Chapter 12

Best Friends's Fantasy

-Okay firstly I must apologize to all of you. *bows down* I...I'm sorry for neglecting my writing job but you guys don't understand the stress i have been under. Stress from health, teachers, parents, friends and mostly myself but all that aside I am still responcible to continue updating regardless to my personal problems. But if anyone cares Panda- Unnie confessed to an older guy in her school(let's just call him Thor-Oniichan as that is what i call him). Of course he just happened to like my best friend but i'm still alive (if you wanna know the full story i may do a side thing about that) but the guy i have liked since the beginning of the school year (i call him Opppa!!) finally asked for my number and we are talking a lot more!

Personal stuff aside here is Chapter 12 which i know isnt the best-will leaving editing to my penguin- but it's an update non the less.


    Chapter 12  (Suho p.o.v)


     I stared at my phone waiting for some sort of sign that maybe she wasn't actually upset or in a bad mood- but even though I tried to convince myself that she was just upset about not passing an audition. My heart still stabbed itself with self doubt that she wasn't upset about that but something bigger. My heart dropped as time ticked by every class that only seemingly took so much longer than normal. Could the teachers not see the pain the covered my eyes? Can they not see that no matter how much of a good student I am that there is no possible way for me to repeat the quadratic formula or the answer to these pointless science questions that will never benfit anyone sitting around the class? My eyes tried to focus at the board filled with numbers and formulas but no matter how hard I stared at the board my mind understood nothing. My lip suddenly began to tremble and I clenched down hard my lip trying not to let the tears overflow but it was nearly impossible. I walked out the class as fast as I could not even taking the pass, I couldn't look back at the teacher who screamed at me to get back to class I just covered my eyes and walked down the hall blindly.

     I never knew tears could feel so hot, they burned as they raced down my face. My chest constricted with heart stabbing gasps for breath as I desperatly tried to free myself for these killer emotions. Tia... did I do something wrong? Was I too pushy or was I not strong enough or big enough of a man for you? I dropped to the ground my legs have suddenly given in, I didn't even try to stand up there was no point in trying to go against the laws of gravity- I would always fall right back down. My heart felt like it was being shoved though a shredder tearing my soul and heart apart, I'm not sure if I've ever felt so empty and cold.

     "Stop crying, your eyes will be red and puffy if you keep that up..." A soft voice whispered into my ear, I quickly turned my body rubbing the wettness away. Lay sat in front of me with open arms as if he was waiting for me to rush into his arms- if that's what he thinks will happen well he's right. I crawled into his embrace letting the warmth of his body cover the cold emptiness that oppressed mine. He rubbed my back whispering calm things into my ear as I continued to cry helplessly. After a while he pulled away looking down at his tear stained shirt.

     "I'm sorry about the shirt...." I whispered quietly as I dried my face. He smiled brightly before kissing my temple.

     "I'm not worried about the shirt, I'm worried about you." He breathed softly- his soft eyes looked down at my swollen red face. "Let me clean you up and if you feel better after that we can go back to class okay?" He stod up pulling me up as well I guess I didn't really have a choice I was going to get myself cleaned up and that was that. Lay's hand reached out for mine gripping it tightly as he supported me through the halls, my tummy felt wierd. W-what's this feeling? Did I just get butterflies from holding hands with Lay? I wanted to pull from his grip but he was a lot stronger than me at my weakest and I need his support if I was to continue walking thorugh the dorm halls.

     "Are we there yet?" I whined helplessly as I followed the slim figured boy. He let out a soft little chuckle that made me smile,

     "Welcome to the 'Dancing Unicorn Machine' room!" He motioned towards the glitter filled door with the letters DUM taped on the door. I laughed at him, did he not see that the letters were one letter away from the English word DUMB? He gave me a questioning look. "What's so funny?" He pestered.

     "Nothing really, let's go inside." I said after composing myself enough to speak fluent comprehendible words. He shrugged and opened the door letting me enter first, the room was a mess.

     An absolute complete upmostly mess. By that I litterally  mean that the room was in worse condition than the day that all the boys at school had a massive food fight- it was worse than that! i stood there was the blankest face I could compose while Lay made his way to the closed room which I was assuming was the bathroom, I followed. At least the bathroom was cleaner than the main room although there were various brushes and compacts in different shades covering the far corner of the sink. Lay sat me down on the toilet making me face the door in front of me, he moved back to the sink looking around at the compacts mixing the different shades and then holding the color against my skin. After about twenty minutes of mixing he turned to me.

