "I'm going to get their phone number."
"I bet hyung will get at least three." Changjo said.
"Haha, let's see." Chunji winked and made his way to the crowd.

The mc came up to the stage again. "Let's start the dance showdown! Whose first?" he said, darting his eyes around the room. A macho guy went up and his friends cheered.
The music played and he danced. It was hot. But to Changjo, it was nothing.

"Next?" the mc asked, looking around again.
This time, Changjo raised his hand. "Young man, the stage is yours!" the mc said and pointed at Changjo.

Changjo got up from his seat and winked to the boys.
"Chicken pizza!" Niel whispered.
"You've got that, bro." Changjo said and went up.

Music played.
Changjo smirked. A perfect song to dance to. He started moving. He B-boy-ed and the crowd cheered.

Changjo moved to the beats and rhythm of the music. And then, he slowly look at the crowd.

A sight caught him there.

Milky skin.
Straight long hair.
Cheery-like lips.

It was a lady.
A lady that caught Changjo at first sight. She stared back at Changjo.

Changjo gulped. She's so beautiful.

He turned his attention back to the dance.
The music ended and the crowd cheered. The pretty lady clapped and smiled at Changjo.

Changjo smiled and got down the stage. He turned to face the lady. "Hey."
"Hi." The lady's voice sound like melody to him. Sweet and soft.
"So... nice to meet you." he awkwardly said.

"Me too." she chuckled.
There was a second of silence between them and then the lady spoke, "Your dance attract me."

Changjo shook his head, "W-what?" "I say I love the way you dance." she smiled.
"Oh thank you..." Changjo blushed.
"By the way, I'm _____. You?" she said.
"Changjo. Just Changjo." he smiled.

"Sweet! Its my turn now, see ya later." she said and made her way up the stage.

"Let's see how this chick move!" The mc said and retreated backstage.

Music played again.
Changjo couldn't take his eyes off her.
The way she moves,
the way her eyelashes flutter,
the way her body fits the music so... perfectly,
the way her feet glide across the stage in flashy moves.
And most importantly, the way her waist-long straight hair looked so smooth.

The music ended and ____ got off the stage. She went straight to the bar and sat down for a drink.

Changjo made his way back to his seat, positioning himself properly so he could still see ____.

"Whoo bro, that was awesome." l Joe said.
Chango high-fived the boys.

Chunji then came back. "You're done? I missed it." Chunji pouted.

"That's because you're busy filrting, hyung." Niel said.
Chunji glared at Niel and turned to the rest of the boys, "guess what? i've got more than 5!" he smirked.

"Let's play a game." L.Joe smirked.
"What?" the boys asked.
"Each of us will go around asking for girls' phone number. The one with the most wins!" he continued.
The boys grinned and started their game.

Changjo just stared at ____.
"Come on, the game started." Ricky nudged Changjo.

For Changjo, he don't intend to win the game. He just want to... win ____'s heart.

He got up and went to the bar.
"Hi again." he said to ____.
"Oh hello." she replied.
"Can I sit here?" he asked.
"Uh huh." she said, ordering for one more wine.

"Give me one too." Changjo said to the waiter.

"I love the way you dance too. You were totally engrossed into the music." he said.
"Thank you. I really love dancing." she smiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we'll announce the results now." the mc said.

All the contestants made their way up the stage as instructed, including Changjo and ____.

"The winner would win a cash of $1000 so let's see who is the lucky winner..." the mc continued.
There were drumrolls and then, the MC announced, "Changjo."

Changjo stepped forward and took his prize.

"Congratulations." ____ said.
"Thanks." he answered.

Changjo thought for awhile and said, "Can I... ask you out for lunch someday?" he blushed.
____ looked shock but smiled after awhile.
"Anytime." she said.
She scribbled something on a paper and gave it to Changjo.

It was her phone number.

Changjo clenched the paper tightly and whispered a 'yes' as he stared at ____ walking out of the pub with her long straight hair swaying prettily.

Changjo made his way back to the boys. "Maknae, how many girls' phone number did you get?" Chunji asked.
"One." he smiled.
"Then the winner is Chunji..." C.A.P sighed.
"We thought you would get hundered of phone numbers..." Ricky said to Changjo.

However, Changjo stood smiling like a fool.

Perhaps, love really does make someone a fool.
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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 1: Awww all your story is good! ^~^ lol chunji flirting with girls ><'