Im Sorry...

I'm No Longer Your Minnie...

Disclaimer: I don't own SHINee... i'm very sad about this fact but anyway... moving on~! :D


Last Year

“HYUNG!” Taemin yelled as I walked in the door and he threw his arms around my neck.
“Oh Minnie! Just give me a sec to take my shoes off.” I laughed prying his hands away.

Giggling, he let go and with the biggest smile ran down the hall. Quickly slipping my sneakers off, I followed the trail of his laughter into the kitchen. Jinki, Kibum and Jonghyun all watched the Maknae amused by a story he started to tell.

“Minho-Hyung. Guess what I found out today?” He smiled brightly at me.
“What’s that Minnie?” I asked, smirking.
“SM is getting a new group of rookies. I’m so excited to meet the Noonas!” He exclaimed.
“That is exciting news.” I replied, petting his hair lovingly.
“Minho-ah!” Kibum slapped my hand away.
“What?” I asked annoyed.
“Don’t pretend you’re innocent.” Kibum pulled a cranky face, pulling Taemin into his arms.
“It’s ok Minnie; Umma will protect you from the erted frog.” Key narrowed his eyes at me and I just shrugged.
“Hyung, hold onto a baby Tae while I kick this frogs’ .” Kibum gave Taemin to Onew and walked over to me cracking his knuckles.
“Ah, Kibum, please think rationally.” I ran from the room as the Almighty Key chased effortlessly after me.



It was a late afternoon and their schedules were clear so they spent the day hanging around the dorm.  Jonghyun had disappeared with Kibum into the kitchen, Onew was eating his chicken quietly on the couch and Taemin was tapping on his laptop. Walking into the room, I sat between the leader and Maknae.

“Minnie, can you please pass me the remote?” I asked.
“Yeah, sure.” Taemin leant over and grabbed the remote from the side table.
“Uh, Hyung?” Taemin asked hesitantly, passing the remote to me.
“What is it Minnie?” I smiled but the Maknae frowned.
“Can you please no longer call me that? I’m growing up now and… I think maybe you should now just call me Taemin.” Taemin said plainly and turned back to his computer.

Jinki, who had been happily eating his chicken, froze and turned to look at the Maknae with a shocked expression. My whole world slowed for a moment and became speechless. What was I supposed to say to this? It was so sudden.

“uh Min- I mean Taemin,” I swallowed the lump in my throat, the word just felt wrong and misplaced, “May I ask why?”
“Like I said. I’m growing up,” He slammed his laptop shut and got up from the couch; “I’m going to go see how long before lunch.”

As soon as he left I turned to look at a stunned Jinki.

“What… What was that?” Jinki questioned.
“I-I don’t know.” I frowned utterly confused until I then peered down at his laptop. Could he have read something that upset him?


Jonghyun was perched on the bench top, legs swingly freely while Kibum stirred a pot of rice.

‘Kibum-Hyung? What’s for lunch?” Taemin stared stoically at the two, eyebrows raised.

Both of the boys’ mouths dropped open and looked at the Maknae.

“What did you just call me?” Kibum asked, wondering if he misheard.
“Kibum-Hyung… That’s your name, isn’t it?” Taemin asked shaking his head.
“Uh, yeah, but Minnie…” Kibum started but was stared down and for the first time in his life, he was legitimately scared of the Maknae.
“Lunch will be ready in about ten minutes.” He whispered.
“Thank you.” Taemin turned around and left the room.
What.. the…hell?” Jonghyun stared at the air space which once occupied Taemin.
“Oh hell no, that is NOT ok. Jonghyun, hold my spoon.” Key gave the wooden spoon to Jonghyun and slipped his apron off. The diva stormed from the room while Jonghyun sat there. What am I supposed to do with this? He thought looking at the pots bubbling on the stove.


I was quietly watching TV when a furious Kibum stepped in front of me.
‘What…did…you…do?” Kibum said very slowly, very purposefully.
“What do you mean?” I asked innocently.
“Don’t play dumb with me Choi Minho! What did you do to my Tae baby?!” He yelled, hands on hips like a crazed mother.
“I didn’t do anything!” I responded.
“Well, it’s your job to fix it!” He stormed off leaving me in my thoughts.

Jinki grabbed the Maknae’s laptop and wiped his greasy fingers on his jeans, opening the lid.

“Jinki-Hyung! I’m appalled, you going through Taemin’s things without permission.” I frowned.
“What? Don’t you want to know what made Taemin upset?” Jinki blushed, typing in the password.

An internet browser popped up and they saw a SHINee fan site loaded with comments.

BabyXOXO!!! Says: Taemin is almost 20, why is he still acting like a child? He really needs to act his age.
SHINeeBias<3 Says: I love Taemin and all, but I’m getting sick of his baby act.
MinhoSmexiness~! Says: Why do they insist on Taemin acting all baby-like? It’s ridiculous and uncalled for.

Damn, no wonder why he is upset. I rose from the couch and walked to Taemin’s room.

“Taemin-ah?” I knocked on the door, waiting for the reply.
“Come in.” His quiet voice sounded on the other side.

Pushing the door open, he was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Taemin, is something wrong?” I asked, closing the door behind me.
“No.” He lied, sitting up.
“Taemin, please tell me.” My eyes met his and I saw nothing but sadness.
“Well, I think because I am turning the age of 20 now, I should really stop with the whole cute Maknae act, it’s not suiting me anymore.” He said plainly, I moved and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Taemin, why is being the Maknae a bad thing?” I questioned.
“It’s not, I just…,” He looked at the ground, “I want to grow up and be like you guys. I’m sorry but I am a man now, I don’t think I can be your Minnie anymore.”
“Please don’t tell me it’s because of what the fans may have said.” I shook my head.
“No, this is a decision I am going with. I’m sorry.” He hung his head.
“It’s your decision, but to me, you’ll always be my Minnie.” I pulled him into a hug. We both stayed silent, adjusting to the situation.
“Thank you Minho-Hyung. I am going to go tell Kibum, Jonghyun and Onew my decision.” He rose from the bed. I nodded, staying quiet as he left the room.

I think that day it broke my heart to hear him say those words. Though he was now going to be treated as an adult, he would always be MY Minnie. Closing my eyes, I thought back to where I met him for the first time:

 “Hello, it’s very nice to meet you. My name is Lee Taemin.” A young boy approached me and bowed. I looked at him stunned, he was beautiful; Thick shiny hair, large round eyes and a smile that could light up a room.
“Uh, my name is Choi Minho.” I smiled charismatically at him. He giggled and said;
“It’s very nice to meet you Minho-Hyung.”
“Yes, Taemin-ah. Nice to meet you too.” I knew from that point on he was going to be someone special, some one important to me.

But now, it seemed he didn’t need me anymore. He had found his feet and finally became a man. My Minnie had finally grown up.


A/N: No matter what i say in this, he will forever be Minnie to me... XD

Ok, i'm sorry it wasn't very good, but i hope you guys enjoyed it anyway. I will be updating my other two stories; "The Things you do for the One You Love" and "I Can Dream Too" in the next two days so keep your eyes peeled for that :) I have only got one more exam for Uni so after that, i will probably be updating faster. Anyway, i am going off track, i hope you all stay safe and well. Love you all xx

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Chapter 1: =) Like it! No! I love the kiddy minnie!