     "I am going to COMPLETELY cover your face in foundation. Before you go to bed, COME TO MY ROOM SO I CAN TAKE IT OFF. If you don't your face will break out from having clogged pores and trust me you are too pretty to have bad skin." Lay said  sternly as he waved a brush at my face. I nodded seeing as though he was serious about this clogged pores nonsense even though I didn't really see it as a problem. He then lathered the mixed foundations agaisnt my face and down my neck. I just sat there not really being there but being there, why was I so upset before even meeting up with her... what if she was actually just upset about an audition? Then I would look like an idiot for crying for some huge misunderstanding and if that really happens then I don't know what will do with myself!

     "Look up and do not blink- I repeat do not blink." He said firmly I looked up at the ceiling not really sure what the next product would be- oh was I in for a surprise. I pulled back the second I saw the pencil.


     "It's eye liner calm down it won't hurt you!"




     "If you do not sit still I will tie you to this toilet and pull your eyes open." He threated this time with a serious face. I sat down sitting on my hands and holding in my breath as he began to draw on my waterline, it took everything in me not to move thankfully he finished fast.

     "Now was that so hard hun?" He smiled as he lead me to the mirror, my skin looked flawless as though I had never cried and was kissed by a perfect skin angel- is this why girls always wear makeup? "You like it dont you?" Lay smiled brightly. "If you want I can do it for you more often, I would just have to buy your skin color since I used up a lot of Kai's and mine just blending a match for you."

     "If I ever find myself crying again I will surely come to you and sit like a good boy." I smiled happily before checking the time- less than an hour until classes ended for the day, less than two hours until I had to face Tia.

     "You dont look happy anymore..."

      "My girlfriend wants to meet up after school so we can talk about things...." I whispered sheepishly eyes casted towards the floor. Lay lifted my chin forcing me to look at him.

      "You never know what she might say so don't get too upset before the actual meeting. It may not even be that bad- you never know." He smiled, how could I not smile when someone like him smiles at me? It was like looking at the sun your eyes shut without you even thinking about it, and when he smiles I just smile back automatically. "Now go get changed and meet up with her." He shoved me out the room leaving me on my own to dress and meet her, although I didn't see the point in changing I walked slowly to the cafe that we had agreed to meet at. I arrived five minutes before our scheduled meeting- she was already there waiting for me with a cup of coffee.

     "You look nice Tia." I breathed as I casted my eyes down on the table not wanting to look at her beautiful face that I love so much.

      "And your face has never looked better, are you wearing make up?" I shoke my head just wanting to get this talk over with as fast as I could. "No small talk I see..." She cleared . "I've been accepted into an agancy!" She screamed happily. I looked up not fully comprehending the situation.

     "Then why are you so unhappy? You don't sound as happy as you would. What is going on Tia?"  I pressed, I was happy of course but I was more concerned on her unhappiness rather than her actual happiness.

     "I signed the contract, I'm in and there is no going back this is happening. But you see Suho, there is a no dating rule," -There it is, the truth- "and I want this more than I want my own life you know that."

     "Then I think we should break-up Tia. I wish you nothing more than absoulute success and happiness." I stood feeling the lump in my throat rise. "I still love you, good luck and don't forget about me." I ran.

     I ran so fast that my legs were numb by the time I reached the door with DUM tapped on it, my heart was sore and dead more dead than my actual soul.  I pounded on the door begging for Kai to be out with some guy leaving me and Lay alone tonight.

     "Oh my poor baby..." He hugged me tight leading me into the dark room as tears once again began to fall. "Shh baby don't cry... I'm here for you tonight baby just let it all out." He sat me back down in the bathroom taking out a wet towel wipping away at my face as I rambled on and on about how I spent so much time on her and how much she meant to me. He lifted me up bringing me to the bed climbing in behind me and covering us with the blanket. At this point my tears and cries have died down a bit. "Go to bed my love and tomorrow when you wake up I will make you forget all about this Tia girl."


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babiixiuminxox #1
Chapter 32: Hoping for an update~ love the story^^
chanbob 102 streak #2
please update for your readers <3
Chapter 30: Awww this is what they call complicated.
Luhan2 #4
Chapter 29: Please update Hunhan Chapter❤️
Faustine11 #5
Chapter 27: Penguin u updated yaaaaaaay
Faustine11 #6
Chapter 25: Penguin it's ok if u have problems fix it first or solve it first and to say actually u r not an bad author ur story is amazing so don't say ur a bad author all people have a problems in their live
Chapter 24: Asddfghjkl;
Yes! *^*
Fluffirlove #8
Chapter 24: Good luck you will do great Hwaiting!!
Chapter 24: it's okay~ fighting!
Faustine11 #10
Chapter 24: Good lucu on hibur exams don't stress out too much