
Second Choices

Her sight becomes blurry and her eyeballs roll in every direction possible.  Hyukjae is moving his  mouth but she can’t hear anything not even her breathe or her heartbeat.  She starts to step back slowly while all the attention is focused on the two boys three feet away from her.  And the distance becomes longer and longer.

-”In other words, I’m not here to cause you any problems, not today, so, step out of my way.” Hyukjae says

-”I still want the rematch, only the best ones this time.”

-”Then, tell your girlfriend-”

-”Don’t say anything about my girl!”  Youngbae tries to grab Hyukjae’s shirt collar but Jiyoung stops him.

-”Easy man.”  Youngbae regains his cool.

-”There’s a competition, a regional one, no levels, no upgrades, no nationals, just one competition, after summer break.”

-”Youngbae, I thought it was all already left in the past, get over it, will ya?”

-”You afraid?  Or you know this time you won’t win.  What? You need your girl by your side to take care of you?”

-”Deal, I’ll see you there, now get the hell out of my face.”  Hyukjae takes off his attention from Youngbae and looks straight over him.  He finally notices Jieun is not there anymore.  “Where’s...”  Jiyeon gets her eyes off Donghae and realizes Hyukjae’s confused face, she looks and notices that Jieun is not there and gives him an I-don’t-know face.  Immediately, Hyukjae passes by Youngbae and takes the stairs to go down.  Donghae follows him walking and Jiyeon follows him with her sight and an open mouth.  After they disappear around the corner, Jiyeon enters her classroom again and Jiyoung goes to talk to her.  Youngbae kicks the door frame and goes to the bathroom.

-”So, who’s your friend?”  Jiyoung asks as she sits as her desk.


-”The one you were talking to minutes ago.” Jiyeon frowns.

-”She’s not my friend.” Jiyeon answers while taking out her books from her backpack.  She starts to answer some of the questions in the book.  Jiyoung his lips and sits on the desk in front of her, he stares for a few moments.

-”Ah, what’s with her?”

-”What’s her name?”

-”Ghgh, you’re disgusting.”

-”What’s her name?”

-”Jieun!”  Jiyeon says it so loud that Youngbae gets to hear her from the door while entering the classroom.  Jiyoung turns around and looks at his frozen but not so surprised friend.

Jieun sits on the roof of her house.  She breathes deeply and puts on her headphones.  She picks Kim Hyun Joong’s song Please.  As soon as the piano notes play on her ears she closes her eyes and sobs.  Tears run down her cheeks.  She hugs herself and listens to the song that brings her comfort.  It’s as if she knew she is not the only one suffering for love.  “Why don’t you get it...” that phrase sounds so desperate in the voice of the singer.  She feels just as desperate.  She sings alone in silence.  The song is her shelter.  It understands her and gives a sound to the feelings kept deep inside her heart.  Even though the lyrics don’t  have too much to do with her situation, it seems as if the song was crying with her.  She goes back to her room and throws herself to the bed.  She listens to the song over and over until she falls asleep and her cellphone runs out of power.





A/N: Waah, so late!! it's a short chapter but I now have excuse, first off, i was going to update the chapter days ago but I didn't really like the develpement of the story, i said i was going to write about what happened to me, or at least inspired by it, well, there you go, Jieun's feelings for the song will have an important meaning, because they still have in my life, i hope you've liked it, I'm not so good when it comes to describe what this song makes me feel. My other excuse is that i almost fell severly sick, i got a headache so bad that i couldn't even do anything at all for all the day not even sleep, the next day, [this is my third excuse XD] i just knew that i had to read for my new English honors class over the summer, now i have 4 weeks to read 2 books, annotate them and analyze them, so i'm not sure if i will be able to update the story, *sighs* i really wanted to make of this story something more complete full of emotions and feelings but i guess i'll have to cut it out a lot, do it more straight to the point so that i can at least finish it, so sorry, things of life...[if you're still reading this, i love you kekeke] why so many a/n? well i always want to have some type of connection with my readers and my beautiful 8 subs!! and because i want to thank everyone who's reading this story =D i'm just like this, cool, ah? ok, im done, read from you next time!!

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i'm back, i'm back


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Chapter 9: very interesting!!!
Can't wait next chap...
Update soon pls
Aznmafya #2
Chapter 7: Hmmm maybe I'm just confused but I did re read the story. I think youngbae hasn't seen jieun in years. But I think youngbae and eunhyuk are competitor based on confrontation. I could be wrong lol. Please post more when you can.
Annellise25 #3
Chapter 6: oooh.. complications... love it!!! :) going to look forward to ur nxt update... :)
marshmallow4897 #4
Chapter 5: I love it!Daebak!
Annellise25 #5
really cute story!!!!! a super EunU shipper here.. that's why i'm really happy to have found ur story.. since there's only a few fanfics about my favorite OTP.. anyways, hpe u continue on and fighting!!!! :)

(hope u update soon.. really going to look forward to it!! ^^ )