

Minho jumped onto his bed in his dorm room. He sighed and let his body relax back into the pillows. He couldn’t believe how tired he was. It felt as though he ran a marathon instead of just performing for an hour. He needed to sleep, he knew it. He had to let his body regain strength because his schedule was already full for the next couple of days.

He tried to relax, allowing the silence that filled the room to seep into his body and calm him down. He stirred, turning in the bed trying to get into a more comfortable position. Minutes passed and though he lied there with his eyes closed it appeared that sleep would not come. What was wrong with him? He could fall asleep anywhere, at any given time.

Minho sat up in the bed and stared at the blank wall across the room. Maybe he needed some fresh air. He got up from the bed, his body already missing the warmth from the blanket and grabbed a sweater that was draped across the back of his desk chair.

Minho reached for the door handle and pulled open the door, instantly laughter erupted from the living room. Minho assumed everyone (everyone being the members of Shinee, Jonghyun, Taemin, Key and Onew) was watching another variety show on the television. He guessed right as he passed by everyone and headed for the front door.

“Where are you going hyung?” Taemin called out and jumped over the couch and grabbed his jacket.

“For a walk,” Minho didn’t mind if Taemin wanted to tag along. In fact he enjoyed Taemin’s company.

Minho and Taemin exited the building. Minho watched as Taemin’s face lit up with thoughts and possibilities. Although only a couple years older than him, he missed that free-spirited feeling you got even when doing the smallest of tasks. He watched as Taemin skipped down the sidewalk and sang merrily to himself.

The day was a lot cooler than he expected. He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself hoping to contain some of his body heat. There was no hope, the sweater he had grabbed was too thin. Maybe they should turn around and go back to the dorm. He could always try and fall asleep again.

“Taemin, let-“but Minho never got his words out because Taemin was jumping with excitement.

“Look hyung!” Taemin pointed to something in the distance.

Minho had to strain to see what he was pointing to. When he saw the park in the distance, a smile spread across his lips. He didn’t care that he would be tired. He didn’t even care about the cold. All he knew was that he wanted to have fun, and live in the moment.

He reached down and grabbed Taemin’s hand and started running as fast as he could towards the play structure.

“Hyung slow down!” Taemin yelled behind him. But this only made him pick up his speed, pulling Taemin behind him still.

He reached the park and as soon as his foot hit the sand he fell to the ground. Taemin collapsed beside him, both of the boys lay still breathing heavily.

“You’re legs are to long Hyung” Taemin’s voice came from the silence. By this time Minho had his eyes closed, enjoying the sun shining on his face, warming it from the bitter cold.

“Sorry,” were the only words that spilled from his mouth.

Slowly Minho got up from the cold ground and walked over to the swings and sat down on one. Pushing off the ground the swing began to move back and forth. His eyes followed Taemin as he too got up from the ground and joined him on the swings. He noticed how light Taemin’s hair was, he also missed the length from their Lucifer promotions. Wait, what was he thinking, he couldn’t think those things about Taemin.

“Look, its Minho and Taemin!” both Minho and Taemin looked in the direction the voices came from and saw a group of girls running towards them.

“Here we go,” Minho said and smiled, standing up from the swing before the girls reached them. He didn’t want to take the chance of being pushed off accidently. Taemin also did the same.

After signing everything and taking pictures with the fans, Minho decided it was time to head back to the dorm. Also, he couldn’t ignore the rumbling in his stomach.

“Are you hungry?” Taemin giggled as they both walked side by side.

“A little,” Minho smiled sheepishly.

“Let’s go in there” Taemin pointed to a small, modest looking restaurant.

“I think we should get back to-“

“Come on,” Taemin nudged his side. “We won’t be that long.”

They both stepped inside the restaurant and ordered five Jajangmyeon, the other three were for the other members back at the dorm. Taemin carried two of the dishes, while Minho carried the other three, his mouth was watering. He couldn’t wait to eat the noodles.

Finally back at the dorm, the five boys ate their noodles in silence. Minho couldn’t believe how hungry he was. It seemed that Shinee’s busy schedule was taking a lot out of him. With the noodles gone and his stomach satisfied, he lay down on the ground and closed his eyes. Without even realizing it he had fallen asleep. Somehow he had ended up on the couch and the dorm had become dark, the only light coming from the TV.

“You’re pretty heavy,” Taemin’s voice came from the darkness.

He sat up and saw Taemin curled up on the other end of the couch.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” he asked and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Couldn’t sleep anymore,” Taemin turned down the volume on the TV and turned to look at Minho. “There’s actually something I wanted to tell you hyung.”

Minho stared at Taemin, the glow of the TV made it look like a halo of light surrounded his head. A strange feeling erupted in the pit of his stomach, nothing like anything he has ever felt before.

“I...” Taemin paused, but only for a moment, “like you hyung.”

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